Sunday, August 31, 2008
Nedd For Spedd Most Wanted Mountolása
The following article from No Strength 7.8 2008 election
questions, criticisms, questions and answers
Our participation in past elections has allowed us to get in touch with thousands of workers, students, retirees, housewives and immigrants. For us it was a real "huge crowd". We have collected contributions, consents and make her go forward and also questions, concerns and objections to our line and our project is given in full with our answers on this issue of resistance, with the aim of fostering debate on the tasks of the Communists and the role they can play in intervening in the political struggle by middle-class Communists.
"You talk about breaking and entering, but you are just a few. It is no exaggeration? "Let
raid or not because we want to seem to be many, but to indicate the manner in which the Communists involved in the fight against bourgeois politics: not to make an objection to the extent permitted by the bourgeoisie to the opponents, respectful of the opposition and non-written rules of the theater, the obsequious Agreements and the mess-ups going on behind the curtain liege the "sense of the state". On the contrary, act without regard to denounce plots and maneuvers of the politicians to the detriment of the masses and to throw out the cheat table with which they try to deceive, to promote the mobilization and organization of the masses and raise their consciousness of class to strengthen their struggles and demands, the need to propagate to make Italy a new socialist country. The goal is not to become the "honest" administrators of a system that makes water from all sides, to "work out the status of the owners, but to build up the revolutionary forces.
"Your will also be a raid, but the numbers are what they are and therefore has limited effects in the class struggle in our country" ...
In nature, nothing is born already big. This is true even in revolutionary politics. In addition we are conducting a new course in our country: the 50s is that the Communists do not use the elections to build up the revolutionary forces. The PCI was in Parliament (and also had so many votes), but had become a revisionist party, that had put the tray in order to lead the masses to lead the way down the victory with anti-fascist resistance and became the force to the left of bourgeois forces. Much of those that were for the revolution, as attributed to the fact the degeneration of the PCI to participate in the electoral struggle, came to theorize that the "true revolutionaries" should not participate (reviving theories of Lenin and Gramsci had already fought and defeated) . So in these years to learn to use even the bourgeois political struggle to help fight to make Italy a new socialist country we have not really had to start from scratch, but almost. Now we have a better idea, more scientific, which allows us to "go deeper" in our speech. If we had waited to be "experts" to start, we would have waited forever. The ideas just come from practice and from its budget. And the results will begin to see: 1
- growing our influence where we intervene in the "electoral competition": the 2,000 votes in provincial elections in Massa Carrara is very significant from this point of view, taking into account the electoral collapse of the bourgeois left on a national scale and the small number of militants who have operated;
2 - since we started this process has intensified repressive attacks against us: this shows that the bourgeoisie feared the eruption of the Communists in the "theater".
"Why talk of accumulation of forces, block and then presented their own lists?
Our Party has launched all the communist and progressive forces of our country's call for creation of uniform lists. Most, however, did not accept, because of the principle of abstention ("true revolutionaries do not participate in elections"), of sectarianism, economy ("we must grow up to make lists uniform) and the concept of politicians ("better compete on their own, for maximum visibility ") that still persist in the ranks of the communist movement in our country. Sinistra Critica, for example, has launched an appeal to do lists common: we have publicly accepted the invitation, but they put their heads in the sand. The PCL, however, made it clear that he wanted to compete on its own ... This has created contradictions between the leaders and their militant politicians: the Carrara PCL, for example, has campaigned for the joint list for the People's Bloc. Even in the PRC have created contradictions: Renato Borgioli mate after two decades of militancy came from the provincial directors of Massa Carrara and was candidate in the LC-BP for the province.
essentially to advance the revival of the communist movement is also necessary to develop the struggle against the ideas that hinders development. Call the unit and do not treat the fight, it means not lay the foundation for unity. We are for unity, but not to the lowest level ("join up what we all share"), but by the unity at the highest level ("join up what there is more advanced in terms of design, line, analysis "). The common list for the People's Bloc with which we have participated in elections to reinforce the process of unity and struggle, are a "middle passage" in the construction of lists of the People's Bloc.
"Say that the national leaders of the PCL has not yet broken with the politicians at the same time, however, have suggested to vote for this party policies. It is not a contradiction? "
We have indicated to vote for the PCL because, among the forces that participated in the elections and that somehow refer to communism, is that more has been shown to promote class solidarity against repression and policy front, that unity of action between the Communist forces. For these reasons we just support him. Our support, however, did not hide their differences, rather it was aimed to strengthen the unity and struggle together with an indication of voting for the PCL, we criticized the tendency economy ("the masses must not speak of socialism do not understand") and politicians ("we need to come alone in the elections ") of its national leaders. This has enabled us to strengthen relationships with certain circles of the PC and has made it clear who is really more for the unity of action and who is not, has laid bare the differences and contradictions, in particular with management. Ferrando, for example, had agreed to attend an interview for the magazine Relations Social and then backed out. He had worked, along with Griswold, to mobilize the activists of the PCL for the protest outside a court in Bologna on 13 May and then did not do so. The more the unity in action alongside the fight against the wrong positions, the more you clear the field from the politicians and advances toward the People's Bloc.
"For People's Bloc election wish lists unit composed of communists, liberals and by committees of struggle. The latter, however, not have them involved in the construction of the unitary list, why? "
Objectively, we are still not able to relate with the committees of struggle and true democrats: oscillate between relations with them as if they were communists or the opposite as if they had nothing to do with communism. We still have to overcome to the end sectarianism that we have within us. In the construction of lists we do not have uniform or association involved in progressive struggle committees. During the election campaign, however, we have strengthened existing relationships with some of them (a Mass, for example, with the committee dell'EVAM against the closure, which we have made available our televised self, and with grillini ). The balance of these experiences will enable us to overcome our limitations and move on. Why is it necessary to strengthen the joint work, even in the electoral field, with those bodies. The most advanced among them, as for example by the No Molin, have taken the road of the irruption in the theater of bourgeois politics. Even in the Susa Valley and Plains is gaining momentum this line. Basically there is a growing trend towards the People's Bloc: The problem is to raise the design and working methods of the Communists.
"You say that the situation is positive, but Berlusconi won, the league increased its favor, the people have moved to the right, the left has disappeared from Parliament ..."
While it is true that ' Parliament in the political axis has shifted to the right, it is also true that the electoral collapse of the bourgeois left free those comrades who have the red flag in my heart and fin Here they saw no other way out of that proposed by Bertinotti and company. Now these fellows look around and look for a way to resume the fight for communism. These comrades are the best forces of our country, are the basis of the Red People's Bloc. To join us in the fight for the rebirth of the communist movement in our country it is necessary for socialism to become so conscious of their objective, so you need to do a comprehensive propaganda about socialism. Who errs, as Ferrando and Carara as the Network of Community, is convinced that the advanced elements of the masses are not interested in socialism and that we just talk about anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism and struggles claim. Again, the electoral result of the common list for the People's Bloc is clear.
"But you think that the only propaganda to change the world?"
No, of course. In the propaganda of socialism is necessary to combine the work to make every fight a "school of communism" that turn every fight into an opportunity to strengthen the class consciousness, organization and independence ideology of the masses by the bourgeoisie. It 's why our party is preparing to make a propaganda campaign for socialism and for the construction of People's Committees of Control and Termination of Authority and Public Administration (CPC). Bodies will be made up of students, workers, retirees, housewives, immigrants, unemployed communists and progressives, who develop the popular control over the activity of local government, denouncing the misdeeds and promoting popular mobilization of the masses to defend their rights, to support its claims . So they are not committees of struggle, in the usual sense: they are bodies which, unlike the committees of struggle, focus their activities in the control of government, then nell'irruzione in "theater." These organisms create the conditions for joining the best forces of our country and build the People's Bloc.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
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becomes the protagonist of the popular masses COLLECTED
The previous governments of the center right and center left have drastically worsened the living conditions of the masses (workers, pensioners, youth, women).
The center-right and center left pretend to make war but in fact carry out the same program is
The joint program of the imperialist bourgeoisie (Vatican bankers, gangsters, profiteers of all types). It 's a program of elimination of the rights and well-being conquered by the sacrifice of workers' struggles and partisan resistance.
The bourgeoisie of the left and right driving us into poverty: the purchasing power of wages is always decreasing, the cost of housing (rent and mortgages) prevents the right to housing, the price of basic necessities rises to dizzying pace, job insecurity strangles the perspective of young people and pensions allow for a dignified life for millions of seniors.
Enough! It's time to react!
For years, various Berlusconi, Fini, Prodi, Veltroni, D'Alema, Bertinotti promise recovery and rehabilitation to do, however, get worse.
joining the list, community strengthening and developing the struggles :
We strongly believe and , say that a different world is possible and necessary :
a company directly workers, together to collectively address the needs and the needs .
make Italy a new socialist country!
Election Committee List Communist Modena
Via C. Morone, 13 Modena 329 - 4957878
Duracell Value Charger Instructions
article from "Resistance" No.2-2008
Become protagonist of the rescue of the masses!
We encourage employees, students, men and women, the group mobilized against the joint program of the bourgeoisie to make contact with local branches of our Party or the National Center for help raid in the theater of bourgeois politics.
Building the People's Bloc
Between April and May in various municipalities and provinces of our country will hold their elections. It may also take place at the same time the general election, but in any case with the fall of the Prodi government administrative also be a testing ground for the forces in the field. The middle class will use the campaign to vote for either of his alternative solution to Prodi, this or that of his party, this or that of his "saviors of the country."
For communists, workers and advanced to the left of the masses is an opportunity to reinforce and strengthen the mobilization against the joint program of the bourgeoisie.
This election takes place in a winning situation for accumulating forces to make Italy a new socialist country: the crisis of the bourgeois left and the fall of the Prodi government-D'Alema-Bertinotti (more Epifani) free many of the healthy forces of the masses who until now were linked and influenced in various ways by the parties of the bourgeois left.
These companions are disgusted, they feel betrayed and they look around for a project that conforms to their political will to change society. Some of them are already organizing themselves.
Through the campaign we aim to get in touch with as many of these partners and establish relationships with them and sustained balances and political ties, based on mutual and sincere desire to change Current economic, political and social.
The line that we track to break the next election is: to promote the construction Lists of the People's Bloc (BP), involving committees of struggle, the sections of the PRC and PdCI dissidents, the comrades who have come here, the true democrats.
The platform we propose that these forces to build lists BP is: no ifs, ands or buts support the rights of the masses to fight for and win new ones, using the elections to strengthen the struggles in the streets and places work.
The experience of the common list in Quarto (NA) in 2007 shows concrete results that can be achieved and the prospects opened up, the struggles against the waste of these months are evidence.
Our Party will participate in municipal elections in Viareggio, Massa, Campi Bisenzio (FI), Privett (LT), Policoro (MT) and provincial elections in Massa Carrara and Rome by encouraging the construction of lists of the People's Bloc (BP). It 'may not be able to achieve the target BP to present lists (this depends on how we will tie into the process of other committees, clubs, sections dissidents, collective and individual basis), in this case we will create with the forces already available , joint lists for the People's Bloc (LC-BP).
The LC-BP formations are composed of those forces which arise already objective of making Italy a new socialist country, or that already sympathetic to this view, and still struggle committees or associations and progressive organizations.
The LC for the BP have an intermediate step in the process of building lists BP. They represent what we are now able to aggregate in the construction of lists BP and push forward the process of unity and struggle of the masses in advancing the process of construction of the BP. It lets you make new steps forward, both because they promote a common approach among the masses, either because they actually show the masses that you can also organize the electoral terrain independently from the bourgeois parties, and because it allows us to put the school of the masses and to improve the design and practice of the irruption in the theater of bourgeois politics.
Transform at each election to break into the theater of bourgeois politics and lay siege to the hosts from inside their buildings, as well as in the streets!