Thursday, September 17, 2009

Which Is The Best Epilator?

Efficiency or Deficiency? Nuclear


Budget 2008 National Electrical

First, there is nothing new, brace yourselves, in 2008 appeared for the first time the "Photovoltaic" between the activities of production. Nothing dramatic, we are talking about 0.1% of the total. We say that is a microconquista for this new sector, will hopefully become a lucky year, type the first nickel of Uncle Scrooge.
Then a careful look should be directed to factor the economic crisis. As one can easily see the total final consumption remained substantially the same as a year away (from 318.9 to 319 TWh), would be a positive signal, reversed, except that we must take account of the crisis. In fact looking at sectors of consumption is not surprising that there has been a sharp decline (approximately 4.5 TWh in industrial consumption), a sign of the crisis, yet they are simultaneously increased consumption in the domestic and tertiary sectors.
These last two items seem to travel so independently from the factors of economic growth, but not only have a positive sign even when the economy has a negative sign!
Lifestyles and consumption do not change and do not improve by the mere effect of the economic downturn, the natural trend of increase (+ 2% of the household and + 3% of consumption in the tertiary sector), we will quickly have to build new power plants Just think that made 100 the year 2007, and maintaining this rate of growth in 2030 would + 57.7% + of households and 97.4% of consumption in the tertiary sector!
least 120 TWh of energy from having to provide more, and at that point would not even be satisfied with the four new nuclear plants the government wants to build in Italy. As if to say that building four nuclear power plants by 2030 will not be enough to fill even one third of the increase consumption (not to think of any economic recovery with a growth rate of power consumption even more).
Only a fool would not understand that we must then put his hand in policies to these areas if we want to truly achieve the goal of reducing energy consumption of the package 20-20-20, and even more serious if we want to be in the national energy policy.

Must You Be Bonded And Insured In Ontario

: need more information or disinformation?


Sergio Zabot

Speaking in Milan, during the first meeting of the "Energy Dialogue", organized by the House Energy A2A, Chicco Testa has complained about the lack of information professionals on energy issues, particularly with regard to nuclear power, which hampers rational public debate and widespread. So far nothing unusual, the argument can be shared and you can discuss it. But then head went further and emphasized the need to rely on an emotional pro-nuclear that exploits the fears of climate change and energy security. As ask reporters to deceive readers because the end justifies the means ...

head accuses environmentalists oppose the contradiction of a source of electricity in large quantities which does not generate CO 2 , and the political world and the general public, however, the contradiction to bind the survival of the production system and the Italian way of life to people as unreliable Libyan leader Gaddafi and situations not directly controllable as Russia-Ukraine relationship.

Well, our humanist Hegel ignores, or rather hide the fact that to produce 40 tonnes of uranium a year that are used to power a 1,600-megawatt reactor, EPR, like the ones you want to build in Italy, we must start by something like 8 million tons of rock, equivalent to the pyramid of Cheops, which must first be extracted, minced, then diluted with 1.4 million cubic meters of water and 22 thousand tons of sulfuric acid, to get to the end of 350 tons of yellowcake , an oxide containing 0.7% fissionable uranium, plus the equivalent, in fact, a pyramid of Cheops of waste per year.

Then quest'uranio must be enriched to increase the fissile part, that is uranium 235, at least 3.5%. The enrichment achieved by centrifugation turning uranium into gas, uranium hexafluoride. To do this, are 370 tons of fluorine gas is very light, highly volatile, and at the end of the process is highly radioactive, could not be disposed of and that includes managing very expensive.

Finally you get 40 tons of uranium fuel in the form of uranium dioxide, as well as 250 tons of depleted uranium, then not so poor is, since it still contains 0.3% of fissile uranium, and radioactive.

In conclusion, to operate an EPR for a year consumes energy equivalent to 190 thousand tons of oil by the emission of tons of CO 670mila 2 .

Poor thing, since this corresponds to only 56grammi CO 2 per kWh to be produced. However, if we consider that the construction of the plant is responsible for issuing other 12grammi CO 2 per kilowatt hour and that the waste management involves a "debt" estimated at between 30 and 65grammi CO 2 per kilowatt hour, we arrive at a figure somewhere between 96 and 134grammi CO 2 per kilowatt-hour that will be produced by nuclear power plant, about one third of emissions of a combined cycle gas.

But the free ride lasts until the availability of hard mineral with relatively high concentrations of uranium. As the purity of the uranium ore will fall, it will take more energy to extract uranium and fossil CO 2 inevitably come to equal the emissions of a gas plant.

As for the fears of energy security, this is one of the strongest ideological pressures and media made of the need to convince the Italians nuclear energy: the oil comes mainly from Arab countries, the gas from Russia of Putin and Gaddafi's Libya, all countries which are politically unreliable, not to mention Venezuela's Chavez and Bolivia's Morales, who nationalized the oil industries and gas.

Well, few people know that on a global annual demand of about 70 thousand tons of uranium, only 20 thousand tonnes, up 28%, come from countries 'stable', such as Australia, Canada , USA. Other 20 thousand tons come from Kazakhstan, Russia, Niger, Namibia and Uzbekistan, countries not particularly stable. " Finally, 30 thousand tons necessary to balance the needs of nuclear reactors come from the Russians in dismantling nuclear arsenals. Now, dear Chicco, because Putin would be unreliable when it sells the gas and become reliable when it gives us the uranium?

Another workhorse of the proponents of nuclear power in France is that electricity costs less because it has nuclear weapons. In fact the conditions that led France to become a nuclear power are the result of the policy of General de Gaulle to create, in the cold war, a French-led European nuclear pole.

The French civil nuclear power was born in symbiosis with nuclear weapons, to share the enormous costs to produce uranium for enrichment and especially the so-called "weapon grade". The French military and civil effort was impressive and most of the costs, research and development to the treatment of spent fuel have never been in the cost of kilowatt hours that citizens are charged in price, but they are well hidden fees, which the French pay. Do not forget that EDF, the electricity company that operates nuclear power plants is a state and that the military arsenals and enrichment plants and reprocessing are state-owned uranium.

The French experience is unique, especially in a liberalized market where the costs should be transparent and industrial activities have to compete on the market. On the other hand just read the reports of the French Court of Accounts to be aware of the serious omissions and the absolute lack of transparency found in the nuclear sector and in particular in the "decommissioning", stigmatized by the French courts regularly in their reports.

In an article published on Energy Daily June 4, Goofy Ranci, former president of the Energy, says that France maintains administrative fee for all the little people, household and commercial and these rates are low so as to form a powerful barrier against ' entry of competitors and that are economically sustainable as long as EdF can use the energy produced exclusively from old nuclear power plants already written off, and for which it is believed there was an implicit government subsidy at least for the costs of research, development and engineering. And I would add to the reprocessing of spent fuel that is the responsibility of the military and for decommissioning, as EdF, according to the complaint, the Court of Auditors, which should not set aside the money.

Now it is undeniable that the success of the 1987 referendum has been determined by emotions caused the Chernobyl disaster. But Italy's exit from nuclear power has not been determined only by emotions, but also by specific political calculations even ideological.

is worth to mention the fact that the referendum questions were intended to abolish key regulations on the location of nuclear power plants and contributions to Municipalities and regions with nuclear power plants, which would have made it impossible to find a town willing to host on its territory a nuclear facility or a deposit of radioactive waste.

It 'also important to remember, at that time as the DC and the PCI were strongly opposed to the questions proposed by the Radical Party, the Liberal Party and the Socialist Party. The first strategy adopted by the Government of that time against the referendum was that the early dissolution of the stalemate that had occurred in the relationship between DC and the PSI: the protagonist was Ciriaco De Mita, who decided early elections to break the convergence of those months between secular parties and particularly between Craxi and panels.

After the elections, the appointment before the referendum, the DC and PCI, initially hostile to the questions, is in favor of "yes". This sudden change of course of the two major parties derived from the political implications that could lead to an eventual defeat of the formation of the "no" centered on the axis DC and PCI, as opposed to a secular-progressive camp consists of Radicals and Socialists.

The reinterpretation of this period demonstrates that the result of the referendum of 1987, as well as being the result of emotions was especially son of ideology. E 'and then correct to say that that choice was emotional and ideological.

What is less obvious is that even now the return of Italy in the nuclear wave is due to an equally emotional even ideological, expertly piloted by a government that mystifies the facts and stimulates most ancestral fears of the citizens.

Now, compared to 1987, the situation was reversed: the emotions of that time, even if motivated by a strong concern about the possible health and environmental consequences of radioactive fallout, the return to the nuclear dispute on a rational basis and supporters of nuclear begging now, the return on the emotional and ideological bases, such as fear of the increase the cost of oil, the unreliability of natural gas producing countries, the fatality of a development that will lead us to an ever-increasing consumption of energy, the inevitability that to preserve our planet and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we must choose the lesser evil. Perhaps Chicco Testa did not realize that his dream is a reality and now claims that the "professionals" furthering his lies relying on emotion in favor of the people. We know another who has similar delusions ... but that's another story.

The truth is that energy efficiency and renewables are in strong competition with nuclear and nuclear supporters blatantly lie when they say that there is no competition between nuclear and energy efficiency . This divergence is likely to increase for two reasons.

First, all energy technologies distributed, including energy-saving technologies are surely destined to become less expensive because of the large production volumes and continuous improvements that allow you to churn out ever more new products "more saving" of the above. This is not the case for centralized systems and especially for nuclear plants that historically tend to cost more and more, in contrast with the so-called "learning curves of technology." On the other hand the design of a nuclear component until it is achieved by passing so many years, even when you invent new products and technologies, can not be used immediately and must wait entering into a new production chain.

In second order, the market is beginning to recognize the benefits achievable by the distributed technologies, both in terms of profits, both for the high relapse that this implies on employment levels in local level. Energy conservation, distributed generation and renewable sources of electricity in particular, are beginning to show their explosive power to break through barriers that until recently seemed impenetrable, drastically reducing costs and improving performance. Only in cogeneration plants in Italy you are installing hundreds of units per year 4 thousand megawatts of power for a year. They are also emerging new classes of technologies, some still immature as solar thermal or hydrogen-powered fuel cells that are destined to revolutionize the transportation market.

Terna forecasts on the evolution of electricity demand in Italy, updated in November 2008, show, in a scenario called "development", ie without the implementation of this potential energy, 415 billion kilowatt hours in electricity needs and the needs 74 thousand megawatts of power at 2018.

Now, without going into details of what impact the economic collapse underway on final consumption and shifting to a first approximation to the needs indicated by Terna 2020 to 2018, the goals of the package 20-20-20 "mean that for 2020 there is a reduction of final consumption of about 80 billion kilowatt hours and a further 70 billion kilowatt hours are produced from renewable sources. The need to supplement conventional sources, is reduced to 265 billion kilowatt hours of electricity and less than 60 thousand megawatts of conventional thermal power, 30% lower than the electricity requirements of 2009 (350 billion kilowatt-hours) and 22% less than the gross thermal power is currently installed (73,300 megawatts).

At this point someone has to explain where there is space to build 4-5 nuclear power plants that would produce 60 billion kilowatt hours of electricity per year, as requested by Fulvio Conti, CEO Enel, when already in 2020, implementing the package 20-20-20 "risk a surplus of between 20% and 30%.

What is worrying is that our Government, instead of strengthening the very support for energy efficiency and renewables, is the Faustian pact between industry lobbyists and financial contracts promising to build a billion dollar nuclear industry is extremely risky and expensive, guaranteed by the state, and with taxpayers' money.

In fact, the government slows down the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, real clean alternatives, to make room for the interests of the nuclear lobby and these funds will be diverted to the deployment of a and sustainable development, territorial, that only the energy efficiency and renewable energy sources can produce true.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

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were identified sites for the nuclear Italian adventure?

The ten sites for adventure nuclear
Anna Pacilli [September 11, 2009]

Monfalcone [Gorizia], Scanzano Jonico [matter], Palm [Agrigento ], Oristano, Chioggia [Venice] Caorso [Piacenza], Trino Vercellese [Vercelli], Montalto di Castro [Rome], Termini Imerese [Palermo] Termoli [Campobasso]. These sites would be identified by the government to build nuclear power plants.

E 'today's news that the Government had identified ten areas for the construction of nuclear power plants in Italy. The list, reported by Metro, including: Monfalcone [Gorizia], Scanzano Jonico [matter], Palm [Agrigento], Oristano, Chioggia [Venice] Caorso [Piacenza], Trino Vercellese [Vercelli], Montalto di Castro [Rome] Termini Imerese [Palermo] Termoli [Campobasso]. The document reserved for the Ministry of Economic Development, the source of information, also referred to as the main criteria for selecting sites close to the sea and a power plant.
Ten sites to choose the most 'suitable' to achieve the four stations mentioned for some time the Minister of Economic Development, Claudio Scajola, or a higher number? The question is legitimate, at least on paper, because the four stations have already been announced, the group contracted Enel - Edf [Electricité de France], with French technology. But the minister is planning a trip to the United States, on 28 September to sign the agreement and industrial to produce nuclear energy agreement in May, at the G8 Energy in Rome. Includes the formation of the consortium between Ansaldo and society US-Japan Toshiba-Westinghouse to build nuclear power plants in Italy. Ansaldo denied, but confirmed to be in play in the Italian game of nuclear power. Edison, for its part, protested at being excluded so far. Then, still on paper, could be central not only four, plus the unique site for the storage of all radioactive? However, according to announcements by Scajola, would be used on both the French EPR technology is the direct U.S. competitor, Westinghouse. But both third-generation technology that is the old, dangerous and expensive, which continues to produce waste that no country is able to treat or to permanently store safely. The latest third-generation plants produced in the West date back to the 80s, while in the next 90 years they have built only in Japan and Korea. Then simply because nobody wants them anymore. Except a few countries of the South. For the fourth generation reactors, potentially safer, have to wait at least another twenty years.
And there is already excitement in the territories, from Scansano Jonico [matter], where the previous Berlusconi government had announced the construction of the site only for the storage of radioactive Italian provoking the popular revolt and the complete reverse of the then Environment Minister Matteoli. There noscorie committees have never stopped working. Not sure they will be looking at the populations and local governments and Trino Caorso Vercelli, who can not live with most of the old nuclear power stations close, but not dull nor dismantled, become storage depots of waste produced during their short activity.
Neither will be easy to convince Monfalcone, freshly and regasification terminal where the battle against the "application" Atomic expressed themselves environmentalists, politicians and citizens. In short, if you really had to go by words to action, it would be easy for the local government to accept these decisions, taken to more authoritarian ways and maybe supported by military force.
Among the many announcements and rumors, however, remains a crucial question: who is investing billions of euro in a game at a loss as it is, certainly, that of the central third generation? The doubt is that the only money promised are public ones, whereas the group Finmeccanica Ansaldo, for more than 30 percent owned by the ministry of economic development, and that 30 percent of Enel is public. Not the case more vigorously to stop the nuclear ambitions has arrived Scajola economy by his colleague, Giulio Tremonti.