Saturday, September 12, 2009

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were identified sites for the nuclear Italian adventure?

The ten sites for adventure nuclear
Anna Pacilli [September 11, 2009]

Monfalcone [Gorizia], Scanzano Jonico [matter], Palm [Agrigento ], Oristano, Chioggia [Venice] Caorso [Piacenza], Trino Vercellese [Vercelli], Montalto di Castro [Rome], Termini Imerese [Palermo] Termoli [Campobasso]. These sites would be identified by the government to build nuclear power plants.

E 'today's news that the Government had identified ten areas for the construction of nuclear power plants in Italy. The list, reported by Metro, including: Monfalcone [Gorizia], Scanzano Jonico [matter], Palm [Agrigento], Oristano, Chioggia [Venice] Caorso [Piacenza], Trino Vercellese [Vercelli], Montalto di Castro [Rome] Termini Imerese [Palermo] Termoli [Campobasso]. The document reserved for the Ministry of Economic Development, the source of information, also referred to as the main criteria for selecting sites close to the sea and a power plant.
Ten sites to choose the most 'suitable' to achieve the four stations mentioned for some time the Minister of Economic Development, Claudio Scajola, or a higher number? The question is legitimate, at least on paper, because the four stations have already been announced, the group contracted Enel - Edf [Electricité de France], with French technology. But the minister is planning a trip to the United States, on 28 September to sign the agreement and industrial to produce nuclear energy agreement in May, at the G8 Energy in Rome. Includes the formation of the consortium between Ansaldo and society US-Japan Toshiba-Westinghouse to build nuclear power plants in Italy. Ansaldo denied, but confirmed to be in play in the Italian game of nuclear power. Edison, for its part, protested at being excluded so far. Then, still on paper, could be central not only four, plus the unique site for the storage of all radioactive? However, according to announcements by Scajola, would be used on both the French EPR technology is the direct U.S. competitor, Westinghouse. But both third-generation technology that is the old, dangerous and expensive, which continues to produce waste that no country is able to treat or to permanently store safely. The latest third-generation plants produced in the West date back to the 80s, while in the next 90 years they have built only in Japan and Korea. Then simply because nobody wants them anymore. Except a few countries of the South. For the fourth generation reactors, potentially safer, have to wait at least another twenty years.
And there is already excitement in the territories, from Scansano Jonico [matter], where the previous Berlusconi government had announced the construction of the site only for the storage of radioactive Italian provoking the popular revolt and the complete reverse of the then Environment Minister Matteoli. There noscorie committees have never stopped working. Not sure they will be looking at the populations and local governments and Trino Caorso Vercelli, who can not live with most of the old nuclear power stations close, but not dull nor dismantled, become storage depots of waste produced during their short activity.
Neither will be easy to convince Monfalcone, freshly and regasification terminal where the battle against the "application" Atomic expressed themselves environmentalists, politicians and citizens. In short, if you really had to go by words to action, it would be easy for the local government to accept these decisions, taken to more authoritarian ways and maybe supported by military force.
Among the many announcements and rumors, however, remains a crucial question: who is investing billions of euro in a game at a loss as it is, certainly, that of the central third generation? The doubt is that the only money promised are public ones, whereas the group Finmeccanica Ansaldo, for more than 30 percent owned by the ministry of economic development, and that 30 percent of Enel is public. Not the case more vigorously to stop the nuclear ambitions has arrived Scajola economy by his colleague, Giulio Tremonti.


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