Monday, January 25, 2010

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THE rejection of mouth and Buridan's ass if the veil


There 's been like everyone (except D'Alema) they expected. Vendola happens triumphantly to himself. He does so to great acclaim with a Bulgarian majority. 73% of the votes with which the outgoing governor of Puglia wins the primaries against Dalem Boccia, it is more enlightening. For a variety of reasons, some of which are working against a politically correct assessment of the PD and the future of the Italian center-left. Or if you prefer the left-center: the reversal of the terms does not seem significant or the presence or absence of the hyphen. First, it confirms

, pace the critics, that the system of primaries, in addition to being powerful tool of democracy inside, it really works. The second nomination of Vendola is proof beyond doubt. Although, obviously, the outcome of the electoral March, in Puglia, is far from obvious.

Then because the results come out of the "polls" clarify once and for all that, once again, Massimo D'Alema has taken a decision that the results, only those that count in a competition of any kind, have been shown to be completely wrong . On the merits, because the "political figure" in the context of primary Vendola was, for those unwilling to stubbornly close both eyes, absolutely unassailable. In the method, because scriteriatamente fight openly and against an opponent (this is D'Alema Vendola even if the litigant was formally Boccia) under clear numerical inferiority and, above politics, is always a serious mistake. Often give up the fight (not to fight) is a sign of good sense, foresight and awareness of its limitations. Who does not know to do is doomed to defeat. Land, the latter, whose dust pidiessino the "king of Apulia, and experienced great losers, knows quite well since the ancient times of the unfortunate experience bicameralism. To this he said: "The large victory Vendola confirms the link of the President of our region with much of the electorate of the center, including the voters of the Democratic Party.'' C'est à say that I admire less the intelligence Policy d'Alema that his intelligence. But maybe I missed something.

Tertium, but not least, the facts of Puglia once again bring out the structural problems of a political force (called the Democratic Party "party" is reckless pursuit of accuracy and nostalgia onomastics), completely and perhaps permanently tethered in an inextricable network of opposing powers, juxtapositions of intestine, and counter-thrusts intended to render impossible any policy of alliances, any agriculture policies tout court and ungovernable the "political entity". That is to say almost the entire left. Politics is, mutatis mutandis, as a permanent state of war. Each of the strategies, tactics, troops, army, officers. Even alliances, of course. But D'Alema, contrary to what Stalin did to the Pope, he had never asked how many divisions Vendola? A team (political or military) in whose core thrive too many colonels, generals and chiefs of staff, sooner or later falls into paralysis. And ridiculous. About the divisions would not be appropriate to talk seriously even those present (in the arithmetic sense) in the Democratic Party?

weighs on everything, finally, the problem alliances, which apparently is just another issue since the abandonment of Vendola by mouth and, ultimately, a matter of choice of companions. Just as the decision to establish alliances with the occasional Casini's UDC (and walk) but also of Salvatore Cuffaro, who was sentenced in recent days to seven years on appeal for having fostered a mob boss. Will, once again, Senator udc indigestion of cannoli to celebrate the conviction as if it were an absolution? To point out the not insignificant fact that the Court of Appeal of Palermo has reformed the decision at first instance, bringing condemnation from 5 to 7 years.

Actually, it was, that of Pd, a miopissima improvident and choice than ever. You can not clamor for the moralization of public life, the expulsion from the electoral lists of all offenders, strict reporting of collusion between crime and politics, only to come to terms, even locally, with a party in whose ranks Cuffaro , former governor of Sicily, he still holds an important role.

But, one could argue, even in the presumption of innocence of the policy is valid until the final ruling. Very true. But we're talking, of course, policy in this sphere and the much-invoked reasons of expediency, if you do not want to disturb values \u200b\u200bsuch as honesty and moral rectitude, must be kept in very large account. This, in the case of electoral alliances with the UDC, the Democratic Party has not done so. We are companions of snacks to a "presumed" (prudence is never enough: there is still a degree of trial) abetting the Mafia. For the bargain the Local Casino continues to defend Cuffaro and "put his hand on fire" (to quote sensum).

The UDC secretary remembers Porsenna. We also invite his companion to the Bersani browse Wikipedia to refresh your memory on the gesture (quite conscious, in that case) lucumone of Chiusi, which is between history and legend, but that could turn into a very current political news story.

Meanwhile Umbria in the game to the massacre inside the Democratic Party is likely to recur. former treasurer of the party Bersani, Mauro Agostini, still clinging to her candidacy in the event of primary, as opposed to the outgoing governor Rita Lorenzetti. To save both ways are thought to mediate with the regional secretary pd Lanfranco Bottini. What will the Democratic Party? Remember Buridan's ass which starved to death for not being able to decide between two, from which bale of hay to eat? There. In Umbria, the situation is even more complicated because the "ball" are three. Eventuality that even Leibniz, treating the problem of causal determinism in the "S agios of theodicy" , had taken into account. Do you really need me to tell you how it will end?


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