Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Guys Stare Boobs Indian



all began several thousand years ago. Golding knows. That is the title of his most famous novel reflects the archaic expression zebub Baal, the lord of the flies, literally, with this expression quoted in the book of Kings ( "Go and questioned zebub-Baal, the god of Ekron ..." 2, 1-2). We are talking about Satan, in short, the Adversary, the Accuser, deity of Phoenician origin with the name of Baal, and worshiped by the Canaanites later called by Christ "prince of this world." Long is the theory of the names of Baal-zebub. devil "who divides " to Lucifer "light bearer" . Disturbing the fact that the other carrier or maker of light is the merciful God of the Bible whose lufiferente attribute matches the characteristics of the adversary.

The story of the babies and children thrown on a coral island completely deserted due to a plane crash, appears marked out from the front cover of a sulfurous stench.

Here, warns Golding, as we were. And as we are still hopelessly bound to our obscure origins. We come from a cruel and ruthless roots that sink in a dark and muddy surface. There, smack in the book of Golding, a cry of alarm screamed loudly Davalos in the eyes of the contemporary world (the novel was released in 1954). An urgent invitation to reflect, to stop just for a few moments to look around us. Within us. Nothing has changed though. Those children condemned by the case of a forced cohabitation, they walk back in a short time, without the slightest deviation, the same route taken by humanity in the course of evolution lasting many hundreds of thousands of years. A path paved with violence. With the same, tragic outcomes. As then the only hope of survival for the Man-child is the acceptance of certain rules of coexistence, if not entirely peaceful, at least Armistice. Rules that totemizzano object symbol of power. First, in the shell-scepter. Then, in full frenzy, the pig's head eaten by flies. Baal-zebub is already present.

The story takes the children on the island to move from the discovery of large shell which Ralph steals. The instinct, the same that will guide the action of the group, said that the salvation of society lies in that tiny instrument that is both trump, cymbal war, bell assembly, even primordial salvation.

"Where is the man with the megaphone?" . The first question indicate precisely the symbol of authority, which can save from the chaos of all against all by establishing a hierarchy that laying hold a kind of solidarity, however, forced the group for a short time to become horde. It does not matter who contests. Count the normativity of the instrument almost immediately becomes something else. "Where is the man with the trumpet?" calls Jack on the beach with other guys attracted by the sound of the imperious "shining fang."

regression, a return to the roots is already in place: the human voice transmitted from the 'funnel' transforms the archaic and mysterious power of pure sound and immediately presents the antagonist. It 'clear. Will he, Jack, with tragic results to topple the authority of the "tusk" which Ralph will cling desperately to the last. It 's the plump Piggy to ask the first question. And 'only spent a few minutes, but already the object takes on the features of the authoritative scepter. Piggy tries the law of the adults comfortably so far has always guided and reassured. Want a rule to hold on. He wants to put the trumpet loud fleeing ghosts of loneliness and abandonment, the evil elves of the forest.

And here's the shell. Ralph finds it and keeps it close. To rally the survivors with the voice of the eternal sea. The story begins here and ends here.

We already know what is going on, row after row, under a sky of crystal blue. Pending the outcome of the tragic human sacrifice perpetrated by primates and wanted children in the name of "Golden Bough" snatched from the hands of a small king-of-the-shell. A king, traits Nemi, who must die. The Lord of the Flies takes a toll of blood . "Get him! Kill it! Scannatelo " Simone is only wrong to have revealed the true nature of the beast, his human side, his earthly soul and psyche. Therefore, he must die for having shed light on the mystery, revealing a truth guilty of unspeakable and unmentionable. Every revelation, all knowledge, from Adam to Christ, always involves a sacrifice. The beast is in our mind and we need to accept and justify an ancient sin, a sin ever committed. The man, our "humanity", has died already from the prologue.

The happy (happy?) Order does not affect the sense of unsettling parable that describes a kind of "Apocalypse Now" ahead of its time, full of echoes Frazer. "Horror, horror ..." murmurs the reader with an adequate expression of disgust with Brando's Kurtz, who is about to be killed by the "new king" as the camera guided by the hand of Coppola, a few seconds before the sacrifice, with a slow and apparently careless movement, frames an old book left on a table: "The Golden Bough" .

At the end of the writings of Golding's boys are saved. This lack of "only" two: the plump and effeminate Piggy "fallen on the ground", and little Simon, the sacrifice of the beast. Everything becomes clear in "sacred wood of Nemi" . Everything happens because it always has to happen.


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