FORECAST FOR Tuesday, April 27, 2010 | |
Precipitation: diffuse light to moderate. More intense in the first part of the day and exhausted by late morning, except on the Alps and Alpine foothills where there is still the possibility of isolated rain squalls in the afternoon. In the early hours of the day until the morning and thunderstorms likely in very plain on the western foothills and mountain areas. Snow above 2000 meters.
Temperatures: slight decrease in minimum and maximum. In plain minimum between 11 and 13 ° C, especially between 19 and 21 ° C.
Freezing: initially around 2400 meters, rising up to 2700 meters in the evening.
Winds: in lowland weak to moderate easterly in the mountains weak to moderate and tend to rotate disporsi from the north in the evening.
weather report taken from: http://www.arpalombardia.it/meteo/bollettini
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