Thursday, August 12, 2010

Advantage Of Closed Tank Purge Dip System

Horn Adam Adamello turquoise

brother and I, on the ledge of arrival ... "great stuff"

Andrea, legendary companion of companies, this week of hard work ...

Mauri, the last to join the company, but not its contribution to the expedition was less important ...
Paul at the opening of the beautiful first pitch ...

Finally, imposing the Horn Adam, via the magnificent natural backdrop.

Considerations in a forgotten valley, especially climbers today, rises majestically above us this huge granite massif, composed by Adam Horn, smaller peak and the summit of Mount smoke and, in past ages, around the 90 'the valley had its heyday, with opening of new routes and discoveries of new routes, to return shortly after, back to the state of utter neglect and abandonment.
with great interest the most, but personally especially joy, last year a shipment of "foreigners" (locals like to call out the people who come from outside) have rediscovered the valley and gave birth to two beautiful routes: the Adamello turquoise reflections "for the note and" Ballad of granite forgotten "in this case Paul Amadio and Marco Degiovanni which are my warmest congratulations for their work on the Adamello turquoise.
Unfortunately, I have a criticism to be moved to the discoverers: the way is quite difficult to get and signaled bad, especially the "start", but then the rock is so beautiful and so well done nailing make you forget the hour walk search attack.
The road has a total length of 250m, 5 shots on the rock very compact and beautiful, every shot is morphologically perfect, or almost always looking for weak points in the climb, but never overdo it with the easy, too hard to do.
nailing, all mixed to fix the 10 and 8, is a textbook, without a gym, but even a psychological ordeal fiondoni kilometers of climbing a sheer delight in a constant and continuous.

Congratulations again ... even if I am definitely not as good as "the ballad of granite forgotten."



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