Friday, February 13, 2009

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240px-Job-Blake U na interesting series of objections included as a comment from Loris to my reading of "The Old Man and the Sea" I believe requires a detailed answer since of topics that seem of great interest. Thank you Lori for the effective consideration and clarification. But I believe that some issues require clarification. Claims, Loris, not to see the defeat in the history of Santiago, but the epilogue "of a human life meant to a slow depletion of the difficulties of old age and loneliness." I completely agree with the quotation marks part of the statement. Disagree with the conclusions. Simply stress that so accurately describes its defeat. Not by chance at the end Loris decides to "simplify" a reference, I think inevitably, to a theistic religious interpretations of the problem. It 'just the point. Without someone to thank or curse, not a "court" from which any resulting final sentence (I speak of life and its inevitable end), every path, every step, every human action is a defeat because it lacks meaning. Santiago and all of us with him, is a loser. Because he suffered, not knowing the source of his / our suffering, because they accept everything, even life and death, convinced "born for this." If we are not here, in the presence of a sacred vision or if you prefer religious life and death, then I must admit that I have read another book.

I the pessimism of the last Lucretius Hemingway is almost clear. If there is a "After" also eternally rewarding, lived and suffered pain in the world can still be eliminated. What has happened has happened. No eternal reward, not the glorious light of God can undo even the slightest pain endured in this life. Santiago is totally defeated. And because, in theistic perspective or, as Loris, religion, life, pain and death depend on something else. Whether one accepts an interpretation of the world that gives total jurisdiction man over his own destiny. If there is an impartial referee , an eternal loving father or a cruel despot, not so powerful. Not even know if there really is a higher instance impartial trial. Job was convinced of the contrary: "nor is there an arbitrator between the two of us that puts his hand on us' (9.32) or, as Catholics call it, a merciful Father, as Lori says, " is changed to collect the two creatures that have gained in their lives, dealing with the last battle, equal dignity ".

S acral of violence and death. But without choice there is no dignity or sacredness. Santiago, the marlin and Santiago and the marlin all over the world can really choose? Who chose to be born? Job, yet he, with very human distress cries "... Not a fire lit by human consumption ..." (20, 26). We can, says Hemingway, is to choose when and how to die. And so, accordingly, it was.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Skates With Best Protection


"He feteva"

"Who him?"

"The interferon," he murmured

"The interferon? The interferon? The interferon? "

Stefano d'Arrigo" Horcynus orca "

P overo, small Santiago. In its own way is a hero. But not real ones. Of those, so to speak, who fought under the walls of Troy sculpted by the sun, who died at Thermopylae, which took off at Salamis or in the waters of Carthage. It is not even one of those ancient heroes and huge sea that accompanied Jason Pirithous or to cleave the furrows of the sky poseidonia unknown. For him there is a remote but rewarding Colchis. Poor, little or no crown Odysseus Penelope, Ithaca or without God's protection. He, old, weak, tired, indomitable Santiago believes in one god. A god to whom it is forbidden to pronounce the name: Joe. And even the surname: May. And 'the numinous gods of the baseball diamond stages to keep him company in the pages of a newspaper covered with wrinkles like the skin of his old fisherman. Poor little Ahab without Leviathan. The great captain lame fighting for the glory and history. He died in battle, raving, shiny symbol of our sins and the devil who works there. But at least, for once at least, David is dead along with Goliath. Jonah, like Samson, he destroyed himself and the Leviathan who had swallowed.

P as I say and think Santiago, "Man is not made for defeat. You can kill a man but not defeat it. " The old fisherman is a tiny, huge unfortunate hero. A glorious Hector, who knows no death. There is an Achilles tear in the viscera with blade invincible. His injuries are burns inflicted by the simple teeth to rope and woven with rough hemp rope. The monster did not kill at the end of a titanic clash. Simply put, the "brother fish" bait and is captured, certainly not without a fight for long. But Moby Dick, whose numinous light White will be reflected on for ever Ahab, belongs to another universe, the empyrean of Heroes.

S anti-aging, after 84 days of desperate empty, useless lapping of never taut lines, hooks and nets thrown in vain for him to tear the breast stingy Teti, warns the echo near the end. Manolo Solo, the young Manolo, the neighbors, he loves him, he suffers with his aging impotence. He learned to fish from the old. But above all he has learned and assimilated the style of a life of honesty, hard work, danger and love. Absorbed by apprentice the secrets of fishing along with those of frugal living in Santiago. A modest living that shakes every day in view of the Caribbean coast.

M to now is different. This trip, this poor fishing and hunting, this single combat that vie for blue immensity, Santiago want to fight it alone. The guy has to build a future that is now old and unfortunate fisherman no longer able to tell it. But Santiago knows, bad luck does not exist. There is only one inevitable old age, a slow and irreversible decline soon softened by memories of crumpled paper that you replace with increasing frequency to reality. And if it exists, fortunately, it is as if he were facing an enemy, a brother or fish. Although the energies are now dormant. So "inside, more inside, where the sea is the sea." The orcaferone is transformed here into a giant marlin, swordfish by the huge dorsal fin. Santiago part only. To win. To live. To return to his cabin.

L in Hemingway's prose is rough and basic, unfolds as sharp as the thin black line for three days between the intense blue of the old over the head from cobalt blue that is under the boat. Two skies, in fact, contend the man. A heavenly paradise and far suggests that the fisherman every slightest movement of the bar, which indicates the road with the sun and other stars. And the other, liquid sky, closer but less friend, always try to hide or to snatch their prey. Deception, deceived, for sick with invisible mermaids. But Santiago knows a thousand centuries as how to attack and defend. Or so believes and hopes.

C 'is also, almost hidden between the pages of the intense narrative, a beautiful love story. Emerges from the blue green waves and sinks in the death that comes, as always, love. As is often the man who wants to do good and evil produces. Without guilt, without will, without knowing the fate that work blind and deaf to the desperate contractions of the heart. "The first male feed the female always leaves ..." . Irretrievable act of love from the disastrous consequences and desperate. I love carving with ferocity in the foam ondivagante a final ruling. "... all the time the male was crossing the line and stood beside her on the spinning surface. " The end is fast and pain is embodied in the fluid of the sea when "... the color of the animal was almost similar to that of the back of the mirrors ...". The color of dried blood, death is needed for life. Fish, like men, men like fish.

" It was the saddest thing I've ever seen," thought the old man. (...) And we have apologized and we quartered without delay. " He apologizes and quartered in a hurry, while Santiago Manolo, as he innocent actor, he learns the universal art of killing for a living. Art has always been that man, often with abhorrent reversing declines. There is no choice. Santiago, all of us with him, do not get a chance, related to that servant will immobilize us with irons indestructible. The old man is vaguely aware of it: "Maybe I should not have to be a fisherman, he thought. But that's why I was born. " The anguish of life has something to say, pointing to the future irrevocably locked in a present undecidable. Pages sculpt the memorable struggle between man and the sea, between fish and fisherman. Santiago is so weak and old sails, like everyone else, to an unreachable horizon, a huge link in the chain that imprisons Promethean pain in the world.

I the Ahab knows a little short when the great victory won marlin floats and bound to slow rocking boat to the port. Win the sea. The sea, in the end, always wins. Ulysses abandons the comforts of Ithaca and the gentle attentions of Penelope to rush back to the point of the wave that rocks all hope. The sirens can not be ignored twice and no one has written a second Odyssey.

n addition to appearances populate the way to Santiago. The sharks are moving with untiring commitment to the orders of luck enemy. The fisherman sees disappearing piece by piece on his victory. Blue eyes but do not yield to despair. Never. Although they are the only ones to fight against the sea. We are fully myth "It is defended by old, with eyes ". (Cesare Pavese, "Dialogues with Leuco" - the Wolf Man ). Santiago and the old Lycaon fight to the end as you know, as they can. But the fight is loneliness and the jaws of sharks are fierce multitude. Even the mad master of the Pequod sees crowds of angry sharks attacking the whale just fixed to the side of the ship. But the monster is so huge that it will always be enough. Santiago does not hunt whales, and is forced to fight and lose, as Romeo, against the invincible "yoke of inauspicious stars" . Useless sacrifice. The brother marlin, indomitable Abel Cain killed by a poor, will feed not the killer. On the ground just landed a huge bone, a monument to futility of life that the sea will recover.

L a history of the old Cuban fisherman goes into penomb ra cabin. Standing on a miserable bed, seems to be asleep. But, as we know, is listening to the touch of a narrow bell ringing for him.

M a really, Santiago, "Man is not made for defeat"?

Ernest Hemingway, "The Vechio and the Sea" Oscar Mondadori; pp. 104 . Translation and afterword by Fernanda Pivano.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

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"If the right to speak frankly believe the man, speak frankly, as gentlemen, and not are shaking their heads and give mysterious hints, like the old wives ... " ( H. Melville's" Moby Dick ")

The history of cruel body Eluana is about to end. As on the other hand has happened and will happen to the stories of all our bodies. Souls do not know what to say. The argument interested in other views, other perspectives that have often been defined superhuman, transcendental, metaphysical, divine, otherworldly. Why do not concern me. This redundancy should be presumed lexical sharp clarity of thought and its port: the ideas. But, at least in the case Englaro, it is not. More for one than the other factions in the running. There have, over the past 17, years of cruel torment for Beppino Englaro and his wife. Certainly not for Eluana. I mean for the body of Eluana as the owner of the complex of bones, muscles, tendons, and body fluids microimpulses electrochemical, in the opinion of renowned clinicians, has ceased to suffer and to rejoice, to be bored and have fun, to fear and desire. To develop and manage short, the particular condition of living that we call individual existence, or other similar expressions relating to all so-called social life. But for some this is not the point. Michele Brambilla, for example, that almost daily pours out torrents of superhuman wisdom from the first page of the newspaper directed by Mario Giordano chirping. The assumption of the Bramble, which takes form of a question, is insidious and penetrating, and summarized as follows. Eluana If it is clinically brain dead, "... what is the benefit that will go into the clinic in Lecco where he was treated by the nuns, to the grave? (...) Where the act of pity in her death? Where is the act of love? "Let it therefore (live? Dying?) In peace. I lost interest in this and the parents did not entrust the care of loving nun who Lecco, they are, they know how these things go and what is right and wrong, what is good or bad, what is life and what is death . And we explain the administration in the name of God

Then, for good measure and boundless altruism is concerned, Brambilla, even the parents of the patient (patient? paterit But if anything? Did not even possess a vocabulary appropriate for argue about each), showing "The suspicion that as in so many cases of euthanasia, both those who remain - and not one who goes - to seek comfort in the end."

Demon Brambilla. There was absolutely no one thought to this. Better, much better then deprive the parents of poor body Eluana, the unquestionable right to bury her daughter 17 years after death. The acute commentator de "il Giornale" has merit, however: to have hit the crux of the matter. This is not really, not anymore, whether the somatic complex structure by the name of Eluana might or might not be accompanied towards the end of its biological it is now widely recognized psychological fact. No. This is just and only allow two parents grieving over three decades of anguished death without agony, the establishment of a mourning until now impossible to grant them the "construction" of a place devoted primarily inner deepest expression of sorrow for the death of a loved one. The law, in short, to attend the funeral of the remains of Eluana, to weep over the grave that he remembers. In his absence. Why Eluana, better say it loud and clear, no more.

But Brambilla continues to care for others and / asks us if we are sure that Beppino Englaro "... I do not feel remorse?" . Noble, generous, compassionate Brambilla. And if we let the distraught father the choice of relief or remorse, without pulling the jacket, it would be better? But Bramble and those like him know better than us what is the best we can. Obvious: we explain the daily bishops, archbishops, cardinals and monsignors. Including Pope, who is the only true, unquestionable, genuine spokesman and interpreter of heavenly things in this valley of Josaphat. The clergy is so versed in secret Vatican dell'oltremondo things that can not even agree with himself. Hear Paul VI who said, about the doctor, who should not "... Never accept euthanasia." Just what you should be shouting these days about the Englaro. Euthanasia? But we are to speak of euthanasia is necessary that you intend "... lead to death, with the aim of eliminating all suffering" (Declaration on Euthanasia " Iura et bona ", published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith May 5, 1980 .) Obviously this is not the goal they seek Eluana's parents saw that their joint no longer suffers nor enjoys, or any other feeling for many years. Well, at least in this case, euthanasia is not can speak. As is explained well on pages 8 and 9 of ' "Unity" and as clear also Adriano Sofri on "La Repubblica".

Actually Beppino Englaro and his wife find themselves alone in front of the tragic failure of our knowledge, of our feelings, our understanding. We are moving in the blind darkness. Even the vocabulary is grossly inadequate to the task. "Person", "Eluana", "the patient," "she." Today, 17 years, "She who?". It conspiracy (or agree) to keep that body darkly vegetans, a personality or, at least, the status in person. But that person no longer exists. So, too, with Archbishop Tettamanzi, I would like the hype around Eluana "... cease and opened the space for prayer ...." who is able to understand.

Monday, February 2, 2009

How Much Calories In A Lasana



reproduce by WinTricks

Saturday, January 31, almost an hour for Google, the largest and most used search engine, has been out of use restiuendo a series of alerts in correspondence of all searches carried out both on the SERP (Pages of results of a search engine Ed.) Italian and world.

"This site may harm your computer " and an information page blocks access to sites you have searched. The campaign "Stop badware", designed to limit damage from viruses distributed through the web pages, it seemed no longer work correctly: all sites were reported to be harmful, including We

. Well, almost. The Creator begins to be embarrassed by the creature. Small chips are growing. And traveling at speed towards the conquest of iperfotonica. Of course, the sci-fi tale of the machine that takes over the person who designed and built and will remain for a long time still a fairy tale. But the little alarm implosion googleiana some reflection on the merits. Thus a mechanism introduced in a search engine to protect users from sites "dangerous" (dangerous for whom?) Suddenly protect them even from himself. It 's interesting and beautiful than the most popular and famous cognitive tool produces an entire web self-injury "dangerous" not to attend, in fact. Also, very humanly, the web engine designed and developed by California and Mountain View hyperactive brain seems to want to say Trust is good but trust is better . Or, which is almost the same but with an attitude of self-evident: to think the worst is never wrong. That could play well here as an elaboration of that other paraphrastic cogitante and autoreferenzialissimo motto, what I say, that confers upon Cartesian thinking, demonstrative of the statute undoubtedly ' there himself. And 'maybe this pervasive and ubiquitous computing machines of modern res cogitans man-made that there should be horrifying. Since this appears substantia able to develop and implement the same instant self-critical and critical behavior annullantisi each other and typical of human and illogically logicissima logic. For the Mozart series or luciobattistiana "I would not want ..." . What is going to occur under other skies (and Google seems committed to worrying evidence techniques autopsicogenerazione) a modern and lethal form of that megalomania manifested by Don Giovanni? We hope to soon discover that you do not have the creature of Mountain View has also developed the capacity to suffer and enjoy, try doubts and confusion, anger and kindness, love and hate. Google concerns me is being born a "new man". Indeed new because no flesh and blood but with eyes, ears and brain. Monstrously huge and has a brain of neurons, synapses, central nervous system and frightening embedded intelligence. But even serious errors to the point of expressing self-injurious tendencies. & # 160; Fuzzy logic. Human, All Too Human!