Wednesday, February 4, 2009

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"If the right to speak frankly believe the man, speak frankly, as gentlemen, and not are shaking their heads and give mysterious hints, like the old wives ... " ( H. Melville's" Moby Dick ")

The history of cruel body Eluana is about to end. As on the other hand has happened and will happen to the stories of all our bodies. Souls do not know what to say. The argument interested in other views, other perspectives that have often been defined superhuman, transcendental, metaphysical, divine, otherworldly. Why do not concern me. This redundancy should be presumed lexical sharp clarity of thought and its port: the ideas. But, at least in the case Englaro, it is not. More for one than the other factions in the running. There have, over the past 17, years of cruel torment for Beppino Englaro and his wife. Certainly not for Eluana. I mean for the body of Eluana as the owner of the complex of bones, muscles, tendons, and body fluids microimpulses electrochemical, in the opinion of renowned clinicians, has ceased to suffer and to rejoice, to be bored and have fun, to fear and desire. To develop and manage short, the particular condition of living that we call individual existence, or other similar expressions relating to all so-called social life. But for some this is not the point. Michele Brambilla, for example, that almost daily pours out torrents of superhuman wisdom from the first page of the newspaper directed by Mario Giordano chirping. The assumption of the Bramble, which takes form of a question, is insidious and penetrating, and summarized as follows. Eluana If it is clinically brain dead, "... what is the benefit that will go into the clinic in Lecco where he was treated by the nuns, to the grave? (...) Where the act of pity in her death? Where is the act of love? "Let it therefore (live? Dying?) In peace. I lost interest in this and the parents did not entrust the care of loving nun who Lecco, they are, they know how these things go and what is right and wrong, what is good or bad, what is life and what is death . And we explain the administration in the name of God

Then, for good measure and boundless altruism is concerned, Brambilla, even the parents of the patient (patient? paterit But if anything? Did not even possess a vocabulary appropriate for argue about each), showing "The suspicion that as in so many cases of euthanasia, both those who remain - and not one who goes - to seek comfort in the end."

Demon Brambilla. There was absolutely no one thought to this. Better, much better then deprive the parents of poor body Eluana, the unquestionable right to bury her daughter 17 years after death. The acute commentator de "il Giornale" has merit, however: to have hit the crux of the matter. This is not really, not anymore, whether the somatic complex structure by the name of Eluana might or might not be accompanied towards the end of its biological it is now widely recognized psychological fact. No. This is just and only allow two parents grieving over three decades of anguished death without agony, the establishment of a mourning until now impossible to grant them the "construction" of a place devoted primarily inner deepest expression of sorrow for the death of a loved one. The law, in short, to attend the funeral of the remains of Eluana, to weep over the grave that he remembers. In his absence. Why Eluana, better say it loud and clear, no more.

But Brambilla continues to care for others and / asks us if we are sure that Beppino Englaro "... I do not feel remorse?" . Noble, generous, compassionate Brambilla. And if we let the distraught father the choice of relief or remorse, without pulling the jacket, it would be better? But Bramble and those like him know better than us what is the best we can. Obvious: we explain the daily bishops, archbishops, cardinals and monsignors. Including Pope, who is the only true, unquestionable, genuine spokesman and interpreter of heavenly things in this valley of Josaphat. The clergy is so versed in secret Vatican dell'oltremondo things that can not even agree with himself. Hear Paul VI who said, about the doctor, who should not "... Never accept euthanasia." Just what you should be shouting these days about the Englaro. Euthanasia? But we are to speak of euthanasia is necessary that you intend "... lead to death, with the aim of eliminating all suffering" (Declaration on Euthanasia " Iura et bona ", published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith May 5, 1980 .) Obviously this is not the goal they seek Eluana's parents saw that their joint no longer suffers nor enjoys, or any other feeling for many years. Well, at least in this case, euthanasia is not can speak. As is explained well on pages 8 and 9 of ' "Unity" and as clear also Adriano Sofri on "La Repubblica".

Actually Beppino Englaro and his wife find themselves alone in front of the tragic failure of our knowledge, of our feelings, our understanding. We are moving in the blind darkness. Even the vocabulary is grossly inadequate to the task. "Person", "Eluana", "the patient," "she." Today, 17 years, "She who?". It conspiracy (or agree) to keep that body darkly vegetans, a personality or, at least, the status in person. But that person no longer exists. So, too, with Archbishop Tettamanzi, I would like the hype around Eluana "... cease and opened the space for prayer ...." who is able to understand.


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