Monday, February 2, 2009

How Much Calories In A Lasana



reproduce by WinTricks

Saturday, January 31, almost an hour for Google, the largest and most used search engine, has been out of use restiuendo a series of alerts in correspondence of all searches carried out both on the SERP (Pages of results of a search engine Ed.) Italian and world.

"This site may harm your computer " and an information page blocks access to sites you have searched. The campaign "Stop badware", designed to limit damage from viruses distributed through the web pages, it seemed no longer work correctly: all sites were reported to be harmful, including We

. Well, almost. The Creator begins to be embarrassed by the creature. Small chips are growing. And traveling at speed towards the conquest of iperfotonica. Of course, the sci-fi tale of the machine that takes over the person who designed and built and will remain for a long time still a fairy tale. But the little alarm implosion googleiana some reflection on the merits. Thus a mechanism introduced in a search engine to protect users from sites "dangerous" (dangerous for whom?) Suddenly protect them even from himself. It 's interesting and beautiful than the most popular and famous cognitive tool produces an entire web self-injury "dangerous" not to attend, in fact. Also, very humanly, the web engine designed and developed by California and Mountain View hyperactive brain seems to want to say Trust is good but trust is better . Or, which is almost the same but with an attitude of self-evident: to think the worst is never wrong. That could play well here as an elaboration of that other paraphrastic cogitante and autoreferenzialissimo motto, what I say, that confers upon Cartesian thinking, demonstrative of the statute undoubtedly ' there himself. And 'maybe this pervasive and ubiquitous computing machines of modern res cogitans man-made that there should be horrifying. Since this appears substantia able to develop and implement the same instant self-critical and critical behavior annullantisi each other and typical of human and illogically logicissima logic. For the Mozart series or luciobattistiana "I would not want ..." . What is going to occur under other skies (and Google seems committed to worrying evidence techniques autopsicogenerazione) a modern and lethal form of that megalomania manifested by Don Giovanni? We hope to soon discover that you do not have the creature of Mountain View has also developed the capacity to suffer and enjoy, try doubts and confusion, anger and kindness, love and hate. Google concerns me is being born a "new man". Indeed new because no flesh and blood but with eyes, ears and brain. Monstrously huge and has a brain of neurons, synapses, central nervous system and frightening embedded intelligence. But even serious errors to the point of expressing self-injurious tendencies. & # 160; Fuzzy logic. Human, All Too Human!


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