Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gloves Boxe Twins Fairtex

Elections 2009: Building a People's Bloc

Open Letter to the communists, the true democratic and anti-fascists of Modena

Elections 2009: the crisis pay the charge, sending air
the banquet center-right and center-left
break into the theater of politics, build a list of People's Bloc

In June of 2009 will be held
provincial and municipal elections. Politicians of the 'axis PDL - PD and

the circuit of parties and electoral boards to them
subordinates should close ranks and creating fierce wars between gangs
to determine the division of seats and power.
the cake to be shared is equivalent to the tears and blood of
workers, students, pensioners, the unemployed, housewives
, immigrants from harass and destroy
their rights more than it already is, is equivalent to
environmental resources of a territory to destroy and pollute
on behalf of the interests of big industrialists and big
Given this situation turn to all the forces
healthy and progressive land use
an appeal to the forthcoming elections as a platform to strengthen people's struggles
Pighi and exposing the junta and its counterparts
the right to advance
more general fight for another world is possible and necessary. A
those who have not dropped the red flag to
sincere democrats and anti-fascists, to all those who are active in promoting
the struggle for the defense and wins
rights, wheeling and dealing of the complaint, to give those
soul to fight for another world possible,
we say we're not looking, we use the next election
to break into the theater of politics!
put aside sectarianism and opportunism, we build a list of block
People who join in a united front all the forces that pose
the common goal to defend, no ifs, no

but the interests of the masses and to use
the elections to strengthen the struggle for rights,
for the construction of another world is possible and necessary.
the companions of the PCL, the PRC and the PDCI, the committees
of struggle, the antagonist and all progressives:
we join forces, build a list of People's Bloc. Rightly
many workers, students, housewives say enough
with the fragmentation of the left. We say: you
right! And add: enough with the concept
elections and politicians, which leads to making lists
by themselves." The development of the system crisis of the bosses
requires more and more a break with the conception
dell'orticello minority. If the companions of these formations
agree to use the elections as a means of strengthening the struggles
claims, the fight against gang
Berlusconi and the more general fight for
terminate the system of masters, we must break
placing seriously the goal of
deliver hard blows to the class of parasites that governs us, And how do you deliver blows
if everyone goes to account his? The logic
dell'orticello opens the door to resignation,
demoralization, and loses strength in the long run leaves the field free to the right
reactionary and subversive.
E 'lists to create uniform, block lists
to join the healthy and fighting there
popular among the masses of the territory. A list of People's Bloc that
not intervene in elections for the council and act as a wing
"left" deployment bourgeois but
blows to the enemy and show no mercy
the incompatibility between the interests of the majority

population and the clique of businessmen who governs
Italy and the province, the incompatibility between the

right of everyone to a dignified life and the current
capitalist social order that sinks into misery
while retaining the luxuries and privileges mafia bosses,
speculators, businessmen, high priests, politicians, etc.. etc..
E 'through the People's Bloc, which lists
step up the fight to not pay us the masters of crisis and build a government of
Block Popular
that it rests on the workers and popular organizations, which will take the measures necessary to deal
the crisis and move forward in the struggle to make Italy a new socialist country
trade mark together!

Party Committees to Support Resistance - for Communism
Modena Via C. Morone, 13 Modena, tel.: 329.49.57.878


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