Friday, December 18, 2009

Go To School By Roller Skate



"The Thinker." Rodin Museum, Paris

Freedom of speech and expression, censorship, closure of the websites "violent" proposed by Maroni. On these sensitive issues to a friend Gap has produced a very interesting post ( which I had set about to answer briefly. Then he wrote, proceeding, has been a relentless inflationary process-compulsive disorder. So I decided to turn it in post. A full merit of the material that the text has aroused.


Mala tempora currunt. Hard times, in fact. Gap's post is timely, accurate and moving. And even a little rascal, if you grant me the affectionate pinch. Gap refers to the great " Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing, and any other means of communication " . And 'even nauseating to agree with a principle essential to constitutional democracy and basic material. Ideas and thoughts SHOULD BE ABLE TO EXPRESS THE MAXIMUM FREEDOM. On this subject the people of the left and all the Democrats worthy of the name must be vigilant and, if need be, fight. A true "line of the Piave" in short. Then I try to express, wearing clothes that are obviously not mine, thoughts from "destravestito. And I guess to write (from destravestitissima carrion) on my blog, along with three or four or a thousand or 100 thousand, which I hope a speedy revival of fascism with appurtenances: castor oil, batons, subversive Communists in prison, Fascist press censorship and so subversive. Indeed, while we are, and a good company and numerous exclaimed an enthusiastic "should be 'thinking' and commend the Web drives the winds on the wings of freedom, my determination to revive the glories of Nazism and Hitler, Gobbels, Himmler, Auscwitz, Treblinka, and so on. I guess I do this with other aligned with me, my "ideas" and my "values". Values: elastic term as chewing gum and slippery as ice green Brenva.

I say also, also, and I say with force anywhere and in any auspicious occasion, which is all well and good gassing another 5 or 6 or 60 million Jews (better kill them all so we solve the problem with a better final solution) under the auspices of a healthy planet ethnic cleansing and purifying. In addition, (the shoes of others are starting to make me sweat) through Facebook, an appeal to all those involved in it (do not ask for the sharing of ideas so obviously insane, but only a generic endorsement ), because, in his spare time, for the tadpole streets to crush them in blood neggri, to set fire to the caravans and beat Roma in those prisons which are the centers of transit and temporary identification (they call it?) all those with melanin permanent brown face. Finally, I express, also in the name of freedom of thought, maximum and unconditional solidarity with the unjustly imprisoned gentlemen: Riina, Provenzano, serious and beautiful company calling daily picciotti to assault the prison to free them and return them to the loving arms of Cosa Nostra. In addition, chameleon-change, posted on my blog all the instructions needed to build explosive devices also order by indicating the objectives to be hit: party headquarters, homes of journalists uncomfortable, and so on. I could finally provide precise information on the location of stores that sell cheap the heaviest attaching miniature of the Cathedral of Milan a list of addresses of the owners of the faces to hit. I might even lengthen the shooting sites that glorify pedophilia, but I prefer to avoid retching. So I stop but I could give "freely" disguised my ideas on many other sensitive topics.

What you do, Gap? We leave them to act or "censor"? The question is just that little phrase, and the principle that governs and drives: "... we need to see how it operates" . Dear Gap, the problem is how and on what. We can not rely on a time, for example, the ax for the glorification of fascism and the ban on proclamations skinheads and another to support an absolute, total, ecumenical, all-encompassing "free speech". Unless we have the courage to argue that this freedom should be absolute only for "our ideas." Certainly the question of who is authorized to decide what is violence and what not, it's very, very tricky. But the problem exists and ignoring it does not vanish. So there is a democratic opposition, to carry out functions of control over the acts of the government. For "how to intervene." And they are not "amenities." Sure you can argue that the opposition latita or even that it is complicit. But This is another chapter of another book. That should also be read carefully.

Who said that words are stones? Often they become even Molotov cocktails, bombs, and, although not curative de minimis praetor, incurred in the miniatures of the Duomo to deplorable ballistic function. I know, and finally abandoned the awkward disguise, which is quite reasonable to argue that the impact of the cathedral, albeit in a smaller scale, somehow B. if you went to look for words with blows and insults to 360 degrees.

It 's a difficult situation Gap. I only raised a number of problems, about which (complaint or not) I have solutions ready and at hand. Also, when Maroni (but not only him) opens his mouth are always tempted to switch channels. He and all those who "put the cross on the Italian flag," and meanwhile Celtic rites officiate at the mouth of the Father Po Leave them to their shameful inconsistency.

The quest for balance in all fields, art is difficult but necessary. High in politics. Among prohibit everything that is not expressly permitted and allow everything that is not explicitly prohibited, it runs fine oxymoronic an abyss. He runs too thin and fragile line that separates freedom and choice. But this thread is based on democracy. To think evil always do a favor for those who do not think what he says and who says what he thinks. Including the commander of Russia about rites and Crosses, or is not healed expressed rubbed his eyes, but with exemplary clarity, his noble, elegant and perfectly balanced thought "must die."

PS The self-closing of blogs, among other things, is not a kind of unconscious self-censorship?


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