Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Dengue Causes Myalgia

My praise of silence lasted less than 24 hours. The event, however, demands two lines. I'm talking, of course, the attack scored by an idiot at the foundation of Berlusconi. There. Inconsistency with indecent fell into the trap that often hailed in discussions with family, friends and acquaintances, to allow everyone to avoid it: I joked sarcastically in the face of bloody B. It 's a serious error. And when, last night, around a table laid for dinner, I witnessed laughter and smiles while the plasma appeared dazed and bleeding from the face of the prime minister, came to me shivers of despair. Especially because I know perfectly well that those smiles, those cruel jokes, a restaurant, but Po is not in any way belong to the sensibility of those who produced them. Who, however, had produced. Repeatedly. Raise your hand those who are not welcomed, or has not seen others do it, seeing the bewildered look of the premier magnified by zoom cameras. If no one raises his arm just means that the hypocrites are more numerous than you think.

I wonder: who goes up the responsibility of this dehumanization of political discourse? Who laughs satisfied with the misfortunes of others? Too easy. The mechanism is deep and this is not the place to discuss it. Also because I know little of psychoanalysis. But one thing you can say that also arises from a brazen challenge, everyday, more and more violent conduct for over 15 years of Berlusconi and his political leaning against exaggerated self-protection (fishing randomly in the pile), the "anthropologically different judges " against "the Constitutional Court that in politics"; against "red togas" ; against "the opposition that wants to overthrow the government by means subversive " against the" President of the Republic of the ". Against any criticism. Worse, against democracy.

The most obvious point of this attitude paranoid victim has recently emerged on the side of the appeal process for Dell'Utri where, under the complacent gaze dell'occhiceruleo lawyer Ghedini, the "free press" and for that of trustworthy Berlusconi has found a way to support the unreliability of the repentant Spatuzza (Graviano killer hired by the brothers) as the Mafia and, simultaneously, with supreme disregard of the ridiculous, the reliability of the Camorra Graviano (employer of Spatuzza) for the same reasons. Ergo: if a Camorra involving Berlusconi is unreliable as Camorra. If a Camorra defends Berlusconi is trusted as Camorra. I missed something?

Obviously this can not be call for physical aggression. Nor can it justify any form of satisfaction with the facts of Piazza Duomo. It means much more reasonably, reaffirm the principle that the weapons of criticism are the very essence of democratic freedom. Freedom tout court. And if a madman pulls the Milan Cathedral in the face of Berlusconi and if Di Pietro (not "the opposition" as it says Bonaiuti) argues that understands and B. if asked for it we can not agree. Also because those smiles and the jokes at dinner serotina are, if possible, even more dangerous in the bloody face of the rider and the pathological action of the aggressor. In reality, behind the blood, I saw very well, smiling Berlusconi to 30 teeth (two have been eradicated from the Duomo di Milano) and murmured to her: "Since I was right?". This is very serious and dangerous. Over and out.

PS Just finished composing this post I discovered that Berlusconi after a hospital stay would be borrowers Bonaiuti said:''As , but did not believe it happened '(from Portal of the Kronos. Ref ign, 14 December at 09:04). We have a prime minister also has clairvoyant powers.


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