Friday, December 18, 2009

Go To School By Roller Skate



"The Thinker." Rodin Museum, Paris

Freedom of speech and expression, censorship, closure of the websites "violent" proposed by Maroni. On these sensitive issues to a friend Gap has produced a very interesting post ( which I had set about to answer briefly. Then he wrote, proceeding, has been a relentless inflationary process-compulsive disorder. So I decided to turn it in post. A full merit of the material that the text has aroused.


Mala tempora currunt. Hard times, in fact. Gap's post is timely, accurate and moving. And even a little rascal, if you grant me the affectionate pinch. Gap refers to the great " Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing, and any other means of communication " . And 'even nauseating to agree with a principle essential to constitutional democracy and basic material. Ideas and thoughts SHOULD BE ABLE TO EXPRESS THE MAXIMUM FREEDOM. On this subject the people of the left and all the Democrats worthy of the name must be vigilant and, if need be, fight. A true "line of the Piave" in short. Then I try to express, wearing clothes that are obviously not mine, thoughts from "destravestito. And I guess to write (from destravestitissima carrion) on my blog, along with three or four or a thousand or 100 thousand, which I hope a speedy revival of fascism with appurtenances: castor oil, batons, subversive Communists in prison, Fascist press censorship and so subversive. Indeed, while we are, and a good company and numerous exclaimed an enthusiastic "should be 'thinking' and commend the Web drives the winds on the wings of freedom, my determination to revive the glories of Nazism and Hitler, Gobbels, Himmler, Auscwitz, Treblinka, and so on. I guess I do this with other aligned with me, my "ideas" and my "values". Values: elastic term as chewing gum and slippery as ice green Brenva.

I say also, also, and I say with force anywhere and in any auspicious occasion, which is all well and good gassing another 5 or 6 or 60 million Jews (better kill them all so we solve the problem with a better final solution) under the auspices of a healthy planet ethnic cleansing and purifying. In addition, (the shoes of others are starting to make me sweat) through Facebook, an appeal to all those involved in it (do not ask for the sharing of ideas so obviously insane, but only a generic endorsement ), because, in his spare time, for the tadpole streets to crush them in blood neggri, to set fire to the caravans and beat Roma in those prisons which are the centers of transit and temporary identification (they call it?) all those with melanin permanent brown face. Finally, I express, also in the name of freedom of thought, maximum and unconditional solidarity with the unjustly imprisoned gentlemen: Riina, Provenzano, serious and beautiful company calling daily picciotti to assault the prison to free them and return them to the loving arms of Cosa Nostra. In addition, chameleon-change, posted on my blog all the instructions needed to build explosive devices also order by indicating the objectives to be hit: party headquarters, homes of journalists uncomfortable, and so on. I could finally provide precise information on the location of stores that sell cheap the heaviest attaching miniature of the Cathedral of Milan a list of addresses of the owners of the faces to hit. I might even lengthen the shooting sites that glorify pedophilia, but I prefer to avoid retching. So I stop but I could give "freely" disguised my ideas on many other sensitive topics.

What you do, Gap? We leave them to act or "censor"? The question is just that little phrase, and the principle that governs and drives: "... we need to see how it operates" . Dear Gap, the problem is how and on what. We can not rely on a time, for example, the ax for the glorification of fascism and the ban on proclamations skinheads and another to support an absolute, total, ecumenical, all-encompassing "free speech". Unless we have the courage to argue that this freedom should be absolute only for "our ideas." Certainly the question of who is authorized to decide what is violence and what not, it's very, very tricky. But the problem exists and ignoring it does not vanish. So there is a democratic opposition, to carry out functions of control over the acts of the government. For "how to intervene." And they are not "amenities." Sure you can argue that the opposition latita or even that it is complicit. But This is another chapter of another book. That should also be read carefully.

Who said that words are stones? Often they become even Molotov cocktails, bombs, and, although not curative de minimis praetor, incurred in the miniatures of the Duomo to deplorable ballistic function. I know, and finally abandoned the awkward disguise, which is quite reasonable to argue that the impact of the cathedral, albeit in a smaller scale, somehow B. if you went to look for words with blows and insults to 360 degrees.

It 's a difficult situation Gap. I only raised a number of problems, about which (complaint or not) I have solutions ready and at hand. Also, when Maroni (but not only him) opens his mouth are always tempted to switch channels. He and all those who "put the cross on the Italian flag," and meanwhile Celtic rites officiate at the mouth of the Father Po Leave them to their shameful inconsistency.

The quest for balance in all fields, art is difficult but necessary. High in politics. Among prohibit everything that is not expressly permitted and allow everything that is not explicitly prohibited, it runs fine oxymoronic an abyss. He runs too thin and fragile line that separates freedom and choice. But this thread is based on democracy. To think evil always do a favor for those who do not think what he says and who says what he thinks. Including the commander of Russia about rites and Crosses, or is not healed expressed rubbed his eyes, but with exemplary clarity, his noble, elegant and perfectly balanced thought "must die."

PS The self-closing of blogs, among other things, is not a kind of unconscious self-censorship?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Dengue Causes Myalgia

My praise of silence lasted less than 24 hours. The event, however, demands two lines. I'm talking, of course, the attack scored by an idiot at the foundation of Berlusconi. There. Inconsistency with indecent fell into the trap that often hailed in discussions with family, friends and acquaintances, to allow everyone to avoid it: I joked sarcastically in the face of bloody B. It 's a serious error. And when, last night, around a table laid for dinner, I witnessed laughter and smiles while the plasma appeared dazed and bleeding from the face of the prime minister, came to me shivers of despair. Especially because I know perfectly well that those smiles, those cruel jokes, a restaurant, but Po is not in any way belong to the sensibility of those who produced them. Who, however, had produced. Repeatedly. Raise your hand those who are not welcomed, or has not seen others do it, seeing the bewildered look of the premier magnified by zoom cameras. If no one raises his arm just means that the hypocrites are more numerous than you think.

I wonder: who goes up the responsibility of this dehumanization of political discourse? Who laughs satisfied with the misfortunes of others? Too easy. The mechanism is deep and this is not the place to discuss it. Also because I know little of psychoanalysis. But one thing you can say that also arises from a brazen challenge, everyday, more and more violent conduct for over 15 years of Berlusconi and his political leaning against exaggerated self-protection (fishing randomly in the pile), the "anthropologically different judges " against "the Constitutional Court that in politics"; against "red togas" ; against "the opposition that wants to overthrow the government by means subversive " against the" President of the Republic of the ". Against any criticism. Worse, against democracy.

The most obvious point of this attitude paranoid victim has recently emerged on the side of the appeal process for Dell'Utri where, under the complacent gaze dell'occhiceruleo lawyer Ghedini, the "free press" and for that of trustworthy Berlusconi has found a way to support the unreliability of the repentant Spatuzza (Graviano killer hired by the brothers) as the Mafia and, simultaneously, with supreme disregard of the ridiculous, the reliability of the Camorra Graviano (employer of Spatuzza) for the same reasons. Ergo: if a Camorra involving Berlusconi is unreliable as Camorra. If a Camorra defends Berlusconi is trusted as Camorra. I missed something?

Obviously this can not be call for physical aggression. Nor can it justify any form of satisfaction with the facts of Piazza Duomo. It means much more reasonably, reaffirm the principle that the weapons of criticism are the very essence of democratic freedom. Freedom tout court. And if a madman pulls the Milan Cathedral in the face of Berlusconi and if Di Pietro (not "the opposition" as it says Bonaiuti) argues that understands and B. if asked for it we can not agree. Also because those smiles and the jokes at dinner serotina are, if possible, even more dangerous in the bloody face of the rider and the pathological action of the aggressor. In reality, behind the blood, I saw very well, smiling Berlusconi to 30 teeth (two have been eradicated from the Duomo di Milano) and murmured to her: "Since I was right?". This is very serious and dangerous. Over and out.

PS Just finished composing this post I discovered that Berlusconi after a hospital stay would be borrowers Bonaiuti said:''As , but did not believe it happened '(from Portal of the Kronos. Ref ign, 14 December at 09:04). We have a prime minister also has clairvoyant powers.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pokemon Battle Revolution, Rom


Drawing on its sole responsibility of the Blog Gap:

"For days I think this blog" is out of the momentum, if ever had. Talk to Luz, with a few friends on the phone and think about what to do. Some people say that you're hurting and you should continue and, more worryingly, he discovers that many have had the same thought. Out of business. On reflection, it's the same reason that led us to open them.

If we did a survey on the period of the birth of many blogs, mostly on the left and similarities, the period running from the fall of the Prodi government to immediately after the elections won by Berlusconi. It was moved by sacred fury to catch up before the elections or to resume fighting for some to denounce others, but all driven by a surge of civic and political engagement. Today I find

Crocco 1830 that wants to quit and is not the only ...".

, & # 160; ; ***

Here. Perhaps now is the time of silence. Not the waiver. The simple, difficult, tortured silence. Do not be an escape but a different. The word, someone calls him the Word, is creative, says drives, refreshes, soothes. It can also delude and deceive. Above shows and preparations. Prepare action. Often the most effective action is the silence of reflection. Certainly not the waiver. Rather than stopping to assess the route and weigh the results. There is a time for everything. The blog is not action or joint action, but communication. Often a murmur, almost always slender chat. Even if the argument rumbles like Zeus megabrontes. Perhaps it is The time has come to bring the instrument back to its original use: communication, interpersonal information: "Hello how are you? It 's a bit you do not feel it. I just read Larsson. You've read?. Have you been to the event? But how were we? More than ninety thousand! "

This means the network can do: close the gap to zero, make us feel a vicinissmo others. Very nice. But not enough. It 's like shooting in the dark. Feel the beat, the weapon in his hand trembles, the smell of gunpowder. But that's all. The bullet-action is elsewhere. Its effects may not occur ever. Sure you could keep rolling into the night. But the Zen master who hits the target while blindfolded has a lot of thought before you shoot the arrow. Do not pull the darkness. Mah Maybe it's just bullshit. Maybe. But sometimes they come back. Goodbye.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Garden Fencing Quotes


Then after a long run time

shalt rise again and the light.

ES Chile, "Prometheus Bound"

Barnabo, its places, its thoughts, the quiet act of humanity's uncertain, the expectation of the event that resolves the drama. "Barnabo of the Mountains" is the universe of Buzzati, rather than a debut, an ad. Many of the issues that the writer will develop Belluno in his masterpiece, "The Desert of the Tartars" , are already present in embryonic form but states, among the fir trees of the Grave, in supporting the scree of Croda Marden, along ... five paths that lead into the forest. " . All earth and sky, woods and animals, men and things, it announced the suspension achronic the wait. Days go by the months the seasons and years. But time is not. That belongs to a past that the stubbornness of this viscous forces to survive, forcing us to not "... forget the youth." Do not forget: an irrevocable sentence. Although, in apparent contradiction with the assumption, "Without anyone make you case, the time continues to pass" . Mere appearance. In this sense, Buzzati, the past is always present because " Memory is the center of the comparison between time of life and time in the world " (H. Blumenberg, " time of life and time in the world "; page. 334. Il Mulino) .

Panta rei, everything deceives us: the world "... is a child playing." That little boy, just what Pascoli memory, is in Barnabas, the most essential aspect of the flight on being, the primordial inesistere of nostalgia, melancholy and the Platonic recollection of the "first". Thus nullifying the peace that rocked the world forgot Iperuranio. Not Cronos, neither his voice syncopated. Do not swing the pole and the relentless tempo of life expressed by the world. The place - time for action expands the continuum psychologizing of 'aion , root timeless eternity.

figure and the figure of the time still, the old drum "... thrown in the Grave, in the marketplace: there are still parts of iron, all rusty." The essential , rust, always survives. The drum is the writer, all of us. We suffer the oppression of the time it survives. And meanwhile we produce it. The ancient harpsichord does not mention a timeline but it creates the premise. Barnabo tries to defend itself from the cosmic rhythm generated by the eardrum stretched between valleys and ridges, pretending to wait for something, someone, a sigh of the wind, a cloud, a wounded crow, thousands of wrinkled gray limestone, the forgiveness of our Redemption. The drum is waiting, along with Barnabas, the last shot of mace, under the gaze of the blind "great crags."

Time is everything for Buzz. Everything is time. We measure the expected rush to assert that in existing. The clock tower of St. Nicholas, hoary metronome seems panting in the dust. The old drum keeps the time, it produces through the rhythmic percussion of the manual. And 'man the center of chronic flow. But now the instrument lies off the bed of the river to witness the archaic world of the original. The clock tower, however, does not generate the time but only measure it, breaking the alchemical nature and shatters into nonexistent moments. Universality disappears analogue of the continuous flow to make way for digitization of the world. This is suggested by the modern impotent Buzzati.

The diagram drawn by digital means on the blades rock syncopation of life. The pace of immobility. Every conquered the summit produces a defeat because it generates new waiting, endless waiting. We are unaware, however, volunteers, subjects of Cronos pantocrator , sir dell'illudenza epiphenomenal. Interpret, with Buzz, our dreams. And every day is born "... a kind of new life" animated statue waiting for a blow. Here catastrophic, and only in metastrofico " Desert."

There is always a knife to dissect the world. When, at the beginning of the third chapter, Barnabo waiver of delay and launches into a dance, the music stops. A sign. The case method as the time involved and shows us the emptiness. The silence speaks louder old. And, as the acrid smell of rusting old harpsichord, they're happy life as it is while the band, after believing playing, producing silent reality.

unannounced, just as the time in the future, Del Colle "... playing the harmonica and the others are silent to hear." tool, transfiguration of the modern flute panic breaks the source and starts the dream of modernity. The body breaks down the lute and orchestra pretending, abandoned life produces live where this comes the wait. The universe of Barnabas

wheel under the influence of current panpsychist that prose "primitive" by Buzzati sculpts with effective descriptive, seemingly unadorned and markedly symbolic. The fortress Bastiani, here, has resigned and the appearance of a powder of tiny chance. An old barrel of which, however, spend long sleepless nights to listen, to realize the time, says Novalis, "... .. comes with boredom." And the moment s'aggruma in the stability of the moment: "The crags seem even more properties, such as waiting for someone" . At solitary anxieties of Giovanni Drogo, only nothing is missing. The story moves back in the news and shows a human destiny. The blood will, in fact, to declare the end of time and expectation; from the past to bringing the Tragos Atonement which temporarily restores our everyday lives. Del Colle's blood percolating through the cracks of time and birth history. The gunshot that announced, together, one end and a beginning, a replica of the shot harpsichord accompanying the rapid motion of the blade to officiate the atoning sacrifice. The blood bathes the earth and restore the archaic ritual of fertility, the effectiveness of which claims the absolute innocence of the sacrifice. Del Colle goat is perfectly free of guilt: he can not die because no one knows why he lives. Others have described the unreasonable purity of the executioner - Asterion. Surprised to Buzzati points to the guilt of an unwitting victim of the sacrifice that we all need to come back to life. "There was a heavy silence ..." . Everything happens in the silence of the world.

Buzzati writes by gripping a nail from the rock that slips through the cracks drawing inspiration sparks heavy as the mountains looming over the house of Marden. And 'work that "great sculptor" described by Marguerite Yourcenar that produces in the marble flesh "... loss without death, survival with no resurrection ..."

Meanwhile time collapses under the heavy tread of Barnabas "... soon reached the gravel." The future adverbial rapid declines inverting the past verbal concordance and mountains. Buzzati deconstructs every possible history. The present assumption of man, is absent. And when "everything will be lost in time" , life "... will continue to pass, unbroken, all the earth." The river, still, turn the water flowing.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Which Is The Best Epilator?

Efficiency or Deficiency? Nuclear


Budget 2008 National Electrical

First, there is nothing new, brace yourselves, in 2008 appeared for the first time the "Photovoltaic" between the activities of production. Nothing dramatic, we are talking about 0.1% of the total. We say that is a microconquista for this new sector, will hopefully become a lucky year, type the first nickel of Uncle Scrooge.
Then a careful look should be directed to factor the economic crisis. As one can easily see the total final consumption remained substantially the same as a year away (from 318.9 to 319 TWh), would be a positive signal, reversed, except that we must take account of the crisis. In fact looking at sectors of consumption is not surprising that there has been a sharp decline (approximately 4.5 TWh in industrial consumption), a sign of the crisis, yet they are simultaneously increased consumption in the domestic and tertiary sectors.
These last two items seem to travel so independently from the factors of economic growth, but not only have a positive sign even when the economy has a negative sign!
Lifestyles and consumption do not change and do not improve by the mere effect of the economic downturn, the natural trend of increase (+ 2% of the household and + 3% of consumption in the tertiary sector), we will quickly have to build new power plants Just think that made 100 the year 2007, and maintaining this rate of growth in 2030 would + 57.7% + of households and 97.4% of consumption in the tertiary sector!
least 120 TWh of energy from having to provide more, and at that point would not even be satisfied with the four new nuclear plants the government wants to build in Italy. As if to say that building four nuclear power plants by 2030 will not be enough to fill even one third of the increase consumption (not to think of any economic recovery with a growth rate of power consumption even more).
Only a fool would not understand that we must then put his hand in policies to these areas if we want to truly achieve the goal of reducing energy consumption of the package 20-20-20, and even more serious if we want to be in the national energy policy.

Must You Be Bonded And Insured In Ontario

: need more information or disinformation?


Sergio Zabot

Speaking in Milan, during the first meeting of the "Energy Dialogue", organized by the House Energy A2A, Chicco Testa has complained about the lack of information professionals on energy issues, particularly with regard to nuclear power, which hampers rational public debate and widespread. So far nothing unusual, the argument can be shared and you can discuss it. But then head went further and emphasized the need to rely on an emotional pro-nuclear that exploits the fears of climate change and energy security. As ask reporters to deceive readers because the end justifies the means ...

head accuses environmentalists oppose the contradiction of a source of electricity in large quantities which does not generate CO 2 , and the political world and the general public, however, the contradiction to bind the survival of the production system and the Italian way of life to people as unreliable Libyan leader Gaddafi and situations not directly controllable as Russia-Ukraine relationship.

Well, our humanist Hegel ignores, or rather hide the fact that to produce 40 tonnes of uranium a year that are used to power a 1,600-megawatt reactor, EPR, like the ones you want to build in Italy, we must start by something like 8 million tons of rock, equivalent to the pyramid of Cheops, which must first be extracted, minced, then diluted with 1.4 million cubic meters of water and 22 thousand tons of sulfuric acid, to get to the end of 350 tons of yellowcake , an oxide containing 0.7% fissionable uranium, plus the equivalent, in fact, a pyramid of Cheops of waste per year.

Then quest'uranio must be enriched to increase the fissile part, that is uranium 235, at least 3.5%. The enrichment achieved by centrifugation turning uranium into gas, uranium hexafluoride. To do this, are 370 tons of fluorine gas is very light, highly volatile, and at the end of the process is highly radioactive, could not be disposed of and that includes managing very expensive.

Finally you get 40 tons of uranium fuel in the form of uranium dioxide, as well as 250 tons of depleted uranium, then not so poor is, since it still contains 0.3% of fissile uranium, and radioactive.

In conclusion, to operate an EPR for a year consumes energy equivalent to 190 thousand tons of oil by the emission of tons of CO 670mila 2 .

Poor thing, since this corresponds to only 56grammi CO 2 per kWh to be produced. However, if we consider that the construction of the plant is responsible for issuing other 12grammi CO 2 per kilowatt hour and that the waste management involves a "debt" estimated at between 30 and 65grammi CO 2 per kilowatt hour, we arrive at a figure somewhere between 96 and 134grammi CO 2 per kilowatt-hour that will be produced by nuclear power plant, about one third of emissions of a combined cycle gas.

But the free ride lasts until the availability of hard mineral with relatively high concentrations of uranium. As the purity of the uranium ore will fall, it will take more energy to extract uranium and fossil CO 2 inevitably come to equal the emissions of a gas plant.

As for the fears of energy security, this is one of the strongest ideological pressures and media made of the need to convince the Italians nuclear energy: the oil comes mainly from Arab countries, the gas from Russia of Putin and Gaddafi's Libya, all countries which are politically unreliable, not to mention Venezuela's Chavez and Bolivia's Morales, who nationalized the oil industries and gas.

Well, few people know that on a global annual demand of about 70 thousand tons of uranium, only 20 thousand tonnes, up 28%, come from countries 'stable', such as Australia, Canada , USA. Other 20 thousand tons come from Kazakhstan, Russia, Niger, Namibia and Uzbekistan, countries not particularly stable. " Finally, 30 thousand tons necessary to balance the needs of nuclear reactors come from the Russians in dismantling nuclear arsenals. Now, dear Chicco, because Putin would be unreliable when it sells the gas and become reliable when it gives us the uranium?

Another workhorse of the proponents of nuclear power in France is that electricity costs less because it has nuclear weapons. In fact the conditions that led France to become a nuclear power are the result of the policy of General de Gaulle to create, in the cold war, a French-led European nuclear pole.

The French civil nuclear power was born in symbiosis with nuclear weapons, to share the enormous costs to produce uranium for enrichment and especially the so-called "weapon grade". The French military and civil effort was impressive and most of the costs, research and development to the treatment of spent fuel have never been in the cost of kilowatt hours that citizens are charged in price, but they are well hidden fees, which the French pay. Do not forget that EDF, the electricity company that operates nuclear power plants is a state and that the military arsenals and enrichment plants and reprocessing are state-owned uranium.

The French experience is unique, especially in a liberalized market where the costs should be transparent and industrial activities have to compete on the market. On the other hand just read the reports of the French Court of Accounts to be aware of the serious omissions and the absolute lack of transparency found in the nuclear sector and in particular in the "decommissioning", stigmatized by the French courts regularly in their reports.

In an article published on Energy Daily June 4, Goofy Ranci, former president of the Energy, says that France maintains administrative fee for all the little people, household and commercial and these rates are low so as to form a powerful barrier against ' entry of competitors and that are economically sustainable as long as EdF can use the energy produced exclusively from old nuclear power plants already written off, and for which it is believed there was an implicit government subsidy at least for the costs of research, development and engineering. And I would add to the reprocessing of spent fuel that is the responsibility of the military and for decommissioning, as EdF, according to the complaint, the Court of Auditors, which should not set aside the money.

Now it is undeniable that the success of the 1987 referendum has been determined by emotions caused the Chernobyl disaster. But Italy's exit from nuclear power has not been determined only by emotions, but also by specific political calculations even ideological.

is worth to mention the fact that the referendum questions were intended to abolish key regulations on the location of nuclear power plants and contributions to Municipalities and regions with nuclear power plants, which would have made it impossible to find a town willing to host on its territory a nuclear facility or a deposit of radioactive waste.

It 'also important to remember, at that time as the DC and the PCI were strongly opposed to the questions proposed by the Radical Party, the Liberal Party and the Socialist Party. The first strategy adopted by the Government of that time against the referendum was that the early dissolution of the stalemate that had occurred in the relationship between DC and the PSI: the protagonist was Ciriaco De Mita, who decided early elections to break the convergence of those months between secular parties and particularly between Craxi and panels.

After the elections, the appointment before the referendum, the DC and PCI, initially hostile to the questions, is in favor of "yes". This sudden change of course of the two major parties derived from the political implications that could lead to an eventual defeat of the formation of the "no" centered on the axis DC and PCI, as opposed to a secular-progressive camp consists of Radicals and Socialists.

The reinterpretation of this period demonstrates that the result of the referendum of 1987, as well as being the result of emotions was especially son of ideology. E 'and then correct to say that that choice was emotional and ideological.

What is less obvious is that even now the return of Italy in the nuclear wave is due to an equally emotional even ideological, expertly piloted by a government that mystifies the facts and stimulates most ancestral fears of the citizens.

Now, compared to 1987, the situation was reversed: the emotions of that time, even if motivated by a strong concern about the possible health and environmental consequences of radioactive fallout, the return to the nuclear dispute on a rational basis and supporters of nuclear begging now, the return on the emotional and ideological bases, such as fear of the increase the cost of oil, the unreliability of natural gas producing countries, the fatality of a development that will lead us to an ever-increasing consumption of energy, the inevitability that to preserve our planet and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we must choose the lesser evil. Perhaps Chicco Testa did not realize that his dream is a reality and now claims that the "professionals" furthering his lies relying on emotion in favor of the people. We know another who has similar delusions ... but that's another story.

The truth is that energy efficiency and renewables are in strong competition with nuclear and nuclear supporters blatantly lie when they say that there is no competition between nuclear and energy efficiency . This divergence is likely to increase for two reasons.

First, all energy technologies distributed, including energy-saving technologies are surely destined to become less expensive because of the large production volumes and continuous improvements that allow you to churn out ever more new products "more saving" of the above. This is not the case for centralized systems and especially for nuclear plants that historically tend to cost more and more, in contrast with the so-called "learning curves of technology." On the other hand the design of a nuclear component until it is achieved by passing so many years, even when you invent new products and technologies, can not be used immediately and must wait entering into a new production chain.

In second order, the market is beginning to recognize the benefits achievable by the distributed technologies, both in terms of profits, both for the high relapse that this implies on employment levels in local level. Energy conservation, distributed generation and renewable sources of electricity in particular, are beginning to show their explosive power to break through barriers that until recently seemed impenetrable, drastically reducing costs and improving performance. Only in cogeneration plants in Italy you are installing hundreds of units per year 4 thousand megawatts of power for a year. They are also emerging new classes of technologies, some still immature as solar thermal or hydrogen-powered fuel cells that are destined to revolutionize the transportation market.

Terna forecasts on the evolution of electricity demand in Italy, updated in November 2008, show, in a scenario called "development", ie without the implementation of this potential energy, 415 billion kilowatt hours in electricity needs and the needs 74 thousand megawatts of power at 2018.

Now, without going into details of what impact the economic collapse underway on final consumption and shifting to a first approximation to the needs indicated by Terna 2020 to 2018, the goals of the package 20-20-20 "mean that for 2020 there is a reduction of final consumption of about 80 billion kilowatt hours and a further 70 billion kilowatt hours are produced from renewable sources. The need to supplement conventional sources, is reduced to 265 billion kilowatt hours of electricity and less than 60 thousand megawatts of conventional thermal power, 30% lower than the electricity requirements of 2009 (350 billion kilowatt-hours) and 22% less than the gross thermal power is currently installed (73,300 megawatts).

At this point someone has to explain where there is space to build 4-5 nuclear power plants that would produce 60 billion kilowatt hours of electricity per year, as requested by Fulvio Conti, CEO Enel, when already in 2020, implementing the package 20-20-20 "risk a surplus of between 20% and 30%.

What is worrying is that our Government, instead of strengthening the very support for energy efficiency and renewables, is the Faustian pact between industry lobbyists and financial contracts promising to build a billion dollar nuclear industry is extremely risky and expensive, guaranteed by the state, and with taxpayers' money.

In fact, the government slows down the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, real clean alternatives, to make room for the interests of the nuclear lobby and these funds will be diverted to the deployment of a and sustainable development, territorial, that only the energy efficiency and renewable energy sources can produce true.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ganz Name Baby Charms Magnetic

were identified sites for the nuclear Italian adventure?

The ten sites for adventure nuclear
Anna Pacilli [September 11, 2009]

Monfalcone [Gorizia], Scanzano Jonico [matter], Palm [Agrigento ], Oristano, Chioggia [Venice] Caorso [Piacenza], Trino Vercellese [Vercelli], Montalto di Castro [Rome], Termini Imerese [Palermo] Termoli [Campobasso]. These sites would be identified by the government to build nuclear power plants.

E 'today's news that the Government had identified ten areas for the construction of nuclear power plants in Italy. The list, reported by Metro, including: Monfalcone [Gorizia], Scanzano Jonico [matter], Palm [Agrigento], Oristano, Chioggia [Venice] Caorso [Piacenza], Trino Vercellese [Vercelli], Montalto di Castro [Rome] Termini Imerese [Palermo] Termoli [Campobasso]. The document reserved for the Ministry of Economic Development, the source of information, also referred to as the main criteria for selecting sites close to the sea and a power plant.
Ten sites to choose the most 'suitable' to achieve the four stations mentioned for some time the Minister of Economic Development, Claudio Scajola, or a higher number? The question is legitimate, at least on paper, because the four stations have already been announced, the group contracted Enel - Edf [Electricité de France], with French technology. But the minister is planning a trip to the United States, on 28 September to sign the agreement and industrial to produce nuclear energy agreement in May, at the G8 Energy in Rome. Includes the formation of the consortium between Ansaldo and society US-Japan Toshiba-Westinghouse to build nuclear power plants in Italy. Ansaldo denied, but confirmed to be in play in the Italian game of nuclear power. Edison, for its part, protested at being excluded so far. Then, still on paper, could be central not only four, plus the unique site for the storage of all radioactive? However, according to announcements by Scajola, would be used on both the French EPR technology is the direct U.S. competitor, Westinghouse. But both third-generation technology that is the old, dangerous and expensive, which continues to produce waste that no country is able to treat or to permanently store safely. The latest third-generation plants produced in the West date back to the 80s, while in the next 90 years they have built only in Japan and Korea. Then simply because nobody wants them anymore. Except a few countries of the South. For the fourth generation reactors, potentially safer, have to wait at least another twenty years.
And there is already excitement in the territories, from Scansano Jonico [matter], where the previous Berlusconi government had announced the construction of the site only for the storage of radioactive Italian provoking the popular revolt and the complete reverse of the then Environment Minister Matteoli. There noscorie committees have never stopped working. Not sure they will be looking at the populations and local governments and Trino Caorso Vercelli, who can not live with most of the old nuclear power stations close, but not dull nor dismantled, become storage depots of waste produced during their short activity.
Neither will be easy to convince Monfalcone, freshly and regasification terminal where the battle against the "application" Atomic expressed themselves environmentalists, politicians and citizens. In short, if you really had to go by words to action, it would be easy for the local government to accept these decisions, taken to more authoritarian ways and maybe supported by military force.
Among the many announcements and rumors, however, remains a crucial question: who is investing billions of euro in a game at a loss as it is, certainly, that of the central third generation? The doubt is that the only money promised are public ones, whereas the group Finmeccanica Ansaldo, for more than 30 percent owned by the ministry of economic development, and that 30 percent of Enel is public. Not the case more vigorously to stop the nuclear ambitions has arrived Scajola economy by his colleague, Giulio Tremonti.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wha Are Genetal Warts

Combating climate change - Tana for Italy! Fiera delle Utopie Concrete 2009


From Republic Ecoblog in a few days ago came up with the news that Italy will have to pay 555 million € for non-implementation of measures to reduce CO2 emissions that cause pollution of the imbalance which in turn determines the rise in global average temeperatura and consequent climate change. This is a fine salty, which could even double if we do not give a move.
Yet faced with this prospect at the time the government simply blame the previous government, guilty of not treating enough on their allowance, without taking into account a serious national policy, such as the operational level, to combat the causes of climate change.
We are the usual: the TV does not speak, and so the problem does not exist ...
Yet the problem exists and the laxity with which we treat the topic in our country is a boomerang that sooner or later come back to hurt us.
read the following to be clear:

The effects of standing political climate are shocking

Rising emissions of greenhouse gases expected in the Reference Scenario leads to a doubling of the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere by the end of the century, causing a rise in global average temperature up to 6 ° C. The trend in the Reference Scenario indicate continued growth in emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Total emissions of CO2 per year related to energy consumption increased from 28 billion tonnes in 2006 to 41 billion tonnes in 2030, an increase of 45%. The projection to 2030 is only a billion tonnes less than expected nell'Outlook last year, even if we assume much higher prices and a global GDP growth slightly weaker. It is expected that emissions of greenhouse gases worldwide, including emissions of CO2 associated with the consumption of energy and other polluting gases, will increase from 44 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2005 to 60 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2030, an increase of 35% over the 2005 level. Three-quarters of the CO2 emissions related to energy consumption expected in the Reference Scenario are from China, India and the Middle East, and 97% from the set of non-OECD countries. On average, however, the per capita emissions in non-OECD countries are far below those in OECD countries. In the latter, the emission reaches its peak after 2020, and thereafter begin to decline. Only in Europe and Japan, emissions are lower in 2030 than today. As a result of urbanization, it is expected that most of the increase in emissions CO2 related to energy use is attributed to the city, with their share rising from 71% in 2006 to 76% in 2030. City dwellers consume on average more energy than the inhabitants of rural areas and are therefore responsible for a greater amount of CO per capita.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Female Brazilians Images

July 2 all Ancona against repression! Initiative and referendum on

PRESIDIO Thursday, July 2: 09.00 Corso Mazzini, 95 (opposite the Court)

Process Ancona against communist-P CARC (Party Committees to Support Resistance for Communism) and ASP (Association of Proletarian Solidarity).
On July 2 at the court of Ancona there will be the first day of the trial against fellow P-CARC ASP and described the court accused of Giovagnoli "Novello Torquemada." Giovagnoli of facts is known to have opened several investigations against communists, anarchists, students, and in general no global opponents politicians. Giovagnoli in its accusations made extensive use of Article 270 bis, a crime established in the fascist period specifically to target opponents of the regime. In this same article was orchestrated criminal proceedings against owners of the PCARC and reel. The successful mobilization (the procedure has not had to prosecute) thousands of workers, true democrats, and communists have taken a stand against repression Giovagnoli and his solidarity with the comrades and brought under investigation. Giovagnoli and his friends have suffered badly this political defeat and have resorted to new charges of defamation. With this charge will be processed by the secretaries of the P-prison and 'ASP July 2.

Solidarity is a weapon! Build a united front against repression
! The repression will not stop the rebirth of
communist movement in our country!
repression, war, massacres at work and at sea, disasters like those
Aquila, layoffs, job insecurity, illegal work,
degradation, environmental destruction:
you can put an end to all this, you can put an end to the barbarity
that the owners, the Vatican, the rich and their authorities there have precipitated
! We send off the band
Berlusconi and his retinue of zealous Torquemada, a zealous servants in uniform, to coward
fascists and racists!
Promoting the construction of a government of People's Bloc,
a government formed and supported by grassroots organizations that
take the necessary emergency measures to cope with
worst effects of the crisis! We advance in the fight to make
Italy a new socialist country!

Party Committees Support for
Resistance - for Communism
Tanaro National Center Street, 7 -20 128 - Milano tel / fax
resistance @ carc. it

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blister On My Baby's Hip

GIRP in Modena

Friday, June 19:
debate on the referendum, dinner,
projection Day of the Revolutionary Prisoner

at the Documentation Centre Filorosso Via C. Morone, 13

HOURS 19.00 Debate on Referendum 21 to 22 "Vote NO
the first two questions, vote YES to the third
a choice for democracy and against the reduction of viability of space policy

HOURS 20.30 Dinner for financing costs incurred by the Communist
list for the electoral campaign and referendum.

22.00 Projection: short films to combat the occasion of International Day of the Revolutionary

June 19, 1986 The owners of the CFP more than 300 prisoners in prisons
of Peru, were massacred by the army.
Since then, this date was launched as the International Day
Revolutionary Prisoner (GIRP). From then
, June 19 and close dates, are an opportunity to play
action against the repression, in memory of all fallen
"in the hands of the enemy" and those who still resist
in prisons around the world.

Chamber of Modena via C. Morone, 13

Friday, June 12, 2009

Watch Southpark For Iphone

Women who hate men

The glorification of nature

female implies the humiliation

anyone has it.

TW Adorno, "Minima Moralia"

There is a void in the pages of Jane Somers . A lack of which was born text, precisely in the sense of tissue. So a plot and a plot that comes from an absence and nevertheless produce a precise meaning, basic knots, junctions essential. Human relations, in short. There is, rather, the lack of a presence, an area low pressure that occurs here and there in the course of the narrative. This missing (not in a negative way, mind you) is the male element. The men, it is withdrawn by a decision from another painful and tender relationship between Janna and Maudie. The man is not even an accessory. The males are absent. If you are not present are useless. When they are not useless seriously harm the health of women. In less severe cases have many elements of stupidity. We want to sink the knife to split hairs? Well there is a positive male figure substantially. E 'Freddie, the husband of Janna. In fact, die at once. Indeed, it is already dead. Posthumous presence, however, significant.

Janna live, work, work, suffer in a world populated by women only. A large, bustling harem in which men are slightly more, slightly less than that frescoes on the walls. Bas timid and uncertain in the absence of light grazing. They are part of the background, ethereal presences cross dall'estenuazione memories. Simple two-dimensional allusions. It 's always, the male, selfish or violent or incapable. Often without disjunction. A book, therefore, written by a woman, for women, for women, women only, populated by women who speak with other women, who work among women. Why are women "... that hold things together" .

truth so sacrosanct as problematic. From this essential characteristic of the emerging world of JS anthropologically crucial role because centripetal, unifying of women whose consistency coagulates the social relationship within and outside the household, as opposed to inconsistency patrifocale centrifuge. So that the "freemasonry of women" is manifested in the conspiracy that "... overflows and spreads inside the bus ..." and in every fold of life.

Lessing - Somers is fierce as a woman. Verga lines fierce and corrosive acid similar molecular "Alien" , other text. Or rather, another context within which the feminine is entirely the agony not only dialectical. The inconsistency of the male figures is carved into the superficial of chat with the "... real gentleman, gallant and full of humor ...".

In Diary man can only make you laugh in the role of the modern cicisbeo "... that despises everything that does not taste of smoke, leather and shaving cream, and especially women. .. " ( TW Adorno," Minima Moralia "). The final definition of man is lethal: "Funny" . A fatal stroke. A gunshot to the head of the fathers and their arrogant deity. The truth of the male occurs only through the thin curtain of appearance. Which reveals more The key feature of ' Antropos sophos : does not understand. And if he understands he does not know what to do. Indeed, he does not know tout court. Knowledge is falling into the dark pit of life hoping only that, that there is an end. Understanding is floating in the warm ocean instinct. And 'the gesture of the infant preconscious Shaking hands trying to grab ( cap and king) now cut off to climb a rope to the peace of life prior lost forever. Figure of knowledge is the question that is a horizon. Measure of understanding is the exclamation that stiffens the wonderment of the vacuum. The root of all knowledge is Sophia.

Even when you fight, when one faces, when you have or you love, the action takes place among women. Often, very often, Jane is in contention with itself. Or with the "other Janna," Mrs. Fowler that is how they are all old: "lean, transparent, dusty."

So with uncertain decision, J . S. the challenge set by the case in a pharmacy. And 'the beginning. DL has the rare ability to quickly access but not hasty action, the heart of the text and history. L ' incipt is always difficult because it involves a pre-admission self-expression intentions and feelings. And lack: "... I never asked the question of how I actually ..." . Without question or estuary mouth: the reality that we do, with the inevitable self-reflection. That is, not coincidentally, the first pages of Diary constitute the realm of denial that he says. All those "no" , those "or" those "not". JS is revealed by the negativity of the expression, saying that is not to affirm what is not with unconscious involuntary paralessi. The self-analysis that you have as the foundation of the narrative process introduces no methodical attempt to dissolve the doubt "... how it really was."

Shortly after the question appears capital "... what good is that they are still alive?" plurality of singular verb: they are all of us. Janna began to understand. That is: what good is living? Life as incomprehensible to the tautology that, with vascorossiana, obstinacy, we try to give meaning, content, justification, actually. Exactly. E 'in this exact moment that the fragile, tiny, proud Mrs. Fowler, with a quiet metamorphosis, becomes Maudie forever.

Standard, Here, two births in the Socratic sense perfectly. Thanks to the feelings of the two maieutics women learn to recognize what they were, remember who they are and how they are. Slowly develops a topography of the feelings with which DL analyzes and describes perfect fit with the characteristics of the nascent relationship with the elderly most in terms of a marital relationship with his sudden, unexplained highs and lows which give the narration as sloshing a ' "... emotional swings."

And then there's the body. There are two bodies. The elegant, softly feminine enviable Janna. And the other, wrinkled, sagging, tired, poor hanger worn rags, be hard to know matter how troubled the indelible marks of time digging in and out of dark tunnels. The young (everything is relative) admires his own body, it takes painstaking care, cultivates refined elegance but soberly visible. Which lacks a soul. Because the purpose is only to "keep everything under control." For this the dawn of a feeling terrified. Why now feels unable to manage the reality itself, to take control. Especially their feelings. Those, Janna understand this intuitively since the death of the mother and her husband, can not be bent: we can only break.

Slowly, with great effort, Doris - Janna takes his troubled ascent. A true asceticism as integral to the new movement represented the other. There is a focal point, a watershed to mark the turning point. A veritable rite of passage from the soul, in which Janna lives for themselves, their career, to his own body, for the time of the ephemeral world of adulthood heart that leans to the outside . The scene, brilliantly painted the "bubble" Mrs. Fowler is the painful passing of a threshold for inner invisible. Washing the elderly, Jane lava itself. That's why, back home, his ablutions are made hasty and the woman is no longer "... in the pool hours ". The real cleaning is not that of the body. Not especially. Along with the look, feel, smell that meat angular, gaunt, that "... fragile rib cage, under a layer of yellow and wrinkled skin, clavicles and shoulder blades of a skeleton ..." the recalls "... the sick body of the mother." Maudie suddenly becomes a mother recovered. And, conversely, Janna became the daughter that never was. Find it the essential feature of a reality never tasted after decades of living in a desert called family. A collective noun here disengages the individual who survives in monadic form. There is no light in the nucleus. Only an unbearable neutron heaviness that pushes Jane to go insane because inappaganti trajectories.

There is an 'other family, that of Joyce, which to some extent also Jane is a part, for reasons not clear that it shatters and it is this same powdered entities to decide "... to remain united." A cohesion tired, produced by a weakness, not by force of an affect. Even if Joyce, who decides to follow her husband in America, the push comes from a state of mind (not a feeling!): Fear of loneliness. Pure utilitarianism. So the abstractness of the group determines the future of each member and irresponsibility, strives to fulfill the individual.


But now you know. Decide to know. Because, first, "... I did not want to know." The brilliant "career woman" warns darkly first, then with sudden clarity: It was a breath of knowledge to get lost. Open your eyes is a risk of death. E ', especially life-threatening. Still want to live and choose to be reborn. Although, with increasing clarity, he realizes that every question opens up the pain. However after him and find him. But asking questions is a perilous exercise because he exhibited at the risk of finding answers. And each answer belongs all'irrimediabile. So Jane, slowly, almost casually, he plunges in his own labyrinth karst and discovers the ontological possibility of pain. It 'an awakening, a rebirth. In fact a resurrection in the sense perfectly Tolstoy.

And then there's the time. Janna detects the existence of a sudden. A new time is born and grows inside her. It 's the slow time of old. But no different. Janna has become different, the first Janna is disappearing along with Maudie. This begins to count the years. He sees the world with eyes moist and finally wakes ... surrounded by oceans of time ". The storm you surf.

The roles are reversed. E 'Janna, now, to talk, to tell Maudie's life. While the now-ancient Mrs. Fowler of years approaching acrimony outcome immersed in a non-removable. The disease claims and very deformed body and mind. Jane, the real Jane would like to see the old "... came out from his sullen hostility and yellow ..." to "... communicate, if only for a few minutes, with the true Maudie." The problem is deciding what is true and what is not. What is the "true Maudie"? What is our true us? What we know and who we are or what we know and from whom we come? In the first case it is found that every hour brings with it at least 3600 "truth." In accordance with the "truth" is subject to the dominion of memory that changes with the variable geometry of mental processes, physical, limbic, neural, emotional complexity in a second the Dark of Ephesus, "... changes and changing resting rests." Only stay and / or change? And death, then? "An injustice? An injustice that they have to die? As we all? "

The injustice of death comes chrono-logically injustice of life. Maudie and Janna and we all suffer from this alone. It always happens in the end that the character is confused with the interpreter, the fiction transitions in reality, life ramps in death. Each distinction is pure hypothesis. Why ".. we can not absolutely know what is happening in reality." do not know really. Even Jane knows this and gets angry at the end: "As long as you know who you are angry." Blasphemers I know it always. That's why they pray.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How Long Do Test Results Take For Gonorrhea

Friday 19 Monday, June 8, 2009 at 19:00 and dinner debate on combating social

MODENA Monday, June 8 at
Laboratory shook off Carteria n.50
DEBATE "Resisting repression, turning it into an instrument of cohesion and mobilization
is possible and necessary. The repression
want to share, we respond by joining.
build solidarity. "
attend: the companions of Reggio Emilia
affected by the crackdown on April 28
21.00 Buffet to raise funds for legal fees
(reservations presence at the buffet ,

- On the night of April 28 Reggio Emilia
shoots at police car some companions of the P-CARC,
guilty of making a written anti-fascist front of the offices of House
Pound. The companions are brought
police station and kept there all night and are searched
their homes.
- Repression advances with the progress of the crisis:
arrests, charges, restrictions of any kind are instruments to which the rulers
recur with increasing frequency.
- The repression, the militarization of the territory do not concern
more avant-garde movement, but extend beyond
- On the same line, multiply
of laws and regulations clearly racist against the masses.

On June 19, 1986 over 300 fellow PCP
prisoners in the prisons of Peru, were massacred by the army.
Since then, this date was launched as the International Day
Revolutionary Prisoner (GIRP). From then
, June 19 and close dates, are an opportunity to play
action against the repression, in memory of all fallen
"in the hands of the enemy" and those who still resist
in prisons around the world.

Promotes P-CARC Chamber of Modena
Committees to Support Resistance for Communism

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

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INFORMATION VOTOper 6 and June 7, 2009 Interview with Cynthia

Indication European elections to vote

The Federation of Emilia Romagna CARC Party and local committees of the common list for the People's Bloc of the next election European give an indication of voting for the list anticapitalist (PRC - Italian Communists).

Denote then with our staff and supporters to vote the list anticapitalist, expressing preference for the candidate Cynthia Colaprico. After several evaluations and the discussion that this is achieved we decided to give an indication of voting for Cynthia Colaprico, working as a candidate and union representative. Of course, this statement does not mean voting to have identical positions, but we think that most of the other candidates better expresses the positive trends in part as PRC and PDCI. Let's also about the candidate Cynthia Colaprico to be open by comparison.

Compared to

convergences and divergences between the positions of Cynthia Colaprico refer to the interview posted on the blog of the common list for the popular block of Modena.

indication to vote in the Province and the Municipality of Modena Modena

The section of the P-CARC and the Election Committee of the Communist list for the People's Bloc decided to give an indication of voting for the list Civica Modena 5 star is the province that the municipality . We

indication to vote for the Civic List 5 stars because is an expression of people in front of the crisis and the ensuing problems, decide to mobilize and organize themselves. In List Modena 5-star candidates are people active in the struggle committees, particularly for environmental protection and the right to health, which for years (therefore very difficult times) are mobilizing to defend these rights.

el'autorganizzazione independent and popular mobilization is one of the hallmarks of these lists and are common elements that we want to build the People's Bloc.

course, next to the items that we share lists 5 stars Modena, there are not minor differences. However, we noted that despite the differences existing these lists of candidates with whom we come in contact, have shown a great openness to dialogue and confrontation. We also think it is extremely important line transparency of these lists for the purpose of the elected assemblies (advertising the sessions of the junta).

For this reason we point to vote in the province Civic List 5 star Lidia Castagnoli as Chairman and the Joint Civic List 5 star mayoral candidate Victor Ballestrazzi, indicating a preference for Sandra Poppi. Denote vote Sandra Poppi as active for years in the fight for environmental protection and health in Modena.

the division 1 (old town) we claim to vote for Beatrice D'Agostino, a candidate list of the PRC Communist. This companion, who played for years in the area, we think it well represents that part of the PRC Modena, open to discussion and coordination of the communists against sectarian rifts and against the logic that dell'orticello well, despite the recent pruning, are spread over a the PRC Modena.

blog on the common list of Modena you can find interviews with Cynthia and Lidia Castagnoli Colaprico

P-CARC Chamber of Modena

List for the communist People's Bloc - Election Committee of Modena


Stream Fishstick Episode


Cinzia Colaprico, working for Electrolux in Forlì, a candidate in European elections in the northeastern district of anticapitalist List (PRC-PDCI).

Colaprico Cynthia, she's the only candidate working in the district, today, in your opinion, what contribution more workers can give a candidate, that problems such as unemployment compensation, workplace safety, risk of unemployment and defense rights of workers who live there and know them personally and not by hearsay?

R. The first problem is the scarcity of workers in the institutions, and especially workers with a history of representation in the workplace. Field training, which when done with consistency and honesty, allows for much more clear today what the working class, and how try to represent it. Represent the workers, their condition, their needs, in the places currently appointed to decide is a necessity. From time workers the margins of political life and parties and this is a mistake. So not enough to be in institutions, if there is a link and you continue to build conditions and protest movement, also starting from the workplace, those places become sterile chatter influenced by various lobby of the capitalist system. You need to bring voice and representation in all places today to denounce what is really a factory, precarious employment, dismissal, job insecurity, poverty while struggling every day. A worker elected institutions must beat reality in the face to those who in those places pretending not to know it and continue to organize workers to build the conditions for change.

She is a candidate with the list anticapitalist sponsored by PRC and the PDCI, according to her why while it was possible to build this list to European unity, it was not possible in most elections?

R. Why the EU is the barrier, and this apparently without any possibility of reaching a quorum was unthinkable. In the local elections and other mechanisms are not being that necessity is compelling interests prevail. However I believe that to achieve the goal of a strong anti-capitalist and communist mass there is a need for a long crossing pass that for a change of managers. In this sense the need to confirm the commitment of workers with experience of struggle consistent representation in political parties and institutions.

you carry out union activities in FIOM as regional manager and RSU. In your opinion would be desirable for the coordination of workers employed by the FIOM CGIL trade union base? What do you think has so far hampered the search for this unit and how it might arrive?

R. Fiom , as well as large organizations representation has many contradictions within it, including consistency between theory and practice, especially in the territories and in the bargain. But it is also an 'important positive anomaly, taken as a whole, in the Italian trade union landscape. The idiosyncrasies, different structure, history, often believe that there is lack of communication between committees of the base, base unions and trade unions as Fiom. But if you exceed the levels "bureaucratic", reflection on the conditions on it deprives many differences, that is why forms of coordination are helpful. The road to arrive to join forces and continue to build, to be on merit and experience to live among the workers.

What do you think of how many of the politicians and trade unionists, I think we can do at the same time the interests of workers and the interests of masters?

R. Them wrong. I owners do not think so!

For several months the P-CARC and other forces have launched the slogan "Building a Government of People's Bloc" a government formed and supported by labor organizations and popular that exist in our country ( be-fired-& catid = 1: press-and-flyers & Itemid = 3 ), what do you think about it?

R. In my experience, and accept a certain ignorance on the subject, for the experience that I live every day in factory assembly lines, I think I can say that they are not ripe for a historic political solution of this nature. It is true that you must be ready to changes when they arrive, but today is not a solution should be understood by the workers that the protagonists.

the end of last April, as reported on the site of the observatory on the suppression of PRC (, Reggio Emilia, the police opened fire on the car of some company, "guilty" of having made a written against the house when Pound, what do you think of this episode? What do you think in general the climate of repression that is advancing in Italy?

R. The country is regressing in terms of rights, freedom and democracy, and that these regressions lead to the violent and repressive authoritarianism is evident. The terrible fact is framed in this context and in the near certainty of impunity for those committing it. Even this requires building a strong anti-capitalist and communist resistance. To do so, evidence from the best there is. I start by working in this direction by working where repression, violation of rights and dignity are daily bread, and where strength is built day by day, even with the fight or not easy to do nor to be proclaimed. But as soon as you can the is implemented in practice. We called strike and pointed without the consent of the unions.

What do you think if CARC and P-list to the Communist bloc would give an indication of the popular vote for her in the forthcoming European?

R. , would be a useful thing for the workers.