Saturday, May 22, 2010

Kalkulator Za Imperia Online

COLOMBIA Elections

As in most Latin American countries including Columbia, the campaign has the appearance of a real collective performance. Despite the fact that the U.S. is the kingdom and the birthplace of electoral communication, is in the countries of South America that is expressed at its highest level. The reasons are mostly cultural, that is related to the character of that population that even in the most tragic situations can find ideas to socialize and share projects and ideas. The election campaign in those countries is an extraordinary and unique flowing through them from the big cities up to the most remote villages. The election campaign, except that there are choices to be won range as those concerning the government of nations, is a large and continuous feast that lasts for more than a month and he sees an extraordinary expenditure of funds by the parties and candidates. Election campaigns are "hot" followed by a ' high participation of voters who flock to the polls after taking part in a collective event that, notwithstanding the ideological differences, has connotations of festive quite different from those of the campaigns in North America or Europe. The campaign cost a lot: the paperwork is immense, gadgets are limited only by the imagination of those who imagine and produce them, especially private and public television are literally taken by assault, the consultants are working side by side at full speed, in the vast majority of cases, by American colleagues.
The election campaign that is taking place in Columbia is no exception: they have been hired the best strategists and the media are almost exclusively devoted to the elections. Of the two main contenders as "new" is two-time mayor of Bogota Andenas Mockus, an educated university professor whose Green Party is a glimpse of the possibility of a progressive wave in a country torn by internal conflicts and secular in which drug dealers are not a 'invention of cinema, but the custodians of a lump of violence who do not hesitate to put in place whenever they see their bussines at risk. The consultants of the proposed green keeps saying their campaign is all online, that is focused on Internet and social networks. A little 'what has been said about the Obama campaign last year. The new media are so used to the fullest, but in a completely subordinate to the television that remains, despite the network, the main tool to guide the electorate. As always happens in politics, the dynamics of consensus are extremely complex and it would be simplistic to attribute the victory of one candidate over another tool when we know who is the candidate who is a person to make a difference. What is certain is that the network has unleashed the potential of all the instruments of electoral propaganda posters, brochures, TV and radio spots, the same speeches today are conditioned by the reference on the internet and then are forced to reformulate the message. Those who observe the election campaigns of the world can not fail to be dazzled and fascinated by the amount of sites, television commercials (including a lot of sarcasm), interventions, events that mark this year at which people, including candidates, still participates with enthusiasm.
A week before the vote in the May 30 polls, after speaking to a head to head jammed between the two candidates for President, today marks an advantage for the candidate backed by outgoing President Alvaro Uribe. To contend for the office are the candidate of the right Juan Manuel Santos, a former defense minister, the Socialist Party of National Unity (U Party) and Andenas Mockus, candidate of the Green Party and former mayor, much loved by its citizens of Bogota. To embarrass the candidate green have certainly been the accusations of his opponents of being an atheist and want to raise taxes. Santos still has the advantage that comes from having managed a spectacular raid that led to the release, in Ecuador, 15 hostages of the FARC. Whoever wins will represent for Colombia of a new era: President Uribe will be completely knocked out and start a new course in a country that has experienced stages of extreme violence (for comparison, in conjunction with voting for reasons of security, borders will be closed). A 'eventual victory for the Green candidate will be a further clear evidence of the disaffection of the electorate from the traditional policy as is happening in every country in the world. We will continue to talk about it.


The presidential candidate Santos

http://www. ref = mf & v = info


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