Friday, May 21, 2010

Philips Car 400 Connection


28 and May 29 Czech voters will go to the polls for the first round of elections to the Chamber of Deputies. The Czechoslovak Republic has a bicameral system with a senate composed from 81 seats and a House of Representatives consists of 200 seats. The members of the Senate are elected by an absolute majority in single-member constituencies and remain in office six years. The 200 Members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected through a proportional system instead of in open lists and remain in office for 4 years. A second round is necessary when no candidate obtained an absolute majority in the first. One third of the Senate is renewed every two years. Voters can make preferences between the two candidates on the list who wish to vote. To join the Chamber of Deputies shall be a barrier to 5 percent becomes 15 in the case of a coalition of two parties, 15 per cent if the coalition is formed by three parties and 20 percent for coalitions of four or more parties.
The latest poll is headed by the Social Democratic Party ( Czech Social Democrats CSSD ) with 11, 5 percent lead over rival Civic Democrats (ODS) and this is the first time since the 2006 election that the ODS falls below 20 percent. A
The Social Democratic Party would then win with 30.5 percent of the vote against 19 per cent of the ODS. Polls show a surge in popularity of the Conservative Party TOP 09 centrist and Public Affairs (VV). Together with the Communists (KSCM) these parties have gained 10 percent each. The Greens (SZ) and Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) should not however reach the 5 percent necessary to enter the House of Representatives unless the maregine error of the polls do not go in their favor. The extra-parliamentary left party
Milos Zerman (SPOZ) is not expected to reach 2 percent.
This campaign sees a strong demand from many quarters for change and many new parties trying to capitalize on discontent with the old parties. The conservative TOP09, claiming the free market, is headed by Karel Schwanzenberg an aristocrat exiled during the Communist regime that has become a popular foreign minister s, which is challenged on its pedigree. One of the tools he used in election campaign of false invoices that were sent to voters in order to communicate the levels of debt in the country. Another new and unique party is Public Matters is headed by Radek John, a journalist who takes the conversation to say the least unusual. Its volunteers have been distributing election material in Prague and tried to chase the homeless and drug addicts. This activity has been suspended for several days, but John has made one of the most famous politicians of the country, much more than Schwarzenberg. Both certificates at 10 percent, could play a certain role in the formation of new coalition.
As in previous elections, voters may be divided equally between the left and right, giving life to another government weak and quarrelsome Inico made a great party and a myriad of small parties. Another possible outcome is a Social Democratic minority government supported by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Another scenario is that of a grand coalition between Social Democrats and the democratic civilian rule. The leader of Social Democrats (CSSD) Jiri Paroubek has just declared to be forced to fight two enemies, political opponents and the media who he accused of spreading false news. His anger against the newspapers had led to a news blackout that broke participating in a televised debate in which he explained as his party's priority is to revive the economy of the country that many considered a situation similar to that of Greece. The CSSD has certainly been the largest party attacked by the press and public opinion as revealed by an unpleasant incident in which it is committed by the president of Deputies Bohuslav Sobotka, during a rally in Brrno was attacked by a drunk. Paroubek has also lashed out against negative campaigning that he said, has distracted the attention of voters from the real problems of the country.

AN INCREDIBLE !!!!!! Schwarzenberg




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