Friday, May 21, 2010

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Ethiopia to vote between poverty and conflict

Three days before the election on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea a bomb blew up a bus killing 13 people. The two countries had fought between 1998 and 2000, causing over 80 000 victims. It 'a sign of the climate that we are living in the African country in the vicinity of the 547 members of parliament elections. Out of a population of 80 million inhabitants, 31 million are registered voters and were prepared 43 000 polling stations which will close Sunday evening. The head of the National Electoral Commission said that, barring unforeseen circumstances, the first results should be already on Monday. There is no doubt that to win the elections will be the head of the totalitarian regime Zernawi Meles, 55, has long accused of increasing repression and genocide in violation of human rights against its own people, circumventing international law by invading and occupying sovereign territory and trying to destabilize the entire Horn of Africa. Zenawi, who is in government for 19 years, heads the coalition of Ethiopia People Revolutionary Front (EPRDF), which controls the printing system, state employees and the entire electoral process. Prime Minister Zenawi he abandoned his studies in medicine to work together to overthrow the communist government of Mengistu Haile Mariam. He graduated in England and was awarded ten years after, a Masters degree in economics at a German university.
The opposition coalition, known as Medrek, complained that his candidates were threatened and three of its members murdered. For its part the government has denounced the Medrek of killing one of his supporters and police. The opposition leader is Merera Gudina , university professor, member of parliament and founder of Medrek.
Merera For the current prime minister Meles is one of the worst African dictators.
The Medrek is composed of eight political parties based on ethnicity and its leader Merera has promised major changes including the reform of the free market. Merera Gudina is part of the vast Oromo ethnic group that owns one third of the Ethiopian population. Next Sunday Medrek elections will occur without one of its main leader and head of the Unity Party for Democracy and Justice Birtukan Mideska who was imprisoned on charges of treason. Other parties
meanings of this election are the All Ethiopia Unity Party led by Hailu Shawell el'Ethiopian democratic party led by the young Lidetu Ayalew.
The international election monitoring mission, comprising 170 observers, is the largest ever used with this function. Other international observers, such as the Carter Center, have refused to send their representatives in Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia, one of the poorest countries in the world and more dependent on international aid, is preparing to experience a weekend election banner of fear. It is not the first time that concurrent elections the government uses repression against opponents who are imprisoned or killed as reported by international control. These are investigating in particular that the Ethiopian government is using aid to buy the international consensus and take out the opposition.
The parliamentary elections of 2005 had been accompanied by a strong wave of protest that led to the arrest of thousands of dissidents and the killing of an unknown number of people.
Recently, opposition leaders were imprisoned on false charges and free radio stations have been closed. A number of foreign journalists who had asked to enter the country to monitor the elections was denied a visa.
Since last March, two opposition candidates and a candidate have been killed. The Ethiopian government has denied any connection with these murders by declaring that it was a crime and that the opposition attempts to criminalize these situations to discredit the institutions. The government supporters continue to claim to have reduced poverty and increased infrastructure while many have denounced as international aid will be used to help people not to feed the corruption.

ZERNAWI Meles explains his vision ETHIOPIA ...



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