Monday, December 20, 2010
Ninja Turtles Pijamas
AI "BLOCKS" DEPARTURE ... Capodiponte
As mentioned in the news, I can proudly show you what is the result of two years of work in the past not always "work", often climbing, but often to clean, brush, pick, build, weeding and cutting.
Already, though prepare a small area where costs climb sacrifice, hard work, so that never see the end of this and I do not want to take on, but I want to thank the legendary Gian, the Indiana Jones of the situation, with its continued work and commitment is a continual ferment of ideas and new places to discover and exploit. Valuing
yes, because there are those who still believe in this sport, fair chance of generating wealth in what we do, spiritual or physical, to provide a different development opportunities to our valley for us and for future generazzioni, because our work and commitment not remain a mere outburst of "local volunteers." I would also
ringrazziare Greta, Berni, Mauri, Sergio, Claudio, John and all the guys from the Graffiti Climbers who have made this possible.
soon the reviews, one by one, each block of all downloadable in pdf format.
Monday, November 29, 2010
What Is The Fastest Hunting Rifle
Hello Paul ...

(Paul Beathens-Paolo Vinti)
's case, the trajectory, the consistency ,
vertenzializzare means, means
suggest another possible world,
means producing freedom, equality
peace, love
concept-art-culture, apart from power
, by currency and by the decision.
's hypothesis
is to produce a new syntax,
to verbalize with poetry:
-thesis-synthesis hypothesis,
thought-idea-to-program theory-ideology-revolution.
L ' hypothesis is the trajectory
torpedo-fuse sparkling beauty-and phosphorus-fantasy
's hypothesis is the consistency and realization,
gap-drive-feeling vibration
' s hypothesis is the revolution-the class to 'fight-the proletariat
' s hypothesis is the working class, the liberation of work and from work.
's hypothesis is that of a relocation of the human position,
change position is to have an' adventure
means avoiding penalties that a judge the truth about what you do,
's adventure to avoid a judge is also place the location of the position to 'attack,
means traiettorizzare The hypothesized mobilizing people on the goal of freedom and equality.
The revolution is fundamental
's hypothesis is the revolution!
Author Maurizio Zara
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
How To Coat Ikea Table Glossy
MOUNT ADAMELLO : 21/08/2010
Considerations: starting on Friday evening at a time of refuge Prudenzini , the manager and staff are all our most heartfelt thanks for the treatment and hospitality, thanks for the carbonara (squisita!) and the kumquat (delicious even that), but above all thanks for making us feel at home. Saturday morning wake up early, goal Monte Adamello , step towards Salarno , the path goes very smooth resulting walkable, l ' crossing the plain of snow, although less physically demanding was an ordeal, the temperature was perceptible from the crematorium. Ascent from the "rocks ", with some short piece of climbing up to the bell at the top. Descent along the ridge west to step Adamello, some double security tracing the legendary route Terzulli , be aware that although "equipped" with some fixed ropes is a lot better, if not imperative, not to trust everything that is, the way is a classic mountaineering to deal with your rope and not a railroad, and I myself have witnessed the fragility of the pieces of rope, which appear in good condition, but that fray and tear to a minimum pinching .
Step Gnutti the shelter with adjoining beer and back up to put guat in the Valley Hut.
Overall, the climb took place in very good rhythm, peak crowded, never seen so many people in one day, take this opportunity to greet the large group of Coleraine (47 only them).
21.30, finally home, after you have fixed some little unknown, such as getting out of Valley Hut, as a back up to Fabrezza to return the car, but everything went well and this can not be complain.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Silver Flakes On Foreskin
MELLOBLOCCO - The Passion - 2 / 2
too good ... "Melloblocco ... ... Mellosballo Mellosciallo" went like a girl met them last summer , but the beauty is that you look at who's at the 6:33 minute video ... Italy!
Advantage Of Closed Tank Purge Dip System
Horn Adam Adamello turquoise

Considerations in a forgotten valley, especially climbers today, rises majestically above us this huge granite massif, composed by Adam Horn, smaller peak and the summit of Mount smoke and, in past ages, around the 90 'the valley had its heyday, with opening of new routes and discoveries of new routes, to return shortly after, back to the state of utter neglect and abandonment.
with great interest the most, but personally especially joy, last year a shipment of "foreigners" (locals like to call out the people who come from outside) have rediscovered the valley and gave birth to two beautiful routes: the Adamello turquoise reflections "for the note and" Ballad of granite forgotten "in this case Paul Amadio and Marco Degiovanni which are my warmest congratulations for their work on the Adamello turquoise.
Unfortunately, I have a criticism to be moved to the discoverers: the way is quite difficult to get and signaled bad, especially the "start", but then the rock is so beautiful and so well done nailing make you forget the hour walk search attack.
The road has a total length of 250m, 5 shots on the rock very compact and beautiful, every shot is morphologically perfect, or almost always looking for weak points in the climb, but never overdo it with the easy, too hard to do.
nailing, all mixed to fix the 10 and 8, is a textbook, without a gym, but even a psychological ordeal fiondoni kilometers of climbing a sheer delight in a constant and continuous.
Congratulations again ... even if I am definitely not as good as "the ballad of granite forgotten."
Monday, August 2, 2010
Essay About Surveillance
Report of a week of the "spread":

In double from the magnificent spire
Campanile di Val Salarno
Andrea White at the opening on the dihedral
considerations: the long approach, if not very long, about 4 hours by car, loaded like mules, wild and breathtaking views; From here you overlook the valley and Adam Salarno, the summit is beautiful and very scenic, climbing just as the first two shots but no strong emotions, III / IV at times also II, then the beautiful shot of the dihedral and V + is now at the top, you retrieve the member and the tip is within 10 meters. Photos of the rite and there is already preparing for a double leading to the ledge below, from here you cross twenty feet, we call it backpacker and start the long descent.
Corrigendum report: there are no nails in the street, only the S3 is equipped for the descent, two nails, material suggested a couple of nails, knives and beads for support and a friend of seriata small, useful # 3 and # 0.5 BD.

First pitch of the "breath of Stone"

When you say "spread"

Paul almost stationary one (puff of stone)
imperative slather
Considerations: Unfortunately this time the hail was to stop us, resolved the first pitch of VII-we had to drop the first stop, now the wet plate was impractical.
Here, too, but then you'll understand why the nails are disarming, the first hard shot is acceptable, if not calculated that between fourth and sixth spit there are at least 12 meters, you're wondering where it finished fifth? simple, there is, but he has not been granted the good fortune to have a plate and a nut attacked.
This would not be so shocking, except that the "nasty business" is also mentioned in the report ... mah?
from S1, we opted for an emergency withdrawal, but the second and third shot, both by 40 meters each have 2spit.
What, perhaps the most beautiful slab of the whole valley deserves much more attention, hats off to those who have committed and worked hard to open so beautiful trails, planting a bolt is not only a banner of conquest, is also the responsibility to the mountains and toward those who benefit from it.

Always a stop for the brothers, but this time we
on "mirror on the wall" every time
is a good idea to take a look report ... is not it?

Pauline on the first pitch of "mirror on the wall"
considerations: the approach this time is a little softer, in 2 and a half has been attacking Oretta , a little hard to Travor, the writing behind it is completely gone, the first pitch is not overly challenging, but the last nail in the rest need to go back with your hands nell'isiga on small grassy ledge, and it is not very exciting.
very different story for the second length, about fifteen meters after the S1 is the first bolt, then small boulderino input in a treacherous channel / gully, the second spit is a stellar distance (15 meters at least), the error would result in a disastrous fiondone on the plate below, and I do not know what the game resist to the candle.
From S2 onwards, a superb comeback and just as easy plate IV above, to the S3, the step behind it from the path of Poia.
Sincerely, interesting tour, but nailing it would definitely be reviewed, I do not think that a couple of bolts in more on the second pitch (6a +) were going to compromise the integrity of the street, as I do not think that the objective difficulty of a street depends, or is likely to depend more or less nailing killer.
fun climbing all
Thursday, July 29, 2010 Model
big shot, he pointed to the very classical and dreaded top of the tower, but not for routine, on the edge, but to "murder colpeso" express line that attacks the central slab granite spire dell'accuminata and dizzy.
The first two shots on simple plates funny and then attack the beautiful dihedral white comeback to almost the top, a fifth of other times, the last shot of a few tens of meters, yet not trivial, for the usual photo embraced the strut.
During the double, as usual, the weather became a little more hostile and keep us company came before the fog, then rain, for a return ... "refreshing."
In these days, then came many other ascents, but that's another story.
A greeting and thanks to fellow up Paul and Andrew, without which it would have been impossible to reach the top, this time, there have put a great a lot of "pump ".... GREAT!
Friday, July 23, 2010
What's Your Wrestling Name

Today yet another attempt to free the third pitch (Crazy Horse), almost came to solving the puzzle, after many difficulties, has been unleashed on shipping un'uragano bibbliche proportions, like it or sore that forced us to retreat, unfortunately, with stubbornness is replicated tomorrow, then, hopefully, will bow to the dragon!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The African Walking Company

How is a way ...
For now we are only the second shot; stop by the thorns of Draco, the two big Lamoni left, you can see the slide over the polished plate of the dragon, majestic, upright, hiding our eyes the solution to this puzzle rests and cracks along the route is still to our adventurers.
Will? ... We can resolve the third pitch? ... The time off a sentence!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Black Coocks Rapid Share
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
How To Make Uhf Vhf Transformer
Saturday, June 12, Slovakia will elect 150 members of parliament. As in all countries of the world here television is the medium most used by the parties for the election campaign. These are the contending parties and the electoral spot from which to explore any trace their history.
SMER / Social Democratic Party
KDH Christian Democratic Movement-
-SNS Slovak National Party = sns-112010 webtv-
MKP-Hungarian Coalition

Saturday, June 12, Slovakia will elect 150 members of parliament. As in all countries of the world here television is the medium most used by the parties for the election campaign. These are the contending parties and the electoral spot from which to explore any trace their history.
SMER / Social Democratic Party
KDH Christian Democratic Movement-
-SNS Slovak National Party = sns-112010 webtv-
MKP-Hungarian Coalition
Zestaw Wypoczynkowyfelix
Welcome to the biggest primary day of the year! Eleven states -- from California to Arkansas to Maine (and everywhere in between) -- are voting today. We're devoting our Morning Fix today to five of the best storylines out in the country today. Stay tuned all day at The Fix and for the latest and greatest of the day (and night!) to come.
1. Pulaski, Pulaski, Pulaski!: In the Arkansas Democratic runoff between Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, the party establishment and the labor movement have engaged in a hand to hand voter identification and turnout war in the relatively small number of critical counties where this race will be decided.
Pulaski, a central Arkansas county located just minutes from downtown Little Rock, holds the key to Lincoln's chances of pulling off a win -- a result that would be considered a very slight upset at this point.
In the May 18 primary, Lincoln carried the county 52 percent to 40 percent over Halter thanks in large part to her margins among black voters. (According to the 2000 census, more than one in every three residents in Pulaski is African American.)
Organized labor, which has dumped millions of dollars into the race against Lincoln, has heavily targeted Pulaski in the three weeks between the primary and the runoff, understanding that Halter must cut into Lincoln's strength there to win.
Lincoln, not surprisingly, has done everything she can to hold on to her margin in Pulaski including an appearance at the end of last month in Little Rock by former President Bill Clinton -- a revered figure among black voters in Arkansas.
If you need to know how Lincoln's night is going, watch Pulaski.
2. Angle's outstate angle: Former state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle enters primary day in the Nevada Senate race as the frontrunner but polling -- and there has been lots of it -- suggests that there is a large enough chunk of undecided voters to hand an upset victory to either businessman Danny Tarkanian or former state party chairwoman Sue Lowden.
The best way to know how Angle is doing is to look at where the vote is coming from across the state. If Washoe County (Reno) and the so-called "Cow Counties" in the northern reaches of the state comprise a significant chunk of the overall Republican primary vote then Angle is a near-certain winner as her old Assembly seat is in the Reno area and her strong conservative credentials resonate particularly well with outstate voters.
Lowden and, to a lesser extent, Tarkanian, need Clark County (Las Vegas) to comprise an large proportion of the overall statewide vote to pull off an upset. As of June 4, Clark County voters made up 66 percent of all votes cast statewide in early balloting, according to figures from the Secretary of State's office.
3. Haley's Comet: Recent attacks on South Carolina state Rep. Nikki Haley (R) appear to only have made her stronger in the gubernatorial primary. The only question now is whether she can win 50 percent and avoid a runoff.
That prospect seemed unlikely as recently as three weeks ago when polls suggested that although Haley had moved into the pole position, she would be hard pressed to win a majority of the vote against a crowded Republican field that includes Rep. Gresham Barrett, state Attorney General Henry McMaster and Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer.
Then came the salacious allegations -- from two GOP campaign operatives -- that Haley had engaged in extramarital affairs with them. She vehemently denied the charges and, despite promises to the contrary, neither man produced anything close to full-proof evidence of a relationship. Haley also went on television with an ad featuring her husband and two sons that decried the "dark side" of the state's politics.
Rather than seeing her momentum slowed -- the clear goal of the timing of these "revelations" -- the opposite effect has taken hold as Haley appears to have grown into a sympathetic figure in the eyes of voters who view her as being unfairly attacked. (State Sen. Jake Knotts, a Republican, didn't help matters when he referred to Haley as a "raghead" in an interview with an Internet talk show recently.)
If Haley wins outright today, she will immediately become a major star nationally for a party desperately in need of fresh faces. Even if she comes close but falls short of 50 percent, Haley will still be the odds-on favorite as the runoff is only two weeks after today's primary.
4. Margin Matters: Polling conducted in the final week(s) of the California Senate Republican primary suggests that former Hewlett Packard executive Carly Fiorina is going to be the GOP nominee against Sen. Barbara Boxer (D).
The question now is how big Fiorina's margin will be over moderate former Rep. Tom Campbell and conservative state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore.
The bigger the margin, the quicker Fiorina will be able to move beyond the primary and focus her fire on Boxer. If neither Campbell, running to the middle, or DeVore, running to Fiorina's right, are able to come close to her then the next-day stories about whether she can unite the party will disappear. If she ekes out a win -- or underperforms polls suggesting a double digit (and growing) edge over Campbell, Fiorina may not get the bump she wants from her win.
It's not an insignificant point because Boxer will almost certainly start the general election campaign moments after Fiorina is confirmed as the nominee -- seeking to use her financial might ($9.7 million in the bank as of mid-May) to offer voters a less-than-flattering portrayal of the Republican nominee.
5. Inglis in trouble: Following losses by West Virginia Rep. Alan Mollohan (D) and Alabama Rep. Parker Griffith (R), South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis may be the next target of voters looking to vent their unhappiness with the status quo.
Inglis' main problem is his vote in favor of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a no-no in Republican party politics these days. His saving grace? A crowded primary field that will split the anti-Inglis vote although a runoff -- likely with Spartanburg County prosecutor Trey Gowdy -- seems like an inevitability.
And, in a runoff with the anti-Inglis vote united, it's hard to see how the Congressman pulls through.
Inglis isn't the only incumbent struggling to succeed with a strong anti-incumbent wind blowing in his face. In California, Rep. Jane Harman (D) has spent more than $520,000 as of mid-May in her rematch against Marcy Winograd (D), a schoolteacher who lost by 24 points to Harman in 2006.
Winograd has benefited from the support of Howard Dean's Democracy for America (founded by Howard Dean but now run by Dean's brother, Jim) and had emerged as a darling of some national liberal groups. Still, a Harman loss would be a major upset and a sign of just how bad the environment might be for incumbents.
With Aaron Blake and Felicia Sonmez from Washington Post
Welcome to the biggest primary day of the year! Eleven states -- from California to Arkansas to Maine (and everywhere in between) -- are voting today. We're devoting our Morning Fix today to five of the best storylines out in the country today. Stay tuned all day at The Fix and for the latest and greatest of the day (and night!) to come.
1. Pulaski, Pulaski, Pulaski!: In the Arkansas Democratic runoff between Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, the party establishment and the labor movement have engaged in a hand to hand voter identification and turnout war in the relatively small number of critical counties where this race will be decided.
Pulaski, a central Arkansas county located just minutes from downtown Little Rock, holds the key to Lincoln's chances of pulling off a win -- a result that would be considered a very slight upset at this point.
In the May 18 primary, Lincoln carried the county 52 percent to 40 percent over Halter thanks in large part to her margins among black voters. (According to the 2000 census, more than one in every three residents in Pulaski is African American.)
Organized labor, which has dumped millions of dollars into the race against Lincoln, has heavily targeted Pulaski in the three weeks between the primary and the runoff, understanding that Halter must cut into Lincoln's strength there to win.
Lincoln, not surprisingly, has done everything she can to hold on to her margin in Pulaski including an appearance at the end of last month in Little Rock by former President Bill Clinton -- a revered figure among black voters in Arkansas.
If you need to know how Lincoln's night is going, watch Pulaski.
2. Angle's outstate angle: Former state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle enters primary day in the Nevada Senate race as the frontrunner but polling -- and there has been lots of it -- suggests that there is a large enough chunk of undecided voters to hand an upset victory to either businessman Danny Tarkanian or former state party chairwoman Sue Lowden.
The best way to know how Angle is doing is to look at where the vote is coming from across the state. If Washoe County (Reno) and the so-called "Cow Counties" in the northern reaches of the state comprise a significant chunk of the overall Republican primary vote then Angle is a near-certain winner as her old Assembly seat is in the Reno area and her strong conservative credentials resonate particularly well with outstate voters.
Lowden and, to a lesser extent, Tarkanian, need Clark County (Las Vegas) to comprise an large proportion of the overall statewide vote to pull off an upset. As of June 4, Clark County voters made up 66 percent of all votes cast statewide in early balloting, according to figures from the Secretary of State's office.
3. Haley's Comet: Recent attacks on South Carolina state Rep. Nikki Haley (R) appear to only have made her stronger in the gubernatorial primary. The only question now is whether she can win 50 percent and avoid a runoff.
That prospect seemed unlikely as recently as three weeks ago when polls suggested that although Haley had moved into the pole position, she would be hard pressed to win a majority of the vote against a crowded Republican field that includes Rep. Gresham Barrett, state Attorney General Henry McMaster and Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer.
Then came the salacious allegations -- from two GOP campaign operatives -- that Haley had engaged in extramarital affairs with them. She vehemently denied the charges and, despite promises to the contrary, neither man produced anything close to full-proof evidence of a relationship. Haley also went on television with an ad featuring her husband and two sons that decried the "dark side" of the state's politics.
Rather than seeing her momentum slowed -- the clear goal of the timing of these "revelations" -- the opposite effect has taken hold as Haley appears to have grown into a sympathetic figure in the eyes of voters who view her as being unfairly attacked. (State Sen. Jake Knotts, a Republican, didn't help matters when he referred to Haley as a "raghead" in an interview with an Internet talk show recently.)
If Haley wins outright today, she will immediately become a major star nationally for a party desperately in need of fresh faces. Even if she comes close but falls short of 50 percent, Haley will still be the odds-on favorite as the runoff is only two weeks after today's primary.
4. Margin Matters: Polling conducted in the final week(s) of the California Senate Republican primary suggests that former Hewlett Packard executive Carly Fiorina is going to be the GOP nominee against Sen. Barbara Boxer (D).
The question now is how big Fiorina's margin will be over moderate former Rep. Tom Campbell and conservative state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore.
The bigger the margin, the quicker Fiorina will be able to move beyond the primary and focus her fire on Boxer. If neither Campbell, running to the middle, or DeVore, running to Fiorina's right, are able to come close to her then the next-day stories about whether she can unite the party will disappear. If she ekes out a win -- or underperforms polls suggesting a double digit (and growing) edge over Campbell, Fiorina may not get the bump she wants from her win.
It's not an insignificant point because Boxer will almost certainly start the general election campaign moments after Fiorina is confirmed as the nominee -- seeking to use her financial might ($9.7 million in the bank as of mid-May) to offer voters a less-than-flattering portrayal of the Republican nominee.
5. Inglis in trouble: Following losses by West Virginia Rep. Alan Mollohan (D) and Alabama Rep. Parker Griffith (R), South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis may be the next target of voters looking to vent their unhappiness with the status quo.
Inglis' main problem is his vote in favor of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a no-no in Republican party politics these days. His saving grace? A crowded primary field that will split the anti-Inglis vote although a runoff -- likely with Spartanburg County prosecutor Trey Gowdy -- seems like an inevitability.
And, in a runoff with the anti-Inglis vote united, it's hard to see how the Congressman pulls through.
Inglis isn't the only incumbent struggling to succeed with a strong anti-incumbent wind blowing in his face. In California, Rep. Jane Harman (D) has spent more than $520,000 as of mid-May in her rematch against Marcy Winograd (D), a schoolteacher who lost by 24 points to Harman in 2006.
Winograd has benefited from the support of Howard Dean's Democracy for America (founded by Howard Dean but now run by Dean's brother, Jim) and had emerged as a darling of some national liberal groups. Still, a Harman loss would be a major upset and a sign of just how bad the environment might be for incumbents.
With Aaron Blake and Felicia Sonmez from Washington Post
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What Will Happen In 2oo
Sunday, May 30, 2010
What Is The Best In Pokemon Deluge
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sound Blaster Live
Egypt June 1 at the polls for parliamentary elections
Tuesday, June 1 in Egypt, citizens are invited to vote in the first round for the 'election absolute majority of 176 members of the Upper House or Advisory Council (Majlis Al-Shura). The remaining 88 members are appointed directly by President Mubarak and all remain in office for six years.
Tuesday, June 1 in Egypt, citizens are invited to vote in the first round for the 'election absolute majority of 176 members of the Upper House or Advisory Council (Majlis Al-Shura). The remaining 88 members are appointed directly by President Mubarak and all remain in office for six years.
Brazilians Wax Percentage
the photo finish victory in Colombia presidential elections next Sunday. Until a few months ago nobody would have questioned the victory of dolphins Uribe, whose popularity is still high thanks to his hard line on national security: the Marxist rebels who have held the country in check for nearly 40 years have been confined to mountains and jungle, drug production has collapsed and the far-right paramilitary militias were dismantled. Uribe tried to hold a constitutional referendum to allow him a third term last February 26 but the constitutional court has rejected this possibility. Uribe has failed to transfer his popularity on Santos, 58, chatted with a former defense minister unexceptionable political pedigree (his uncle was president, his grandfather was one of the most listened to political commentators and during his tenure as minister of defense has taken away 15 hostages from the hands of the guerrillas, including Ingrid Betancourt), but associated with an old and outdated way of politics far removed from that which is offering its biggest rival.
It 's a big pencil symbol of the campaign Mockus who distributes to thousands during his speeches, accompanied by the statement: "The next chapter in our history will be written with a pencil and not with blood."
Mockus, who in the presidential election of 2006 had less than 2 percent of the vote does not undermining the success of President Alvaro Uribe, is increasingly matched by the candidate in the polls Santos (ex-defense minister), whose victory, until last February, was taken for granted even by the most accurate political analysts.
To understand the dramatic comeback twice mayor of Bogota, El Professor, as it is called by the students since he was rector of National University turbulent, it is necessary to evaluate the opponent's court where the parties of the right (conservatives, the radical change and Partitdo de la U) instead of compacted around the dolphin Uribe chose to run each with its own candidate.
Mockus could, given the polls, win or go to the first round of balloting next June 20 with the direct opponent Santos. Mockus's election campaign, as did Obama, change substantially on the tip and completely new element in the political geography of Colombia, to young voters. His insistence on this segment of the electorate has forced his rivals to reconsider their positions, to adopt a vision of youth friendly and so down on his own ground, but little is worth the redesign of Web sites or the use of social networking sites such as Twitter, Face Book to curb the rampant success of the Green Party candidate (party formed a year ago on progressive positions of the center and very distant from those of the radical "green" traditional). If the advantage of Santos on Mockus is now 34 to 33, among young people aged 18 to 24 years Mockus has a percentage in favor of 67 percent against the 'Santos 11. This is because of an election campaign in which, from the outset, the use of new media was a tight square, in fact, opponents unprepared for the new media and new languages. Green Mockus has led a campaign benefiting also from the political scandals that have characterized the presidency of Alvaro Uribe and his minister, Santos accused, among other things, of having used the intelligence agencies to intercept phone calls of judges, political opponents and journalists. When
Mockus, as I said, he ran as president in 2006 had less than 2 percent of the vote and the fact that today is going to win shows how much the country has changed in recent years.
When, in 2002, Uribe has won as an independent, Colombia was on the brink of an abyss: the guerrillas of the FARC controlled a large portion of the territory and are funded by the kidnappings and the drug trade. Paramilitary gangs have also killed hundreds of people in recent years.
Uribe's policy, focused on security, has led to a decline in homicides by 32 percent and kidnappings by 85 percent but the economic situation has plummeted despite considerable U.S. support.
While recognizing the great Uribe's work, young Colombians feel now it is time to turn the page.
During two terms as mayor Mockus of Bogota has earned a reputation as an unconventional and honest leader who, by continuing to declare itself independent, was able to break the long tradition of being surrounded by friends and friends of friends.
The atmosphere in Colombia these days is still glowing: 1,053 landmine have been newly discovered that the rebels of the FARC wanted to use on election day. The mines were discovered in the province of Antioquia where last week a squad of marines fell into an ambush of Colombian FARC. The commander of naval forces in the south said that the Marines were engaged in security operations in view of the election next Sunday.
To view video FB:
To learn more about Mockus
PEDRO GUSTAVO the Alternative Democratic POLE PARTY

the photo finish victory in Colombia presidential elections next Sunday. Until a few months ago nobody would have questioned the victory of dolphins Uribe, whose popularity is still high thanks to his hard line on national security: the Marxist rebels who have held the country in check for nearly 40 years have been confined to mountains and jungle, drug production has collapsed and the far-right paramilitary militias were dismantled. Uribe tried to hold a constitutional referendum to allow him a third term last February 26 but the constitutional court has rejected this possibility. Uribe has failed to transfer his popularity on Santos, 58, chatted with a former defense minister unexceptionable political pedigree (his uncle was president, his grandfather was one of the most listened to political commentators and during his tenure as minister of defense has taken away 15 hostages from the hands of the guerrillas, including Ingrid Betancourt), but associated with an old and outdated way of politics far removed from that which is offering its biggest rival.
It 's a big pencil symbol of the campaign Mockus who distributes to thousands during his speeches, accompanied by the statement: "The next chapter in our history will be written with a pencil and not with blood."
Mockus, who in the presidential election of 2006 had less than 2 percent of the vote does not undermining the success of President Alvaro Uribe, is increasingly matched by the candidate in the polls Santos (ex-defense minister), whose victory, until last February, was taken for granted even by the most accurate political analysts.
To understand the dramatic comeback twice mayor of Bogota, El Professor, as it is called by the students since he was rector of National University turbulent, it is necessary to evaluate the opponent's court where the parties of the right (conservatives, the radical change and Partitdo de la U) instead of compacted around the dolphin Uribe chose to run each with its own candidate.
Mockus could, given the polls, win or go to the first round of balloting next June 20 with the direct opponent Santos. Mockus's election campaign, as did Obama, change substantially on the tip and completely new element in the political geography of Colombia, to young voters. His insistence on this segment of the electorate has forced his rivals to reconsider their positions, to adopt a vision of youth friendly and so down on his own ground, but little is worth the redesign of Web sites or the use of social networking sites such as Twitter, Face Book to curb the rampant success of the Green Party candidate (party formed a year ago on progressive positions of the center and very distant from those of the radical "green" traditional). If the advantage of Santos on Mockus is now 34 to 33, among young people aged 18 to 24 years Mockus has a percentage in favor of 67 percent against the 'Santos 11. This is because of an election campaign in which, from the outset, the use of new media was a tight square, in fact, opponents unprepared for the new media and new languages. Green Mockus has led a campaign benefiting also from the political scandals that have characterized the presidency of Alvaro Uribe and his minister, Santos accused, among other things, of having used the intelligence agencies to intercept phone calls of judges, political opponents and journalists. When
Mockus, as I said, he ran as president in 2006 had less than 2 percent of the vote and the fact that today is going to win shows how much the country has changed in recent years.
When, in 2002, Uribe has won as an independent, Colombia was on the brink of an abyss: the guerrillas of the FARC controlled a large portion of the territory and are funded by the kidnappings and the drug trade. Paramilitary gangs have also killed hundreds of people in recent years.
Uribe's policy, focused on security, has led to a decline in homicides by 32 percent and kidnappings by 85 percent but the economic situation has plummeted despite considerable U.S. support.
While recognizing the great Uribe's work, young Colombians feel now it is time to turn the page.
During two terms as mayor Mockus of Bogota has earned a reputation as an unconventional and honest leader who, by continuing to declare itself independent, was able to break the long tradition of being surrounded by friends and friends of friends.
The atmosphere in Colombia these days is still glowing: 1,053 landmine have been newly discovered that the rebels of the FARC wanted to use on election day. The mines were discovered in the province of Antioquia where last week a squad of marines fell into an ambush of Colombian FARC. The commander of naval forces in the south said that the Marines were engaged in security operations in view of the election next Sunday.
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To learn more about Mockus
PEDRO GUSTAVO the Alternative Democratic POLE PARTY
Saturday, May 22, 2010
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COLOMBIA Elections
As in most Latin American countries including Columbia, the campaign has the appearance of a real collective performance. Despite the fact that the U.S. is the kingdom and the birthplace of electoral communication, is in the countries of South America that is expressed at its highest level. The reasons are mostly cultural, that is related to the character of that population that even in the most tragic situations can find ideas to socialize and share projects and ideas. The election campaign in those countries is an extraordinary and unique flowing through them from the big cities up to the most remote villages. The election campaign, except that there are choices to be won range as those concerning the government of nations, is a large and continuous feast that lasts for more than a month and he sees an extraordinary expenditure of funds by the parties and candidates. Election campaigns are "hot" followed by a ' high participation of voters who flock to the polls after taking part in a collective event that, notwithstanding the ideological differences, has connotations of festive quite different from those of the campaigns in North America or Europe. The campaign cost a lot: the paperwork is immense, gadgets are limited only by the imagination of those who imagine and produce them, especially private and public television are literally taken by assault, the consultants are working side by side at full speed, in the vast majority of cases, by American colleagues.
The election campaign that is taking place in Columbia is no exception: they have been hired the best strategists and the media are almost exclusively devoted to the elections. Of the two main contenders as "new" is two-time mayor of Bogota Andenas Mockus, an educated university professor whose Green Party is a glimpse of the possibility of a progressive wave in a country torn by internal conflicts and secular in which drug dealers are not a 'invention of cinema, but the custodians of a lump of violence who do not hesitate to put in place whenever they see their bussines at risk. The consultants of the proposed green keeps saying their campaign is all online, that is focused on Internet and social networks. A little 'what has been said about the Obama campaign last year. The new media are so used to the fullest, but in a completely subordinate to the television that remains, despite the network, the main tool to guide the electorate. As always happens in politics, the dynamics of consensus are extremely complex and it would be simplistic to attribute the victory of one candidate over another tool when we know who is the candidate who is a person to make a difference. What is certain is that the network has unleashed the potential of all the instruments of electoral propaganda posters, brochures, TV and radio spots, the same speeches today are conditioned by the reference on the internet and then are forced to reformulate the message. Those who observe the election campaigns of the world can not fail to be dazzled and fascinated by the amount of sites, television commercials (including a lot of sarcasm), interventions, events that mark this year at which people, including candidates, still participates with enthusiasm.
A week before the vote in the May 30 polls, after speaking to a head to head jammed between the two candidates for President, today marks an advantage for the candidate backed by outgoing President Alvaro Uribe. To contend for the office are the candidate of the right Juan Manuel Santos, a former defense minister, the Socialist Party of National Unity (U Party) and Andenas Mockus, candidate of the Green Party and former mayor, much loved by its citizens of Bogota. To embarrass the candidate green have certainly been the accusations of his opponents of being an atheist and want to raise taxes. Santos still has the advantage that comes from having managed a spectacular raid that led to the release, in Ecuador, 15 hostages of the FARC. Whoever wins will represent for Colombia of a new era: President Uribe will be completely knocked out and start a new course in a country that has experienced stages of extreme violence (for comparison, in conjunction with voting for reasons of security, borders will be closed). A 'eventual victory for the Green candidate will be a further clear evidence of the disaffection of the electorate from the traditional policy as is happening in every country in the world. We will continue to talk about it.
The presidential candidate Santos
http://www. ref = mf & v = info

As in most Latin American countries including Columbia, the campaign has the appearance of a real collective performance. Despite the fact that the U.S. is the kingdom and the birthplace of electoral communication, is in the countries of South America that is expressed at its highest level. The reasons are mostly cultural, that is related to the character of that population that even in the most tragic situations can find ideas to socialize and share projects and ideas. The election campaign in those countries is an extraordinary and unique flowing through them from the big cities up to the most remote villages. The election campaign, except that there are choices to be won range as those concerning the government of nations, is a large and continuous feast that lasts for more than a month and he sees an extraordinary expenditure of funds by the parties and candidates. Election campaigns are "hot" followed by a ' high participation of voters who flock to the polls after taking part in a collective event that, notwithstanding the ideological differences, has connotations of festive quite different from those of the campaigns in North America or Europe. The campaign cost a lot: the paperwork is immense, gadgets are limited only by the imagination of those who imagine and produce them, especially private and public television are literally taken by assault, the consultants are working side by side at full speed, in the vast majority of cases, by American colleagues.
The election campaign that is taking place in Columbia is no exception: they have been hired the best strategists and the media are almost exclusively devoted to the elections. Of the two main contenders as "new" is two-time mayor of Bogota Andenas Mockus, an educated university professor whose Green Party is a glimpse of the possibility of a progressive wave in a country torn by internal conflicts and secular in which drug dealers are not a 'invention of cinema, but the custodians of a lump of violence who do not hesitate to put in place whenever they see their bussines at risk. The consultants of the proposed green keeps saying their campaign is all online, that is focused on Internet and social networks. A little 'what has been said about the Obama campaign last year. The new media are so used to the fullest, but in a completely subordinate to the television that remains, despite the network, the main tool to guide the electorate. As always happens in politics, the dynamics of consensus are extremely complex and it would be simplistic to attribute the victory of one candidate over another tool when we know who is the candidate who is a person to make a difference. What is certain is that the network has unleashed the potential of all the instruments of electoral propaganda posters, brochures, TV and radio spots, the same speeches today are conditioned by the reference on the internet and then are forced to reformulate the message. Those who observe the election campaigns of the world can not fail to be dazzled and fascinated by the amount of sites, television commercials (including a lot of sarcasm), interventions, events that mark this year at which people, including candidates, still participates with enthusiasm.
A week before the vote in the May 30 polls, after speaking to a head to head jammed between the two candidates for President, today marks an advantage for the candidate backed by outgoing President Alvaro Uribe. To contend for the office are the candidate of the right Juan Manuel Santos, a former defense minister, the Socialist Party of National Unity (U Party) and Andenas Mockus, candidate of the Green Party and former mayor, much loved by its citizens of Bogota. To embarrass the candidate green have certainly been the accusations of his opponents of being an atheist and want to raise taxes. Santos still has the advantage that comes from having managed a spectacular raid that led to the release, in Ecuador, 15 hostages of the FARC. Whoever wins will represent for Colombia of a new era: President Uribe will be completely knocked out and start a new course in a country that has experienced stages of extreme violence (for comparison, in conjunction with voting for reasons of security, borders will be closed). A 'eventual victory for the Green candidate will be a further clear evidence of the disaffection of the electorate from the traditional policy as is happening in every country in the world. We will continue to talk about it.
The presidential candidate Santos
http://www. ref = mf & v = info
Friday, May 21, 2010
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28 and May 29 Czech voters will go to the polls for the first round of elections to the Chamber of Deputies. The Czechoslovak Republic has a bicameral system with a senate composed from 81 seats and a House of Representatives consists of 200 seats. The members of the Senate are elected by an absolute majority in single-member constituencies and remain in office six years. The 200 Members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected through a proportional system instead of in open lists and remain in office for 4 years. A second round is necessary when no candidate obtained an absolute majority in the first. One third of the Senate is renewed every two years. Voters can make preferences between the two candidates on the list who wish to vote. To join the Chamber of Deputies shall be a barrier to 5 percent becomes 15 in the case of a coalition of two parties, 15 per cent if the coalition is formed by three parties and 20 percent for coalitions of four or more parties.
The latest poll is headed by the Social Democratic Party ( Czech Social Democrats CSSD ) with 11, 5 percent lead over rival Civic Democrats (ODS) and this is the first time since the 2006 election that the ODS falls below 20 percent. A
The Social Democratic Party would then win with 30.5 percent of the vote against 19 per cent of the ODS. Polls show a surge in popularity of the Conservative Party TOP 09 centrist and Public Affairs (VV). Together with the Communists (KSCM) these parties have gained 10 percent each. The Greens (SZ) and Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) should not however reach the 5 percent necessary to enter the House of Representatives unless the maregine error of the polls do not go in their favor. The extra-parliamentary left party
Milos Zerman (SPOZ) is not expected to reach 2 percent.
This campaign sees a strong demand from many quarters for change and many new parties trying to capitalize on discontent with the old parties. The conservative TOP09, claiming the free market, is headed by Karel Schwanzenberg an aristocrat exiled during the Communist regime that has become a popular foreign minister s, which is challenged on its pedigree. One of the tools he used in election campaign of false invoices that were sent to voters in order to communicate the levels of debt in the country. Another new and unique party is Public Matters is headed by Radek John, a journalist who takes the conversation to say the least unusual. Its volunteers have been distributing election material in Prague and tried to chase the homeless and drug addicts. This activity has been suspended for several days, but John has made one of the most famous politicians of the country, much more than Schwarzenberg. Both certificates at 10 percent, could play a certain role in the formation of new coalition.
As in previous elections, voters may be divided equally between the left and right, giving life to another government weak and quarrelsome Inico made a great party and a myriad of small parties. Another possible outcome is a Social Democratic minority government supported by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Another scenario is that of a grand coalition between Social Democrats and the democratic civilian rule. The leader of Social Democrats (CSSD) Jiri Paroubek has just declared to be forced to fight two enemies, political opponents and the media who he accused of spreading false news. His anger against the newspapers had led to a news blackout that broke participating in a televised debate in which he explained as his party's priority is to revive the economy of the country that many considered a situation similar to that of Greece. The CSSD has certainly been the largest party attacked by the press and public opinion as revealed by an unpleasant incident in which it is committed by the president of Deputies Bohuslav Sobotka, during a rally in Brrno was attacked by a drunk. Paroubek has also lashed out against negative campaigning that he said, has distracted the attention of voters from the real problems of the country.
AN INCREDIBLE !!!!!! Schwarzenberg

28 and May 29 Czech voters will go to the polls for the first round of elections to the Chamber of Deputies. The Czechoslovak Republic has a bicameral system with a senate composed from 81 seats and a House of Representatives consists of 200 seats. The members of the Senate are elected by an absolute majority in single-member constituencies and remain in office six years. The 200 Members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected through a proportional system instead of in open lists and remain in office for 4 years. A second round is necessary when no candidate obtained an absolute majority in the first. One third of the Senate is renewed every two years. Voters can make preferences between the two candidates on the list who wish to vote. To join the Chamber of Deputies shall be a barrier to 5 percent becomes 15 in the case of a coalition of two parties, 15 per cent if the coalition is formed by three parties and 20 percent for coalitions of four or more parties.
The latest poll is headed by the Social Democratic Party ( Czech Social Democrats CSSD ) with 11, 5 percent lead over rival Civic Democrats (ODS) and this is the first time since the 2006 election that the ODS falls below 20 percent. A
The Social Democratic Party would then win with 30.5 percent of the vote against 19 per cent of the ODS. Polls show a surge in popularity of the Conservative Party TOP 09 centrist and Public Affairs (VV). Together with the Communists (KSCM) these parties have gained 10 percent each. The Greens (SZ) and Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) should not however reach the 5 percent necessary to enter the House of Representatives unless the maregine error of the polls do not go in their favor. The extra-parliamentary left party
Milos Zerman (SPOZ) is not expected to reach 2 percent.
This campaign sees a strong demand from many quarters for change and many new parties trying to capitalize on discontent with the old parties. The conservative TOP09, claiming the free market, is headed by Karel Schwanzenberg an aristocrat exiled during the Communist regime that has become a popular foreign minister s, which is challenged on its pedigree. One of the tools he used in election campaign of false invoices that were sent to voters in order to communicate the levels of debt in the country. Another new and unique party is Public Matters is headed by Radek John, a journalist who takes the conversation to say the least unusual. Its volunteers have been distributing election material in Prague and tried to chase the homeless and drug addicts. This activity has been suspended for several days, but John has made one of the most famous politicians of the country, much more than Schwarzenberg. Both certificates at 10 percent, could play a certain role in the formation of new coalition.
As in previous elections, voters may be divided equally between the left and right, giving life to another government weak and quarrelsome Inico made a great party and a myriad of small parties. Another possible outcome is a Social Democratic minority government supported by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Another scenario is that of a grand coalition between Social Democrats and the democratic civilian rule. The leader of Social Democrats (CSSD) Jiri Paroubek has just declared to be forced to fight two enemies, political opponents and the media who he accused of spreading false news. His anger against the newspapers had led to a news blackout that broke participating in a televised debate in which he explained as his party's priority is to revive the economy of the country that many considered a situation similar to that of Greece. The CSSD has certainly been the largest party attacked by the press and public opinion as revealed by an unpleasant incident in which it is committed by the president of Deputies Bohuslav Sobotka, during a rally in Brrno was attacked by a drunk. Paroubek has also lashed out against negative campaigning that he said, has distracted the attention of voters from the real problems of the country.
AN INCREDIBLE !!!!!! Schwarzenberg
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Ethiopia to vote between poverty and conflict
Three days before the election on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea a bomb blew up a bus killing 13 people. The two countries had fought between 1998 and 2000, causing over 80 000 victims. It 'a sign of the climate that we are living in the African country in the vicinity of the 547 members of parliament elections. Out of a population of 80 million inhabitants, 31 million are registered voters and were prepared 43 000 polling stations which will close Sunday evening. The head of the National Electoral Commission said that, barring unforeseen circumstances, the first results should be already on Monday. There is no doubt that to win the elections will be the head of the totalitarian regime Zernawi Meles, 55, has long accused of increasing repression and genocide in violation of human rights against its own people, circumventing international law by invading and occupying sovereign territory and trying to destabilize the entire Horn of Africa. Zenawi, who is in government for 19 years, heads the coalition of Ethiopia People Revolutionary Front (EPRDF), which controls the printing system, state employees and the entire electoral process. Prime Minister Zenawi he abandoned his studies in medicine to work together to overthrow the communist government of Mengistu Haile Mariam. He graduated in England and was awarded ten years after, a Masters degree in economics at a German university.
The opposition coalition, known as Medrek, complained that his candidates were threatened and three of its members murdered. For its part the government has denounced the Medrek of killing one of his supporters and police. The opposition leader is Merera Gudina , university professor, member of parliament and founder of Medrek.
Merera For the current prime minister Meles is one of the worst African dictators.
The Medrek is composed of eight political parties based on ethnicity and its leader Merera has promised major changes including the reform of the free market. Merera Gudina is part of the vast Oromo ethnic group that owns one third of the Ethiopian population. Next Sunday Medrek elections will occur without one of its main leader and head of the Unity Party for Democracy and Justice Birtukan Mideska who was imprisoned on charges of treason. Other parties
meanings of this election are the All Ethiopia Unity Party led by Hailu Shawell el'Ethiopian democratic party led by the young Lidetu Ayalew.
The international election monitoring mission, comprising 170 observers, is the largest ever used with this function. Other international observers, such as the Carter Center, have refused to send their representatives in Addis Ababa.
Ethiopia, one of the poorest countries in the world and more dependent on international aid, is preparing to experience a weekend election banner of fear. It is not the first time that concurrent elections the government uses repression against opponents who are imprisoned or killed as reported by international control. These are investigating in particular that the Ethiopian government is using aid to buy the international consensus and take out the opposition.
The parliamentary elections of 2005 had been accompanied by a strong wave of protest that led to the arrest of thousands of dissidents and the killing of an unknown number of people.
Recently, opposition leaders were imprisoned on false charges and free radio stations have been closed. A number of foreign journalists who had asked to enter the country to monitor the elections was denied a visa.
Since last March, two opposition candidates and a candidate have been killed. The Ethiopian government has denied any connection with these murders by declaring that it was a crime and that the opposition attempts to criminalize these situations to discredit the institutions. The government supporters continue to claim to have reduced poverty and increased infrastructure while many have denounced as international aid will be used to help people not to feed the corruption.
ZERNAWI Meles explains his vision ETHIOPIA ...

Three days before the election on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea a bomb blew up a bus killing 13 people. The two countries had fought between 1998 and 2000, causing over 80 000 victims. It 'a sign of the climate that we are living in the African country in the vicinity of the 547 members of parliament elections. Out of a population of 80 million inhabitants, 31 million are registered voters and were prepared 43 000 polling stations which will close Sunday evening. The head of the National Electoral Commission said that, barring unforeseen circumstances, the first results should be already on Monday. There is no doubt that to win the elections will be the head of the totalitarian regime Zernawi Meles, 55, has long accused of increasing repression and genocide in violation of human rights against its own people, circumventing international law by invading and occupying sovereign territory and trying to destabilize the entire Horn of Africa. Zenawi, who is in government for 19 years, heads the coalition of Ethiopia People Revolutionary Front (EPRDF), which controls the printing system, state employees and the entire electoral process. Prime Minister Zenawi he abandoned his studies in medicine to work together to overthrow the communist government of Mengistu Haile Mariam. He graduated in England and was awarded ten years after, a Masters degree in economics at a German university.
The opposition coalition, known as Medrek, complained that his candidates were threatened and three of its members murdered. For its part the government has denounced the Medrek of killing one of his supporters and police. The opposition leader is Merera Gudina , university professor, member of parliament and founder of Medrek.
Merera For the current prime minister Meles is one of the worst African dictators.
The Medrek is composed of eight political parties based on ethnicity and its leader Merera has promised major changes including the reform of the free market. Merera Gudina is part of the vast Oromo ethnic group that owns one third of the Ethiopian population. Next Sunday Medrek elections will occur without one of its main leader and head of the Unity Party for Democracy and Justice Birtukan Mideska who was imprisoned on charges of treason. Other parties
meanings of this election are the All Ethiopia Unity Party led by Hailu Shawell el'Ethiopian democratic party led by the young Lidetu Ayalew.
The international election monitoring mission, comprising 170 observers, is the largest ever used with this function. Other international observers, such as the Carter Center, have refused to send their representatives in Addis Ababa.
Ethiopia, one of the poorest countries in the world and more dependent on international aid, is preparing to experience a weekend election banner of fear. It is not the first time that concurrent elections the government uses repression against opponents who are imprisoned or killed as reported by international control. These are investigating in particular that the Ethiopian government is using aid to buy the international consensus and take out the opposition.
The parliamentary elections of 2005 had been accompanied by a strong wave of protest that led to the arrest of thousands of dissidents and the killing of an unknown number of people.
Recently, opposition leaders were imprisoned on false charges and free radio stations have been closed. A number of foreign journalists who had asked to enter the country to monitor the elections was denied a visa.
Since last March, two opposition candidates and a candidate have been killed. The Ethiopian government has denied any connection with these murders by declaring that it was a crime and that the opposition attempts to criminalize these situations to discredit the institutions. The government supporters continue to claim to have reduced poverty and increased infrastructure while many have denounced as international aid will be used to help people not to feed the corruption.
ZERNAWI Meles explains his vision ETHIOPIA ...
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