Friday, January 30, 2009

How To Use Weslo Cardio Glide Free Guide

Homunculus HOMINI


The Gap friend, as always, and raises issues of great touches (for me) interest. Which are often worth more than one comment. There.

's true. In all of us shake, and whines a little boy. That little boy who remains, residual and often overwhelmed by the adult (which means an adult?) Who spends his life by committing up to the utmost to remove it, hide it, drown it to "adulthood" (adultitutdine that better?). But what is good and beautiful and right and believe in saving and yield to the little boy that we carry within us and that we / you / moves me so much, this should be examined with care and love in a spirit of truth. Honestly, that is. Starting from a premise that I believe in-disputable. The postulate suggests: the infant we often act and which at times we fear the emergence, some hide, and is totally free, at root, that aspect of ethics referred Joanna whose thesis seems to me, Gap and many others share in its entirety . The monster that is in us resembles closely, as if on a small scale, the Leviathan of Hobbes and Melville. This is not alchemy homunculus baby and already in Goethe's Faust, with science, knowledge, will and principles. No, "that" little boy, just what Pascoli memory, is the aspect of the flight on being, of nostalgia for the primordial inesistere, Plato and the melancholy memory of the "first". Thus nullifying the peace that rocked the world forgot Iperuranio. The world before the "fall" by the creator of that sin in the womb is also widely Cioran recent centuries of Gnosticism, including Bogomil and Cathar. Desire, in short, the rest without light that inevitably precedes any human, but not inevitable maieutics. As always (I say that as an atheist almost convinced that I am incapable of halftoning and free radical positions, concerns, and thick fog brackets) Scripture helps highlights:

" Why not have been like a secret abortion, as children who not see the light? For now (...) to sleep and rest would be a for me ... " : ( Job 3.10)

If the quote is too re-read the Church's masterpiece Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita, Pascoli real children do not deserve the light, but the rest. Just what the honest yearns Job. That, I think I have understood that you and we all hope we look like. A dip in the remote past of nothingness. Unless you are convinced with Seneca that translate to many uncertainties

"Nature is made so you do not expect much to be happy: everyone can obtain happiness." (LA Seneca "For Helviam mater de consolation" ).

Affirmation very demanding that the candidate must have a total sort of omnipotent and perfectly free will. Let me / let me know.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quotations On Invitation



E 'appeared on the site Altroconsumo (and on the unit it is spoken today), a bill whose origin is one of the most profound and disturbing mysteries that trouble our country. The case concerns in particular the introduction of a working tool of censorship on the dissemination of ideas, opinions and material on the Internet.

The first mystery relates to the authorship of the bill, which came into possession Altroconsumo and is circulated within the newly-created technical committee against piracy and digital media "press conference during the inauguration of January 14 last year. An organism, so to speak, which should ensure compliance with copyright on the web, topic so hot and he has done and will spill rivers of ink and bits. The problem stems from the fact that the authorship of the above-named proposal remains mysterious. And all denied. First by SIAE which states: "... the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers denies that the text of the proposal, this bill is to be given. SIAE plays a supporting role and cooperation within the "Technical Committee against piracy and digital media", the only member body to draw up a possible bill. "

Excluding that it's an immaculate conception so many wonderful, it would be interesting to discover the source of a text whose content includes an indication freedom-never looking anything else that art. 3, subsection 1, paragraph "i" states that "... Attribution supervisory powers to the government authorities and the police for the preservation of such telematics platforms for compliance with mandatory rules, public order, morality , including the protection of minors . "

clear? Steps for the protection of minors. But, to quote the former manipulitore of Montenero di Bisaccia, guesses that digital piracy with public order and morality? Also a concern, not only Altroconsumo, contained in a statement. 3 of that proposal to confer powers of control in matters of morality even to law enforcement. May confer or recognize any means to police, carabinieri and yellow flames, border police, traffic wardens, traffic aids and night watchman powers and ability to assess the morality and wider moral sphere? And what kind of power? Partially or totally self-sufficient? Rampant here, the obvious stench of unclean and dangerous temptation of censorship. So much so that the reference to the pedophilia is mere pretext, is actually good last quote in the body of the paragraph in question. How could also and how the publication of material by electronic means, whatever it is, be prejudicial to the public policy? Facebook hosts and keep the enthusiasm of hundreds of fans of Riina and Provenzano. Yet despite the enormity of the fact, we have news of riots, uprisings, riots in the streets, road blocks or attacks on barracks. The reference

categorical, finally, incorruptible "mandatory rules" reveals a deeply nostalgic and certainly use a typical modus legiferandi from someone who for now remains in the shadows. Worry because Manzoni he (or they)

"... a risen people / can be split into vulgar despised, and back the years and fates, / Push to prisci grief."

Silence! The enemy is listening.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When Does The Rash Appear When Hiv


still violence. Other rapes. And with flaccid addiction newspapers, TV news, blog, one wonders why. They are mostly women, although not exclusively, to ask questions that foreshadow ominous or depressing answers.

"In the natural condition, and are mutually equal. (...) But women are not born free, and women do not have natural freedom. The classical representations of the state of nature also contain an order of awe - for men and women. With the exception of Hobbes, the classical theorists argue that women are naturally devoid of the attributes and capabilities of its . The sexual difference is a difference in policy sexual difference is the difference between freedom and awe. " (C. Pateman, The sexual contract , p. 9; Editors meeting)

very clear, the words of Carole Pateman explore and reveal best of every meditation, each volunteer cerebral generic (Gender) to the origin, nature and also the absolute disparity of the forces involved in "conflict" spoken of here. In the beginning was the Father. Eternal mortal or not makes no difference. Increasingly violent. Immortality is achieved, however, through the dissemination of the name. E gene. Remember?

"build us a city and a tower whose top is in heaven and let us make a monument not to be scattered over the face of the earth." (Gen. 11:3).

A tower, a phallic symbol par excellence. And they wanted a name for himself the babel, not as a monument has misunderstood the exegetical Hieronymite. The name is the future of the genre declined in the masculine. The result is the abuse of power. In response to a tyrannical father who punishes the guilty of wanting to empower children, to pursue a dangerous autonomy. Name - nomos. Law, therefore, requires that "free choice", or if you prefer to self-determination. So

"This establishes the hegemony of the rational conceived as the fulfillment of what is human." (P. Zumthor, Babel, p. 171; the Mill Intersections)


of what is masculine . Here's what to look for then every woman. Even today. And here, too, what man-male Babel denies: a name. Self-determination and punitive mythically negataci originally from. Obviously

Pateman has many other references which can be shared. Like the fact that

"The performance is exemplary of masculinity in the sexual" (C. Pateman, cit. P. 259)

Tara monstrous. Pure display of power. Indeed exhibited power and claimed. Because it is easier than loving rape. Easier to get hit. More rewarding to destroy than to build. It Happened at Babel. It happens even today when the whole of humanity and every pietas stir dispersed among ten thousand phallic ziggurat intended eventually to collapse. But it is only a hope.

To hear more voices on the right clik on the link "comeilpaneacolazione"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

M Jak Miłosć Online



this post as a supplement to the Public Gap wrote of his subject.

H or touched. Exactly. I'm not talking to heard to say but "seeing". I followed the tragic event for professional reasons and at the same squalid Cesare Battisti , of his fierce and the poor fellow terrorist snacks. They shot out of desperation, by imitation, for unfathomable stupidity. Inventing "policy objectives" proletarian expropriations from poverty, unbearable, vile excuses. All inexcusable. Now I'm a bit 'in the sociology of begging: born and lived in one of the most inhospitable of Milan to drink (remember the collective self-Barona?) All, some more than others, had problems of social and searched for a solution to the drug. And with the imitation of the terrorists 'real' first line above, one of the most vicious terrorist organizations that have never operated in our Country, responsible, among many, the assassination of the Milanese court Alessandrini. With the band led by Corrado Alunni, moving especially into and out of the prison world, Baptists and other members of the armed proletariat communism had operational contacts for supplies of weapons. Contiguity through which claimed to have identified and pursued an ideal of social and political aberration on which history has done ample justice. In essence, they simply do robberies, merchants and police to kill (remember the jeweler Torreggiani? Lino Sabbadin And the butcher at S. Maria di Sala, near Venice? And the agent of Digos Andrea campaign and that of "Swift" Anthony Custra?). For a couple of years, the Pac raged between weapons and drugs, including robberies and murders. Torreggiani was killed with several shots to the back because a few months earlier while she was dining at a restaurant in Porta Venezia, in turn had killed a robber who, at gunpoint, had burst into the room with an accomplice. A "proletarian", which according to Memeo Battisti and acolytes was exercising his inalienable right to armed expropriation. The consequence of this murder was even complete paralysis of the legs of the son of the jeweler, then thirteen years old, hit by bullets intended for his father while he was helping to raise the gate of the shop. Only very short memories can forget Cesare Battisti, who is and what he did. Very short memories as that of the former Communist leader of the PRC in the Senate, Giovanni Russo Spena that, Battisti about the case, argued with the other proposal for amnesty for the crimes from the underlying political motives. Perhaps it would be that someone would ask Spena to define exactly what were the "reasons" policies of the murderers of a goldsmith, a butcher and a few proletarians in police uniform.

Here. This is, in a very general, the context in which Baptists and operated company ugly, against whom the word "terrorism" sounds excessive and even sinister nobleman. These are the facts. E Battisti is simply and exclusively a vicious murderess trying to autoassolversi granting interviews, finding refuge and abetting in some obscure reason of state around the world. And by writing books, as is said in a review found on a library on line, the new flashy as "militant revolutionary." Political persecution? But do me a pleasure!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is Shoulder Pain Connected With Pregnancy



a wall. Made of incomprehensible codes, hiding of virtual meetings hazardous to hermetic language. Parents who watch the computer dismay of the children, skilled in circumventing any form of protection, such as parental controls. Internet, said a large group of British experts, has become the new barrier between generations, the technology seems to have tripled the distances registries, and the division between those who can and who can not become all of a sudden, unfathomable.

Chills. In the beginning was the diary. Elementary, my fragile adolescent privacy tool. Behind the thin screen and translucent generations of pimply olds have timidly hidden names, fears, passions, anxieties, seismically hormonal impulses of affection and passion; tidal waves of deep friendship, unspeakable love solitons. With the implicit belief that the written word is such as must exist in time, those who read it. A sort of confession which rely on paper and together confer a growth tied to the still nebulous vague expectations. And, after all, a hope, but certainly not written or said this: "someone I read, someone will browse through these lines," Why this is me and I do not know where to go. There is a horizon, but it's so far away. "

was revealed ChildWise, British research institute that analyzes 15 years and count the ratio among the very young and the Internet, where it would take precisely the form of a wall, on the one hand there would be technological ignorance of adults, and the other evergreen desire of adolescents to find hidden places, where you can experiment if themselves and their transgressions away from the eyes of parents, to immerse himself in his own tribe, it is virtual or real.

words are very clear messages even before being "discovered" for those who want to bother (and responsibility) to look out over the void within them. In short, write, paint, glue, signed somehow anticipating the zip code of the SMS and the arcane vernacular computationally chat. We knew, we were hoping that someone in the family if we read and understand. Even if you pretended to hide, to turn away forever from messing pages and ears, among Smemoranda and Dear Diary. It was enough to open out, slide index and moistened eye to see everything at once: Who was our / or daughter / o. Almost always the women who saw the boys at that age, were devoted to more solitary, therefore less communicative expressions. Today everything has become unisex. The approval of the technology introduced by force is no longer gender differences. And, in one, the physical distances between worlds and continents. But also, say the Internet, a high barrier almost impassable between generations. Facebook is not a country for old men. Yahoo is the island without Ogigia Calypso, Circe Eea free. Ulysses, "the one who always comes back" has lost its bearings. Matrix is \u200b\u200bthe mother of all battles. The average lifespan lengthens. But technically we are already 50 years old. Not only old but also illiterate.

A parallel world, where adults feel in trouble, do not have the codes to decipher it, and tend to retreat rather than compete, so the guys on the network you create a true second family, where friends or real Virtual truly come to replace the familiar landmarks.

know Ancient writing, but perhaps ignore the new word that runs free, silent, uncontrollable, crossing the oceans on such bridges gateway addressed by obscure entity called Dhcp along invisible highways traveled by fast front side bus . From there, immobile and incomprehensible, our children are watching without seeing. We have not ever seen because we never watched. Who reads them? Who reads? I, meanwhile, look what I write but I do not understand what's the point. Perhaps to reassure me. I write therefore I am. Although I do not exist. Although this separates me from an unbridgeable gap. No, not that Gap.

The quotations are from DA

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What Happens I Swallow Mouthwash



not a story of violence, but a story on violence. On that demon human, too human, that does not cease to sow pain and anguish. As demonstrated with merciless clarity, the figures that newspapers and TV news broadcast for the past three weeks from the Gaza Strip, crushed by monstrous tentacles of white phosphorus, white as the Star of David. Superhuman violence that we carry within us even before birth, even before living. And that always accompanies us. The pictures I want to talk actually belong to a hyper real and normal and just this bitter fiction.

First, the author. David Paul Cronenberg that I learned to understand and to love many years ago when, in Italy, appeared "The Fly", lucid and tragically acute metaphor for violence, weakened and become almost acceptable to the visionary material that feeds the science fiction is just fiction : we are not like that. But the illusion did not last long. It's enough to make us appreciate the sacrifice of the beast.

Twenty years after Canadian director returns to throw another in the face (Same?) Monster. But it does no more alien metaphors. Here they are men of flesh and bones. That have human faces, which have carved the features of that hard Viggo Mortensen that the general public has known mitogenetiche thanks to the visions of Tolkien, his Masters of Evil, its invincible & # 160; though mortal heroes, its demons transformed into colossal blockbuster movie by the genius of Peter Jackson.

"A History of Violence" says that everything comes back, sooner or later, to remind us who we are. The i ncipit , memorable, and tragic prologue is menacing threat. An endless tracking shot along a hard slide and move in a perfectly horizontal gaze chilling silence of the caregiver, no longer a spectator but now the protagonist in the hearts and lungs of a tragedy foretold.

E 'the beginning of a "revelation" in the strict sense John. We know now what is going to happen even if the image is scrolled on the screen of a door, a window, a sunny wall of an empty chair. It runs, too, a total absence & # 160; of unspeakable power that produces sounds. It appears the man. And what happens to happen.

There is, in the images of Cronenberg, the fate that can not be. Although he says the filmmaker in Toronto, we delude ourselves to keep him away from our everyday life with the apotropaic of our social and religious rites. For this unnecessarily violent. With

"The Fly", one of his best films, the Canadian director had laid bare the complex relationship that binds the exaggerated desire for knowledge and use of technology to reckless risks arising from unpredictable but inevitable. Develops, then, the theme of the apprentice sorcerer, Faust, can no longer to stop the process triggered.

Here, with a terrible history of violence, Cronenberg perfected this issue based on extending and linking almost eschatological inevitability of the unexpected outcomes of human action. Understanding this time drawn up a psychological and above all social, or even anthropological. The film shows an indelible past that comes back with catastrophic results.

An essay in pictures, a keynote the impossibility of any redemption, the importance of the combination of capital case - and fate in human affairs, then, in history. Bitter psychodramatic meta-analysis on the roots of violence. In the "fly" Cronenberg has mentioned the humanity of the monster, here shows us the enormity of the human. The director of Ontario is very effective in probing with meticulous technique psychosurgery anguish and loneliness of the man in front the impossible mutation of the soul, the truth of a cruel cruel world close by the bond that links cause and effect, elevated into a universal principle.

in competition at Cannes in 2005, the film retained its 2 2006 Golden Globe nominations for best film and best actress Maria Bello. Cronenberg's work has also reported for the Academy Award nominations for Best Supporting Actor (William Hurt) and Best Adapted Screenplay. The film also was nominated for the David di Donatello for Best Foreign Language Film 2006. A must see.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Which Indian Actress Have Done A Boob Job


There is a novel which describes the life of most of us. That portion of our own very remote past that young people have never known but always comes back. That is to say to each generation. E ', the story that involves and Antonia sweeps, no less that history, one with a capital. That relates capital to be our own tiny lives. And the beautiful Antonia lives in rows de "La Chimera" , Sebastiano Vassalli, his and our history as some of us have experienced when they were more or less the age of the witch of Zardino. Sixty-eight were born in the roaring years. Which followed immediately by spontaneous generation, other years. Lead this time. And red blood often innocent, almost always useless. Then we did the "great refusal". The company refused, the State, the injustice, the profit and the world. Seemed all easy to reach. The life I lived as Antonia, Antonia as the company rejected. That more and more consciously refused pulling straight on his way clear and sincere. Po as the mists that surround the heart of peasant zardinesi (they call it?). As our hearts for a time, surrounded by other, more toxic fog. But equally Po.

refused all, then. The authority, society, the slow pace of life, his tumultuous jump in paradoxical syncope. We thought only in dreams. In our dream to take on the future with unshakable certainty. We feed, all, like Antonia "g reat dreams complicated and futile as life. Almost always beautiful, sometimes like life, even foolish. " As Antonia Renata Spagnolini Judith, the beautiful witch Vassalli, chimera passionate and vital, therefore destined to death. Like us, like you, "s ognava the sea like an upturned sky ...." wanted to reverse our sky, put it back, or rather, feet and re-establish once and for all the state of nature. Forgetting that "nature" is all that exists. Us too. Too. We thought it was enough to fight in the open, openly, in the heart wide open. We lived in the chimera, so in history. Just as vassals of the book explains and denounces and condemns. Many of us, like Antonia, ended at the stake. Others came out scored in depth. Still others were just touched it. But the irresistible force of the year was pressing and push forward. To where, then, none of us knew. There seemed to be "... to understand, finally!, Something of the life energy senseless, a monstrous disease that has ravaged the world and the very substance of which things are done ..." . The substance, the & # 160; dream. Listen to the Duke of Milan: "We of the same substance that dreams are made." I do not believe in coincidences: the action of the novel Antonia's spouse Nidasio, Don Michael, who dispensed grappa, medicines, holy water and who knows what else, takes place in the same century in which the bard of Stratford-upon-Avon wrote the " Storm."

Meanwhile, look for someone to love. And also, for reasons of symmetry essential, someone to hate. Research, it says, I do not really difficult. But the hatred is. Hate is a difficult art at least as much love. It requires the will, tenacity of feeling, fortitude and perseverance of purpose. Above all, we hate some ideas. I hate brandy because no real hooks, manipulated, used in everyday life: "And 'pure hatred: abstract, disembodied, disinterested: that which moves the universe, and that survives everything. Human love, as sung by the poets, a comparison of hatred is a fact almost non-existent ... ". It 's a fake author' the love that moves the sun and other stars ?

pages are also instructive and relentless dedication to those Vassalli water disputes in the Lower Piedmont of the seventeenth century. It has been four centuries. Italy is no longer English Empire. The water is no longer or not yet a problem. But litigation, those never die. And who does not quarrel, do not want to fight you "refuse". And turn off the Tv Fortunately no one can turn dreams. No one has even turned off the fire that devoured the eyes of blacks Antonia.

Pictured is the Chimera, the interpretation of a red-figure Apulian plate, ca. 350-340 BC, Paris, Musée du Loire

Friday, January 9, 2009

Being A Dishwasher In A Restaurant

Sansonetti DIE WITH all the Philistines


Password: Sansonetti die with all the Philistines. To destroy them, among other things, we think tanks have long been the with the Star of David. Slogan is not bad. But slogans are not the left (left?) ideal but achievable goals. The last one was to identify Berlinguer (the real one): Although some say it was not negative but a positive goal: the release from the ideological reference to the USSR. A short Liberation. Almost 40 years after we left? Sansonetti? Ualter? That other Sardinian studies as secretary of the Democratic Party? At least he seems to be clear. For that matter. On the other hand, returning to bomb and divisive jerks, (there are also the mafia), there is little to do. The left, whole, sectarianism (you can even call it that?) To soften the sound that defines maximalism, have it in genes in the gametes. In the balls, in short, even in an allegorical sense. It seems that it can not do without.

There were more splits in the history of socialism in that of any other single-celled structure that history will remember. We are a people of eukaryotes. Absite iniuria verbis. But that nostalgia for the good old days. From the meeting of the Carbonari, and Fiorentino November 18, 1917 among a score of "founding fathers". There were all right, first. Gramsci, the "maximalist" Bordiga, Bombacci, Menotti Serrati. They met in secret with other fifteen or sixteen hot-headed. There is a fate in the names and places intended to occur sooner or later: the first act of the conspiracy came in via dei Mille, all socialists like Garibaldi. A few days earlier, a few thousand miles away, another sect slightly larger had dropped the Tsar and his empire. Then in Livorno

punt, it must be said, of the theater. But the pièce to score, for better or for worse, the fate of an entire century Italian, was born under a bad sign: the "Goldoni" there were Zinoviev and Bukharin. The Comintern had already spread its dark shadow on the baby before it saw the light. That of the Sol of the future, if ever arise, will have to wait long. Listen:

... this year, the Italian Socialist Youth Communist Calls to representatives of burning the effigy of the unit here. "

Word of this Secundus (as seen to the left also has the jail in the blood) Tranquilli, director of "Vanguard" . The mother of all divisions is served. The Socialist Party, with parthenogenetic not painless process, split the Communist Party of Italy. The following, mutatis mutandis appears pure by cloning. Resistance aside, where many made a virtue of necessity and virtue of other litter. Changing only the names of actors and deuteragonists. Until our days, until the Manifesto and Rossanda Pintor, until the PRC Bertinotti, Diliberto of the Italian Communists and the Left critique of Turigliatto and Malabarba, more dispersed, less and less understandable. In short, the profound forces of the left have always centrifuges. And we are still looking for a reason that drives us to find, if not unanimity, at least the lost unity. Unit which is so dear ... But now came Sansonetti. And he knocks on the door of the revolution.

and Samson killed more who were dying and those who had slain in life "(Judges , 16-30 ) .


Photo: John Francis Rigaud, Samson breaks the bonds.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Chelsea Charms November 2010



being announced with often unexpected silence. And 'all the colors of light that candidly expressed. Silent, as whispers a faint rustling, soft as that violates the spirit of the void in the morning. And it does so fearful and difficult and slow. In the silence that surrounds it. In a thousand forms, always uneven, manifest icy substance and violator of the principle. Unica expands into microscopic architectures plot suggests that the Hyperborean tireless, indeed demands. The domain sees all his dumb shrink, however, and annihilate. Polymorphic Trinity, gives life and death. Ubiquitous conquer the world of epiphany and the rustic opprobria that infinite arrays with multi-colored weapons tirelessly officiate. Impersonally occurs again. The world is wrapped in icy shroud. In short, it's snowing that God sends. And I to shovel down as an idiot.