Saturday, January 24, 2009

M Jak Miłosć Online



this post as a supplement to the Public Gap wrote of his subject.

H or touched. Exactly. I'm not talking to heard to say but "seeing". I followed the tragic event for professional reasons and at the same squalid Cesare Battisti , of his fierce and the poor fellow terrorist snacks. They shot out of desperation, by imitation, for unfathomable stupidity. Inventing "policy objectives" proletarian expropriations from poverty, unbearable, vile excuses. All inexcusable. Now I'm a bit 'in the sociology of begging: born and lived in one of the most inhospitable of Milan to drink (remember the collective self-Barona?) All, some more than others, had problems of social and searched for a solution to the drug. And with the imitation of the terrorists 'real' first line above, one of the most vicious terrorist organizations that have never operated in our Country, responsible, among many, the assassination of the Milanese court Alessandrini. With the band led by Corrado Alunni, moving especially into and out of the prison world, Baptists and other members of the armed proletariat communism had operational contacts for supplies of weapons. Contiguity through which claimed to have identified and pursued an ideal of social and political aberration on which history has done ample justice. In essence, they simply do robberies, merchants and police to kill (remember the jeweler Torreggiani? Lino Sabbadin And the butcher at S. Maria di Sala, near Venice? And the agent of Digos Andrea campaign and that of "Swift" Anthony Custra?). For a couple of years, the Pac raged between weapons and drugs, including robberies and murders. Torreggiani was killed with several shots to the back because a few months earlier while she was dining at a restaurant in Porta Venezia, in turn had killed a robber who, at gunpoint, had burst into the room with an accomplice. A "proletarian", which according to Memeo Battisti and acolytes was exercising his inalienable right to armed expropriation. The consequence of this murder was even complete paralysis of the legs of the son of the jeweler, then thirteen years old, hit by bullets intended for his father while he was helping to raise the gate of the shop. Only very short memories can forget Cesare Battisti, who is and what he did. Very short memories as that of the former Communist leader of the PRC in the Senate, Giovanni Russo Spena that, Battisti about the case, argued with the other proposal for amnesty for the crimes from the underlying political motives. Perhaps it would be that someone would ask Spena to define exactly what were the "reasons" policies of the murderers of a goldsmith, a butcher and a few proletarians in police uniform.

Here. This is, in a very general, the context in which Baptists and operated company ugly, against whom the word "terrorism" sounds excessive and even sinister nobleman. These are the facts. E Battisti is simply and exclusively a vicious murderess trying to autoassolversi granting interviews, finding refuge and abetting in some obscure reason of state around the world. And by writing books, as is said in a review found on a library on line, the new flashy as "militant revolutionary." Political persecution? But do me a pleasure!


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