Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When Does The Rash Appear When Hiv


still violence. Other rapes. And with flaccid addiction newspapers, TV news, blog, one wonders why. They are mostly women, although not exclusively, to ask questions that foreshadow ominous or depressing answers.

"In the natural condition, and are mutually equal. (...) But women are not born free, and women do not have natural freedom. The classical representations of the state of nature also contain an order of awe - for men and women. With the exception of Hobbes, the classical theorists argue that women are naturally devoid of the attributes and capabilities of its . The sexual difference is a difference in policy sexual difference is the difference between freedom and awe. " (C. Pateman, The sexual contract , p. 9; Editors meeting)

very clear, the words of Carole Pateman explore and reveal best of every meditation, each volunteer cerebral generic (Gender) to the origin, nature and also the absolute disparity of the forces involved in "conflict" spoken of here. In the beginning was the Father. Eternal mortal or not makes no difference. Increasingly violent. Immortality is achieved, however, through the dissemination of the name. E gene. Remember?

"build us a city and a tower whose top is in heaven and let us make a monument not to be scattered over the face of the earth." (Gen. 11:3).

A tower, a phallic symbol par excellence. And they wanted a name for himself the babel, not as a monument has misunderstood the exegetical Hieronymite. The name is the future of the genre declined in the masculine. The result is the abuse of power. In response to a tyrannical father who punishes the guilty of wanting to empower children, to pursue a dangerous autonomy. Name - nomos. Law, therefore, requires that "free choice", or if you prefer to self-determination. So

"This establishes the hegemony of the rational conceived as the fulfillment of what is human." (P. Zumthor, Babel, p. 171; the Mill Intersections)


of what is masculine . Here's what to look for then every woman. Even today. And here, too, what man-male Babel denies: a name. Self-determination and punitive mythically negataci originally from. Obviously

Pateman has many other references which can be shared. Like the fact that

"The performance is exemplary of masculinity in the sexual" (C. Pateman, cit. P. 259)

Tara monstrous. Pure display of power. Indeed exhibited power and claimed. Because it is easier than loving rape. Easier to get hit. More rewarding to destroy than to build. It Happened at Babel. It happens even today when the whole of humanity and every pietas stir dispersed among ten thousand phallic ziggurat intended eventually to collapse. But it is only a hope.

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