Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is Shoulder Pain Connected With Pregnancy



a wall. Made of incomprehensible codes, hiding of virtual meetings hazardous to hermetic language. Parents who watch the computer dismay of the children, skilled in circumventing any form of protection, such as parental controls. Internet, said a large group of British experts, has become the new barrier between generations, the technology seems to have tripled the distances registries, and the division between those who can and who can not become all of a sudden, unfathomable.

Chills. In the beginning was the diary. Elementary, my fragile adolescent privacy tool. Behind the thin screen and translucent generations of pimply olds have timidly hidden names, fears, passions, anxieties, seismically hormonal impulses of affection and passion; tidal waves of deep friendship, unspeakable love solitons. With the implicit belief that the written word is such as must exist in time, those who read it. A sort of confession which rely on paper and together confer a growth tied to the still nebulous vague expectations. And, after all, a hope, but certainly not written or said this: "someone I read, someone will browse through these lines," Why this is me and I do not know where to go. There is a horizon, but it's so far away. "

was revealed ChildWise, British research institute that analyzes 15 years and count the ratio among the very young and the Internet, where it would take precisely the form of a wall, on the one hand there would be technological ignorance of adults, and the other evergreen desire of adolescents to find hidden places, where you can experiment if themselves and their transgressions away from the eyes of parents, to immerse himself in his own tribe, it is virtual or real.

words are very clear messages even before being "discovered" for those who want to bother (and responsibility) to look out over the void within them. In short, write, paint, glue, signed somehow anticipating the zip code of the SMS and the arcane vernacular computationally chat. We knew, we were hoping that someone in the family if we read and understand. Even if you pretended to hide, to turn away forever from messing pages and ears, among Smemoranda and Dear Diary. It was enough to open out, slide index and moistened eye to see everything at once: Who was our / or daughter / o. Almost always the women who saw the boys at that age, were devoted to more solitary, therefore less communicative expressions. Today everything has become unisex. The approval of the technology introduced by force is no longer gender differences. And, in one, the physical distances between worlds and continents. But also, say the Internet, a high barrier almost impassable between generations. Facebook is not a country for old men. Yahoo is the island without Ogigia Calypso, Circe Eea free. Ulysses, "the one who always comes back" has lost its bearings. Matrix is \u200b\u200bthe mother of all battles. The average lifespan lengthens. But technically we are already 50 years old. Not only old but also illiterate.

A parallel world, where adults feel in trouble, do not have the codes to decipher it, and tend to retreat rather than compete, so the guys on the network you create a true second family, where friends or real Virtual truly come to replace the familiar landmarks.

know Ancient writing, but perhaps ignore the new word that runs free, silent, uncontrollable, crossing the oceans on such bridges gateway addressed by obscure entity called Dhcp along invisible highways traveled by fast front side bus . From there, immobile and incomprehensible, our children are watching without seeing. We have not ever seen because we never watched. Who reads them? Who reads? I, meanwhile, look what I write but I do not understand what's the point. Perhaps to reassure me. I write therefore I am. Although I do not exist. Although this separates me from an unbridgeable gap. No, not that Gap.

The quotations are from DA


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