Friday, January 9, 2009

Being A Dishwasher In A Restaurant

Sansonetti DIE WITH all the Philistines


Password: Sansonetti die with all the Philistines. To destroy them, among other things, we think tanks have long been the with the Star of David. Slogan is not bad. But slogans are not the left (left?) ideal but achievable goals. The last one was to identify Berlinguer (the real one): Although some say it was not negative but a positive goal: the release from the ideological reference to the USSR. A short Liberation. Almost 40 years after we left? Sansonetti? Ualter? That other Sardinian studies as secretary of the Democratic Party? At least he seems to be clear. For that matter. On the other hand, returning to bomb and divisive jerks, (there are also the mafia), there is little to do. The left, whole, sectarianism (you can even call it that?) To soften the sound that defines maximalism, have it in genes in the gametes. In the balls, in short, even in an allegorical sense. It seems that it can not do without.

There were more splits in the history of socialism in that of any other single-celled structure that history will remember. We are a people of eukaryotes. Absite iniuria verbis. But that nostalgia for the good old days. From the meeting of the Carbonari, and Fiorentino November 18, 1917 among a score of "founding fathers". There were all right, first. Gramsci, the "maximalist" Bordiga, Bombacci, Menotti Serrati. They met in secret with other fifteen or sixteen hot-headed. There is a fate in the names and places intended to occur sooner or later: the first act of the conspiracy came in via dei Mille, all socialists like Garibaldi. A few days earlier, a few thousand miles away, another sect slightly larger had dropped the Tsar and his empire. Then in Livorno

punt, it must be said, of the theater. But the pièce to score, for better or for worse, the fate of an entire century Italian, was born under a bad sign: the "Goldoni" there were Zinoviev and Bukharin. The Comintern had already spread its dark shadow on the baby before it saw the light. That of the Sol of the future, if ever arise, will have to wait long. Listen:

... this year, the Italian Socialist Youth Communist Calls to representatives of burning the effigy of the unit here. "

Word of this Secundus (as seen to the left also has the jail in the blood) Tranquilli, director of "Vanguard" . The mother of all divisions is served. The Socialist Party, with parthenogenetic not painless process, split the Communist Party of Italy. The following, mutatis mutandis appears pure by cloning. Resistance aside, where many made a virtue of necessity and virtue of other litter. Changing only the names of actors and deuteragonists. Until our days, until the Manifesto and Rossanda Pintor, until the PRC Bertinotti, Diliberto of the Italian Communists and the Left critique of Turigliatto and Malabarba, more dispersed, less and less understandable. In short, the profound forces of the left have always centrifuges. And we are still looking for a reason that drives us to find, if not unanimity, at least the lost unity. Unit which is so dear ... But now came Sansonetti. And he knocks on the door of the revolution.

and Samson killed more who were dying and those who had slain in life "(Judges , 16-30 ) .


Photo: John Francis Rigaud, Samson breaks the bonds.


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